Adderall General

>tfw starting summer school at uni tomorrow
>finally get to use my secret weapon for cutting

awww yeah. who else /addy/ here?

>tfw not an addict
>tfw can controll my willpower
>tfw don't need pills to focus
>tfw high energy due to high test and excelent nutrition
>tfw low tier people need to pop pills to function as a normal human
>tfw you pity them but are also proud of being such a superior human

Yep. me. Love that shot to death.

Peep this bod. 6'5" 235lbs

Actually similar question since I suppose some of you have probably tried it.

Considering using pic related in place of coffee. Worth it?

hate to break it to you, normal people don't think like you

How do you get it?

have literal autism

I used to love this shit a few years ago. It wasn't adderall but a script for amphetamine salts. I had to stop though cause after a month of slightly heavy abuse it made me stupid paranoid. I thought that everyone in my family was out to get me and ended up snapping on my brother one day. He just threw my pills in my face and told me to wake the fuck up. Still sometimes miss them though, chain smoking cigarettes on a brisk night while zooming my fucking eyeballs out is a feeling I won't ever forget brehs

Love adderall but it's literally a fuck my shit up pill.
I have gone past 24 hours without eating and it completely fucks my sleeping up as well.

moved 3k worth addies through my house not too long ago, so had 50 extra hanging around. Took some to see if helps me study. Realized that I'm better than most people and I didn't need it so I just sold the rest to the local coke head

It definitely helps my cognitive functioning (can actually grasp things quicker) but after the comedown I'm so burnt out I can barely focus on anything. I can accomplish the same amount if I just sit on something for 8 hours straight without any droogz. I'd rather do that then take drugs to focus and deal with a shitty comedown

got it right
people who need addies to keep up are kids who drank and smoked weed from 15-19 and lost out on some pretty important cognitive development

Yah I only use it 12pm or before.

I don't smoke ciggs but holy shit weed is like the best come down medicine for addy, shit puts me right to sleep and when I take them around the same time I start writing stories and music and feel like I can live out my dreams

I haven't been on medication for my ADHD in 20 years. Finally decided to go to college, should I talk to my doctor about getting medicated? Will that help me get through?

some kids were forced to take it by their parents when they were as young as 7 years old, and have been on it up until high school. they graduate high school, the kid gets into college and realizes how fucked up his brain truly is. he wonders and wonders what's wrong with him, then he realizes, it's the pills. the pills caused the brain fuck. the pills have screwed his brain.

this is perhaps the saddest scenario.

so not everyone that uses them is a low energy beta male. some people don't have a fucking choice, and legitimately don't know how to fucking operate without them.

Probably, it depends on how bad it it for you. I need it to be functional thanks to dopamine resistance. I take 30 mg XR, but adjusting to it can be a bitch, just make sure to force yourself to eat properly and sleep.

Honestly I think most rx speed is way over rated and talked up a lot by 19y/o who've never tried some real shit.

Compared to ice or even coke, it's all shit. But if I had to use a rx speed it would be Ritalin. I don't use narcotics anymore but when I did, I really enjoyed the little 10mg green Ritz, I'd do them all day if I couldn't find anything better. I really think Ritalin is better than addy's, about 30-50mg in and it starts to feel like some low quality coke, plus you can snort them and it doesn't hurt whatsoever and they're tiny. Only thing I didn't like about them is how much I would fucking sweat, especially my hands/palms, I would seriously pour sweat when I did those little bastards, but that was only a minor inconvenience.

All speed is fun but there's better than adderall and personally when I was in college and needed to study/homework a lot, I would do benzos and just work mindless and happily for hours. Not suggestible if you're new to benzos but I had years of them under my belt so it didn't make me too stupid to still do quality work(apart from my handwriting being a little sloppy), just allowed me to do menial tasks for hours on end without wanted to fucking die. But you'll get addicted to benzo's very fast(i did) and they will ruin your life so only use them sparingly kids.

is addy the limitless pill as they say?

Will be entering my last year of college in the upcoming fall quarter and it looks like i have to take 4 upper divs every quarter. Will addy help?

Yeah, it's fucking speed pills of course they'll help. But it's not a miracle drug and comparatively it's a pretty weak substance so you'll need to do a lot, but, after doing a lot all you'll want to do is get up and go smoke an entire pack of cigs. So a little won't help much, and a lot will actually make it hard to concentrate. Just try some before hand and see how they make you feel.

no. not even close.

phenibut is close, but you build up a tolerance fast.

Modafinil is the limitless drug based on, but no where near as effective

I've heard of but never tried Phenibut, it's compared to pregabalin/gabapentin on wiki, idk if you have experience with these or not but if you do can you tell me how comparative Phenibut is to these drugs? Because holy fuck if it is then I'm certainly interested. Lyrica kicks ass.

