Dark circles thread
How to get rid of them
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Dark circles thread
How to get rid of them
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Sleep more.
I sleep alot already. It's not a sleep issue
Once they're set it's infinitely harder.
The ultimate ption is preparation H, if you have those blue veins under the eyes.
Otherwise, it's either that you're underweight, or spend too much time in front of a screen, in which case I'd recommend food for the former, and computer glasses for the latter.
seriously get rid of that shit, makes you look like a druggie. esp bad on nigs
Three things that worked for me.
drink more water. aim for 1 gallon a day (roughly 4 litres).
clean out any crap from your diet. eat more vegetables.
get some skin care products including something specifically for under eyes.
put some tea bags under your eyes for a bit
it worked for me i think it was the caffeine
>get some skin care products including something specifically for under eyes.
any recommendation?
As a guy that pretty much spends loads of time in front of PC/TV screen main things that worked were replace PC/TV with books, sleep properly and hydrate yourself last one especially.
After 2-3 weeks dark circles gone.
>You always look so tired user!
fuck off jason
Why doesn't he ever get cut? He's on the juice and has people helping him.. Don't get it
>spend too much time in front of a screen
What's the science-y explanation for this shit?
He isnt on juice, they call him the Iron Liar for a reason
Ky jelly mixed with honey
Eye strain you dumb bitch
because he is mentally retarded, literally a 32 year old man with a mind of a 6 year old
Calm that roidrage, bro.
Stop using heroine.
jus b urself
limit how long you look at screens during the day, if you're just fucking around online and not actually using your computer for anything productive, try cutting it out completely for a week or two, sleep more, and drink a gallon of water a day, then see if they dissipate, it can be genetic too, all my siblings have them but in varying degrees, and so does my father, not sleeping enough, eating like shit and drinking little water will just exacerbate them if you're already prone to having them.