Former Fatties Thread

What's the biggest thing your journey has tought you?

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Mine is to forgive myself.

Being fat was way worse than I thought it was when I was fat

That the only reason fat people are fat is because they're overeating and/or not moving enough.

I'm working on being a former fattie. I'm just at chubs level for now. But I'm wondering how do I gain muscle when I'm afraid to leave the house for work outs?

I'm comfortable buying some equipment but nothing crazy and I just want to get my body stable enough where I can go do basic lifts at the gym without failing every time.

This is a dumb question. But I'm struggling with what to purchase to get some muscle for confidence to go to the gym.

Nothing lasts forever.

That ache in your stomach, that feeling that you're starving? It will pass.

Your lungs seizing as you heft your bulk about in a mockery of proper 'cardio' for the first time? The creak of your joints, that sizzling soreness after a day of heavy squats that turns sitting to shit into a special kind of hell? It will pass.

The stalls. The plateaus. The moments where you backslide - oh you were so good for the last few weeks, what's a weekend out? You wake Monday the same weight you were Monday last. A week of progress lost to time and poor decisions.

The indecision, settling into comfort. That creeping complacency. The fighting spirit, motivation which moves your feet - that rips you from bed in the morning and gets your fat ass onto your feet to try your hand at a morning jog. Both ebb and flow, come and go.

The smile of a girl.

That fluttering in your gut.

Holding hands.

I watched my life pass by, I watched myself let my life just slip through my fingers when I weighed 430 pounds.

I watched every pound slip away until I weighed half of what I did. I lost a grown ass man.

I watch as weakness leaves. As that flabby softness is cut - day by day - into lines that ripple rather than jiggle.

I see my Grandparents in the twilight of their life. Their health and their minds slowly sliding off, seemingly, to somewhere else.

I see my own strength - so carefully cultivated - and know that, in time, it too shall pass.

Nothing lasts forever.

user that was beautiful

Fuck, that was inspiring man.

I kind of don't hate myself anymore. Feelsgoodman.

We have to make the most of it while we can.

That with some exceptions, you get to choose how capable you are, and the only things truly limiting you is how honest you are with yourself and how sincere your efforts are

>Holding hands.
at what BF% do I unlock that?

Best feeling in the world man.

next nobel prize winner right here

no one is naturally/genetically strong. The reason I was always stronger than average sedentary people is because my older siblings used me like a slave. And unless you lift or work a manual labor job, you likely arent nearly as strong as you think you are...

Once you lift enough to cure the autism

Get a pull up bar to start. Im. In your shoes with the chubby part. I bought it two weeks ago and cold only do one chin up, 0 pull ups and 0 forearm pull ups and like 15 push ups. Yesterday I was able to do 6 chin ups, two pull ups and 3/10 push ups. It felt great to see progress. Since I've changed the way I eat I've lost about 15 lbs. Im gonna make and you will too

how much do I deadlift to cure autism?



what did i learn?
"don't get fat"
this is advice i give everyone now

Lifting wont cure depression. It can distract you for a while, but depression will always come back with vengeance

That being fat takes an INCREDIBLE lack of self control

>raised fat
>raised to believe muh genetics
>turn 16
>decide what the fuck, lets try dieting
>go down to healthy weight with zero effort

Rome wasn't built in a day, essentially

pure pottery

That I still have incredibly low self-esteem, nearly 2 years after I started a weight loss and a year and a half since I got down to normal human weight (295 to 135)

That I still have the exact same love for food that I did,but my body can no longer handle the excess.

I had to learn to bants and converse again because people now actively engage me in conversation. One girl I knew working at my grocery store when I was fat never looked me in the eye. Now she's actively flirting with me and I don't know how to feel about it.

A lot of my old friends (who are heavy) have more or less stopped talking to me. I have been on my own this entire time.

My family have suggested that I have anorexia and my mom has even gone to see a councilor to talk about it, even after I went to the doctor and got a physical done and gave her my results.