>people who need addies to keep up are kids who drank and smoked weed from 15-19
Is this true? I'm very curious. I smoked (actually vaped) a lot of weed when I was 16, but I stopped shortly after a year.
A friend of mine has ADD but refuses to take his medication so he just gave them to me. I've currently got about fifteen 20mg pills of dexamphetamine and eight 10mg pills of methylphenidate (ritalin). Over this past year I've taken about 5-6 pills dex, and about 6 pills of ritalin.

How fucked am I? I hate taking them and I try to avoid it as often as I can. Is it too late for me to learn how to concentrate properly?

Pls help, you made me scared...

Well user unfortunately, you are indeed retarded. However the good news is that the year of vaping weed when you were 16 and taking a small handful of speed pills over an entire year had nothing to do without whatsoever. While continual, intense drug and alcohol abuse during the teenage years can certainly have a negative impact on the permanent cognitive function of ones brain, the very minuscule drug use you describe would have quite literally no lasting negative effects whatsoever.

I know a psychiatrist who would prescribe me anything Veeky Forums.

What should I ask for?

Alprazolam, Gabapentin, Methylphenidate. In that order.

Thanks man. I was legit freaking out. And yea I am pretty retarded. Reading this kinda shit just makes me super paranoid that I've fucked my brain over, but I guess you're right, compared to most kids that age, I barely did any weed.

No problem user. I smoked weed from 13-20y/o daily, pills(all of them, too many to type) from 16-20, and experimented with hard drugs from about 18-20. Stopped doing all drugs at 20 because of legal issues and getting a real job with drug tests, I'm now 21 and I can testify that it didn't ruin my brain, albeit they distracted me. I'm perfectly fine to this day.



Dianabol and GOMAD

Modaf is god tier

ive been on and off adderall for years in the past.

>amazing at first
>stuff is more fun, you have a ton of energy, you don't even get hungry, life is good
>body starts adapting, you start getting hungry again to the point where you stop losing weight
>finally decide to quit cus it's not doing anything for you anymore
>withdrawal = overwhelming fatigue. you're unable to get out of bed unless it's to sooth your burning uncontrollable desire to eat. you're depressed and you're spending most of the day asleep. 2/3 weeks later when you start feeling like a human being again you gained back everything you lost when you first started taking adderall.

Fuck dude that is a similar experience
>traded some sunglasses for my friend's brothers bottle
>friends brother actually agrees
>try to conserve them
>started taking them on school nights to finish hw
>end up taking them on party nights
>be more social, outdrink everyone, people cheering for me (gay af I know)
>begun to lose my temper frequently, lashing out at friends and family
>eventually run out
>couldnt sleep/eat for a whole week, skin felt like spiders were crawling underneath
>walking around work was physically painful
>eventually get kicked out, lose job and move in with coke head uncle

>Popping amphetamines like they're candy

Enjoy your psychosis and early onset dementia.

I feel like it's excellent at basically curing sleep deprivation, but it doesn't give me that shot of energy I really like from coffee.

I've been wanting to try ritalin (methylphenidate) for a while; maybe adderall too. I wish I could get either. I seem to be fairly tolerant to most medications and don't form addictions easily (I kicked opiates pretty quickly after I had to use a lot for a series of surgeries).

I hear that the former is better at improving cognitive performance in people without sleep deprivation though.

Phenibut is good stuff, I take it regularly, but the general nootropic effects are pretty understudied. I take it for stress and anxiety, I can imagine that perceived nootropic effects are actually just the result of a reduction in stress and anxiety freeing up brain power.

used it once, didn't like it at all. seems pretty lazy and breeds bad habits, particularly if you're doing a degree which requires a lot of study post-graduation so long term use is really just lining up addiction.

i just sit down and do the work.

>Bulking until January
>But about to start internship at top engineering firm, need to pop addy to keep up what i promised

What do I sacrifice? If I pop addy, i don't know if im going to be able to get muh calories

Your appetite for sure, try eating on it and I swear its the most awkward feeling ever you dont even feel the food going in your stomach its like your ingesting dense air.

And rip your sleep cycle when you do get off it.

You gotta approach things with the right attitude.

You're not reinforcing yourself to make your current load feel lighter. You're doing it to take on heavier loads than you could have without it.

> Not injecting pure amphetamine oil
Its like you summer boys dont even want to make it

>You're doing it to take on heavier loads than you could have without it.

that's what i'm saying. it breeds bad habits. i know people who use it who won't study until a week or two before an exam then pop addy like tictacs. the moment you put yourself in a situation where it's not available and you've relied heavily on it previously, you're fucked.

it's an unnecessary crutch given the alternative is far more valuable in just about every facet of life particularly when you use it to approach regimented things like studying. exams, yeah I can see the use of popping adderall, modafinil etc because you've done the work and they just keep you focused. but study, nope. nothing good will come of it longterm.

