Mental Health Thread
What's the best way to unwind and destress?
Mental Health Thread
What's the best way to unwind and destress?
Lifting and running.
Why are you on here?
I like to sit in my comfy chair and listen to audiobooks.
Lexapro and scotch.
>this post
Why is summer/fit/ so fucking retarded lads?
Sometimes I like to get completely naked and rub olive oil on my body, set down a towel and wriggle my body around pretending that I'm a caterpillar.
Only do this at night though.
Wow nice now do the one about pretending to be a carrot
Really rough and violent sodomy.
Giving or receiving.
Why does /r9k/ feel the need to come here?
That's not how mental health threads work, son.
Talk about a blast from the past.
Whey shake after a workout helps me unwind and relax,no better feeling desu.
y-you guys said it would make the an hero go away..
This is a fitness board, not a health board. Fuck off to /r9k/
It's a long-term policy that Veeky Forums it's just health, not mental health
Making love, holdings hands, eyes locked, while telling her how beautiful she is.
I know I'm a disgusting pervert, i can't help it.
some shots of absinthe + some of this usually does the trick
It's definitely not the best way long term but basically Marijuana seems to help
It's also now the problem though
I usually go for a relatively long but not deep scuba dive twice a week. I live near the coast.
I just let myself drift abit and sometimes just sit still, thinking about life, meditating. Its just a relaxing experience, being isolated underwater, its a different world.
I took a train ride to a far away beach and walked the length of its pier. Then sat on a bench and just hung out for a while. Mini vacation.
I also sometimes take a local train to its last destination and walk around. The idea that I'm pretty far away from where I usually am is comfy.
Sometimes it makes me realize how fucking alone I am though.
Martial arts
Weed and a lay and some chocolate and kickass music and a burger and some light exercise and sunshine and time in nature. Meditation makes you more stress resistant, too.
jackin off
Drinking too much like i do. Other than that, lift 5-6 times a week and masturbate 5+ times a week. Spend time with friends or family when you can.
Post on an anonymous image board on the Internet that you're beta as fuck
Are you kidding me? Lifting is the only way I can really achieve any sort of peace. In this truly meaningless life of mine, lifting is the one act which can bring me solace, the one act which does not cause me to regret my very existence. Isn't that why we're all here? Because lifting is the only well of hope in our lives?
I get this moment of pure bliss as I'm submerged under water in my own little world as time sorta slows down before I lift my head out of the water and it all repeats again.
>all these people posting about their addictions
The blind truly lead the blind.
Surprised no one has brought up meditation.
Veeky Forums used to have mental health threads when it was full of people actually trying to make it
then /r9k/ invaded around the same time as people started taking Scooby seriously and now you see the beta autism that is Veeky Forums today, which is why mental health threads are banned
that laptop is pure cancer
i like swimming and taking walks to destress
>no one mentioned meditation
They have here
Read the fucking thread before you attempt to contribute worthless whining about others not contributing.
Yeah I just read weed and glossed over the rest of the text. I'm not going to read every word everyone posts that's extremely inefficient
Damn son are you me?
>that laptop is pure cancer
>back and wrist and ankle hurt from too much work, taken some days of lifting
>haven't seen crush in a while
>still hurt about being stood up for a wedding
>meet qt on tinder, starts good, haven't heard from her
>go on other dating sites, nothing
Feels bad man :/