Every day I have a moment where I wish things could go back to how they were before.

135 is crazy low, height? do you lift?


Yes, but nothing too serious. I prefer to run and cardio. I know it's low, but I have come to enjoy being this size. Lots of room to do whatever, such as, say, make amistake and binge. I keep myself about 133 to 142, but 135 is mmy average maintain.

I basically wasted 4 years of my life doing nothing, failing college, playing video games and letting myself go completely due undiagnosed thyroid disease and depression. When I hit 275 on the scale at age 22 I knew that I had to change, fast, or I was going to waste my entire life being a neet. So I started going to the gym, too scared to go to the weight area so I just went on the treadmill for at least an hour a day every day for a year. I stuck to a really strict diet and made sure that even if my day sucked I would be able to say that I lost weight when I woke up the next day. Basically I made sure that everyday counted because I had thrown so many away doing nothing. I ended up dropping to 170 (I'm 6'5) with 0 muscle. Now I'm up to 180 and going up but with muscle, not fat.

All in all I basically learned not to take time or my health for granted. Make everyday count.

5'11? 135? You know what you can do now? Fucking bulk bro. You can easily bulk like 30 or 40 pounds no problem. Your lifts will fucking skyrocket! You'll put on some fat, yes, but tons of muscle too, as long as you lift hard. Now's the perfect time to get started, put on 5-10 pounds a month until like April, then cut about 10 pounds back off and you're going to look incredible next summer.

Grill here.

Being skinny fat is still fat. I hated looking at myself in the mirror and was tired of crash diets.

Those lady magazines are such fucking bullshit. Growing up nobody tells you that the best way to get that tight stomach is to build muscle and lift.

Sit-ups are bullshit.

Yoga is good but most instructors are way too hippy-dippy and don't give you a full 30 seconds for a stretch.

Holy fucking posture. All those low back aches and pains are gone and my lordosis has improved so much. Nobody told me this was the way to do it.

It's going to take a lot of time and effort at first to change all those bad habits and get muscle to form but maintenance is much easier.

i made 0 progres and bought me a homebike and a stepper
not even music can pump me up its so fuckin boring

man i wish i had some female compenion to ride with

You never will till you make that progress bro.

Apparently not english.

i know i still suck but be gentle pls

forgot the pic

As a fatty on his way to becoming a non-fatty, anyone have tips? 5'7 220lbs atm. So far I've lost 10.

>tfw you are 120 and you want to get into fitness hardcore but you cant because you're mr.skeletal. Idk what to do but "just eating more" is pretty depressing to me and I just give up

At my peak I weighed 320-something. Around 330.

Scale says I'm down to 304 recently, but it wasn't of my own volition it was just eating less as a side effect of medication, not sleeping enough, etc.

I need to lose weight. I'm 6'2'', barrel chested, my doctor says despite the weight I should slim down around 230. Wide hips, even wider shoulders, big head, big person.

Well I can't comment on the journey all I know is that being fat is hell. You have no energy, you're constantly self-aware, you don't want to go shopping for clothes even if you had money since you're fat, nothing will make you look good. Forget a significant other. Forget camping or hiking, fishing or even my usual lumber job. I used to work carp assistant till I hurt my back 60 hours a week lifting heavy shit all fucking day. Sure as hell can't do that now.

Being fat fucking sucks. And anyone who says otherwise is a deluded landwhale.

read the sticky you moron

count your calories, eat 500 more than tdee, do SS or SL

easy as fuck

read the sticky

count your calories, eat 1000 less than tdee, do SS or SL, do some light cardio if you want

>"just eating more" is depressing


have you read the sticky

Can i get a bf estimate?

the best way to lose weight is cardio (and diet obviously)

How to cure depression?

This coming from a guy who's married to a depressed wife. She's been off the meds for 6 months, still goes to theraphy and it's not as bad it used to be, but she's still often quite sad and melancholic.