This is my experience after taking it almost daily for school.
>Feel great, much more talkative
>Work hard but also play hard, video games, biking, lifting
>More social

Stop taking them/on come-downs
>Lashed out at family on a come-down, harder to handle emotions, act like a bitch on her period
>Woke up at 10AM but didn't get out of bed till 1AM the next day because the hunger hurt so bad
>No energy or desire to do anything at all
>Just watching anime all day and even that is too much and I just lay back down

Zero desire and/or energy to do anything at all and I'm diagnosed ADHD. I've just been saving my scripts, not sure if I want to continue taking them when school starts up again.

this this and this. he's basically hitting the nail on the head here.

speaking as someone who has done this (in fact i keep them in a tic tac box) it breeds bad habits. i was always in the mindset of "oh i don't have to do this now, i can just relax and then bang out 48 hours of straight study". it's a terrible way to think and may god help you the day you run out.
the only positive thing it did was teach me how good it feels to get shit done. but that's about it. as this user said, it's an unnecessary crutch. don't ever rely on it.

adderal is basically meth lite

This. Methamphetamine and amphetamine are essentially an atom's difference from each other, meth is just much more potent to humans.

It's amazing one is so extremely illegal and the other is handed out to our children and has almost no stigma.

What do I do to breed good habits?
I tend to get distracted while doing homework and procrastinate a lot

where do i get coke? is it better than adderall

Not adderall but morphine, sometimes i can't lift the feels away and i use it specifically to numb myself.

Isn't life grand.

>Woke up at 10AM but didn't get out of bed till 1AM the next day because the hunger hurt so bad
dude wat. why not just eat?

do exercises to increase your attention span and then once it's at an adequate level, just do that length of time on and then 5 to 10 minutes off.

attention exercises can be as simple as just reading without distraction. you can use study methods designed to play to shorter attention spans i.e. pomodoro however I don't like them based solely on the fact that it will cause you to want breaks every 25 minutes or so and you simply can't afford that many breaks in time pressured exams.

the problem with procrastination/slacking off is simply that you either lack the drive to start or the ability to refocus when your brain gets distracted. you see the opposite with a lot of guys who do shit that involves a lot of concentration and focus. they can literally just snap into extreme focus like turning on a switch. it's just something they've adapted to over time by teaching themselves to focus.

if i was going to recommend anything, it would be these things.

>practice increasing attention span through reading or slowly build up how long you study (can even start as low as 5 minutes of pure focus) and increase with time
>make regimented study times (study same time every day)
>keep a piece of scrap paper and mark it everytime you get distracted in a study period and aim to have as few marks as possible
>study in environments with minimal distraction - quiet libraries and places like that
>absolutely 100% try to avoid studying in front of a computer

it basically comes down to building up your attention span while decreasing your ability to be distracted through practice and reducing distracting stimuli. that's basically why i dislike these drugs. these drugs remove that ability to be distracted so when you go natty for study, you have no attention span, no ability to fight procrastination and you basically have to get back on them because odds are you're a week or two from an exam at the most.

Iv been taking phentermine as an appetite suppressant. It feels like shitty adderal.

Sounds like modafinil is legit af.. do you need a prescription?

Most days I have no energy to do anything at all, this includes getting out of bed. I usually can't sleep anymore so I'll just lie there and/or half-sleep. This day was one of the worst.

I'm normie af and I got it. Just tell your doctor you have trouble focusing, but act ignorant to the existence of adhd

>Doing addies for an INTERNSHIP

Lol don't be a faggot, your work is not important enough to fuck yourself up for

Xanax , Desoxyn( meth) , Oxycoton

did you just list the most addictive substances from each drug class?

Phenibut is really nice; I take it when I go out to parties rather than drinking alcohol.

why do you still fuck with adderall when Vyvanse exists?

>act ignorant
this, basically. tell him you can't stay on task when doing anything, that it's been getting worse over the last months/years.

it's hard on the liver, so don't drink or take tylenol

i take adderall with one or two mg of clonazepam. great focus, no paranoia. best combo imo. got both during one visit to a doctor last summer

Ah yes nothing like the peace and serenity of being tweaked out of your fucking mind and the teeth grinding aftermath lol

best suggestion is if you take adderall to study or get work done, begin working on whatever before the adderall kicks in. with me anyway, it would always make me focus on whatever task i was currently at. so, if i wasn't doing anything at all and took it, it made it damn near impossible for me to settle down to do something. not sure why, but i had to be engaged in something first to get the benefits of the laser beam focus

If you have a psychiatrist that will give you what you ask for ask for a different doctor before you become a fucking junkie but that's exactly whats going to happen to you promise, I've seen waaaay stronger people than you go down that road and all of them took a really hard fall, it's not worth a few moments of peace

Sell them. I take my vyvanse 2x a week max, I'm just saving it to sell.

