Is Nick Bare our new natty king?
He's in the military so he can't not be natty.
Is Nick Bare our new natty king?
He's in the military so he can't not be natty.
>He's in the military so he can't not be natty
Just curious as to how you came to this conclusion.
Would this nigga risk a discharge over steroids?
Mirin head loss, anybody know what his headshrinking diet is?
Are you retarded??? His head looks small because he has so much muscle mass.
I can't believe you are even on this board thinking you can actually shrink your head.
>cant not be natty
he's risking his life over 35k. so yes, he probably would.
Have you served in the Military?
A handful of people do. Roids in the military is a thing.
No but I play Battlefield 4.
Essentially the same.
Do you think the military isn't feeding it's soldiers PEDs all the time? No you're right, it's the rigorous training that gets them all ripped.
no neck
cant get roids in .mil? kek
If he's in the military, he can't roid. You're correct. I met this older black guy, and everyone thought he was juicing. He was a cop, so he obviously couldn't. People just don't get it.
Pic related, that's him.
about 2% according to the military.
so it's probably more like 25%
the real problem is needing pct for extended time in the field.
Only PED I've heard of in the military are go-pills for pilots.
I googled Neck Bare ahah fucking morning
I don't give a shit if that guy is in the military, never heard of him and he doesn't post here, so why would he be our natty king? At the most we had Scooby or Zyzz ages ago but now this board is a shithole.
Once you are on deployment alot of guys get on gear, it is the only way to keep up really. it is not officially allowed but it is somewhat ignored.
I'm in the military and our piss tests only check for drugs. It is a completely different test to look for roids, and honestly, most people don't care. I know plenty of people who cycle. Everybody knows and the command doesn't give two shits. Being massive and strong is a positive in a violent career.
>Being massive
Not good for a military career
>and strong
You don't get strong from roids alone. You have to lift weights. Natty strength is enough.
Of course roids will make you stronger than not roiding in every situation.The mere psychological effect gives serious strength gains. To become massive you also need to live like a BB/PL, not just roid.
He's an officer. He makes more than 35k.
Nick Bare is pretty badass. I like how the Army forces cardio for obvious reasons, yet he's still built as fuck. His Ranger tab is also proof that he's the real deal. To bad he fucked up his EIB.
Military Natty King will always be Mike Vining.
Rich would get his ass destroyed by Vining, just looking at him.
>EOD Master Blaster
Real deal. Would follow into hell.
You're not the brightest lightbulb are you?
Fucking stamp collectors.
Found another natty military guy for you OP :^)
>He's in the military so he can't not be natty.
KEK, we roided as bulls in the military.
Dont know about the army but in the marines alot of guys do steroids. The Sgts know but dont really look in to it cus they prob did themselfs.
> natty
Pick 0
Also sage. Scooby looks better and preaches better advice regardless of any steroid use.
Waist too wide.
Jeff is true natty king. (Minus the natty bit)
I'd bare him if you know what I'm saying.
i think your head might already be shrunk, matey
I don't get it, what do you guys mean by this ?
cops and soldiers roids and do cocaine
I would do anything to bang him
In Spain many cadets in the police and guardia civil academies roid so they can meet the physical standards to get in. Also, roiders that don't have a criminal record end up as policemen, firefighters, military etc because they gravitate towards the macho image that this jobs project. They also consume prescription stimulants.
Que clase de discapacitado necesitaría doparse para superar las pruebas físicas de la policía?
Eres retrasado?
I would feel safe in these arms
Pic related, another natty king
He's in the police so he can't be roiding
google cedric mcmillan or dave henry both ifbb pro's both in the military
stop being a faggot you faggot