>its like your ingesting dense air.
i like that. that's exactly what it felt like when i took too many mushrooms once after not eating for a day beforehand and decided to force myself to eat a can of soup halfway through the trip

Dudr dont fuck with addy. It jacks your brain chemistry. Cause serious anxiety and depression. 8 months before i felt normal again. Just not worth it. Also made me very irritable. Your brain chemistry is way more sensitive then you think.

Actually desoxyn is methamphetamine and you can get it with an rx.

Post legs pls

Tried to for pain killers and stimulants. Idk where xanax fits in tho.

Thinking about it, but I'm just stocking for now because I don't need or want the money enough to go through the trouble/risk.


Idk what the point of picking up your prescription is then. I just sell to a couple guys in my cs courses because they're retards. Coincidentally I end doing most of their projects anyway.

Methamphetamine and amphetamine differ by 3 atoms (or 4, if you count another way), not just one atom.

do you guys have a good soruce in europe for aderall?

Yeah man not being addicted to speed is such narcissistic behavior

It's costs me like $10 a bottle so why not? If I want to use/sell them one day I can.

vyvanse gave me a panic attack that made me feel like i was having a heart attack

How much should I sell this shit for. I have 90 days worth just sitting in my room.

>tfw I have narcolepsy and need caffeine to drive for extended periods on the highway or I'll fall asleep.
Maybe I should just get an Adderall script.

I actually have trouble focusing lately,showed up when I was 16.Should I go to the doc?

this x1000

i remember first time i took it i wrote a 3000 word essay in 10 hours, thought it was amazing
took it the next day to study for a final but i was messing around on music production software when it kicked in, spent like 12 hours making music

>haha I took medication that isn't prescribed to me and I didn't work so i didn't need it, you idiots that take this are so weak

Whats worse for you in the long run Ritalin or Adderall?

Probably adderall. The first few months of taking it i felt like I was on a light doae of MDMA the whole day. Then it slowly regressed to the point I could barely talk to people I was so anxious. Coming down at the end of the day I was depressed as fuck and felt like shit. And couldn't sleep.

I still have a script but I open the pills up and take like 1/5 of the beads inside it. And I rarely even take it anymore

I've been on Ritalin for a couple of months now and it really only messed with me once, and that was after a 4 day "bender" with minimal sleep and lots of new emotions in between

so what does adderall do exactly? Ive only tried it once and it made me super tired to the point where i just took a nap instead of studying. does it affect people differently?

adderall and valium(for sleeping)

this, jesus fuck vyvanse is amazing. no comedowns and better than adderall and ritalin. I've tried almost every type of ADD/ADHD med (concerta, ritalin, adderall, vyvanse) and vyvanse is 10000000000% the best

Selegiline or Vyvanse, and propanolol.

nigga please, after i got diagnosed ADD i legit told my doctor i had tried adderall before and it worked great. dude had also been my doctor for my whole life at that point, so results may vary.

I bet if you actually took them you could land a good job and make way more money without being a degenerate

I love how u can sell these mother fuckers at least tenfold of what you got them for. Getting the prescription is win win, I don't even have to work anymore while attending uni

Is it possible to get modaf online in countries like canada and australia? Sun pharma doesnt ship to many countries and i want some of this stuff

how much u sellign them for?

Doesn't work for me, literally have taken naps hours after popping modafinil. Just had nightmares

Mk677 let's me oat like normal on Adderall. Good stuff

I got 90x10mg a month, $30 psych and $120 for the pills. I don't know what they sell for but 10x seems kind of high.

You probably bought fake drugs then.

Unless it was a prescription.

Modafinil is good for narcoleptics

Thanks man.
By reading you mean reading the textbook?

I used to pop an entire bottle over the course of 8 hours while masturbating nonstop. I would end up taking 1000+mg of adderall in a single night, my dick skin cut into by my fingernail. I remember I cut into it so bad one binge that it was bleeding and you could see some white gunky stuff and it was oozing. Had to put a bandaid on my dick for a month and now I have a permanent scar where I lost all feeling in. In fact, I managed to damage the feeling on my penis that I can't really feel as much pleasure as I used to.

I did all of this once a month, for a year. Sometimes during the days inbetween my prescription I would tweak out on benzedrex and do the same thing. It was a wild ride of hating myself.