I was tired of dieting to get the weight off and stay off. I realize if you're a huge fatty and went to swole right after you don't get it (or maybe you're just shitposting) but even putting on 5 pounds when you're skinnyfat will make you look like an apple, which is worsened by the bad posture from no core. And that's easy to do because your metabolism is so low because there's no muscle. A few brownies can push you over.

It's easy to get off with some calorie counting or jogging but I was tired of this cycle and wanted something more stable. Gaining muscle is the only way to do it and I feel so great. The tighter abs are such a big bonus.

this guy knows what it's like


whatever makes you happy I guess

That its all in the mind.

I'm lean and muscular not because I work out and eat right. I'm lean and muscular because I'm the type of person that does those things.

Before you can elicit a change in your body you must elicit a change in your mind. The body is merely a vessel. A reflection of your mental state.

you don't need muscle to go the gym. You can start out there as a fatty, no one will make fun of you. The only thing that might happen is that once you get ripped people will be like "damn good job nigga"

No traps, chest, or core. Work on that shit.

Also, I'd say about 15% bf


She is depressed because she is a slave. Seize the means of production.

Non-male here. At what body fat percentage did you quit cutting and start to bulk?
The sticky reccomends 20% for females to start bulking, but Ive been cutting for almost two years now and im still at 27%.

eat fewer calories dipshit

>cant read
try going over my post again you dipshit

If you've been cutting for two years and are still at 27% then you need to eat fewer calories dipshit

Not what I asked you stupid motherfucker.
I already know cutting is required.
I asked at what bodyfat % was good to bulk.
20% is pretty lean for a female whos not competing, I need to know whether I not I bulk at a higher percentage without putting on too much fat.

its entirely subjective. if you feel small enough and want to get bigger then it's time for you to bulk

if you end up putting on more fat than you wanted then just cut until it's gone you cantaloupe

female here. there's no point to cutting at a "healthy" bmi if you don't have a ton of muscle; i technically started dirty bulking at 98lbs 35% bf. now i'm 107 lbs 19% bf, starting to bulk again (blindly)

if you're okay with what you see in the mirror, bulk slowly. there's no rules, particularly with women -- if you're 25%bf and muscular you're already ahead of the curve

Genuinely enjoyed that senpai.

Got to 222lbs
These trips are progress. Heaviest was 306lbs.
I'm 6'2" and not stopping until abs are very visible.

>What's the biggest thing your journey has tought you?

Over the course of losing 200lbs, I realized that obesity is a symptom, and not the actual problem.

And, like cancer, some problems can only be treated - not solved.

I'm 6'3 265 pounds. Whats a rough estimate of where I'll look lean?
Already lost ~20 pounds.

I figure my goal is 200 for now.

Depends entirely on how much muscle you have and where your body stores fat.

I was your height when i was 14-16, at 14 i reached a max of 320lbs. I got down to 215lbs and still didn't have abs visible. Now im 6'4" hoping that ill be able to see them, if i cut down now that far again. Now i actually workout and have lifted since then.

I learned that it's stupidly easy to lose weight. I'm a lazy faggot and I need to start working out more but losing the extra weight was literally just eating smaller portions and stop eating so many pizzas/snacks.

Shrug, not really sure how much muscle I have. My forearms are rock solid now though, I guess from rock climbing/didn't have much fat there. Calfs starting to say hello, same with biceps and triceps. Most my fat is on my upper legs and belly.

Toothpick potato mode. Guess I'll just have an incrementing goal. say 250. Long term TBD.

Shane it didn't teach you how to stop being a fag

Fuck mate that hit hard. I've been lazy on my diet over the last 3 days, been hitting around maintenance. I'm gonna wake up tomorrow and get back to work. Thanks for that user, I needed it.

That didn't make as much sense as you think it does

think about it like this: Your goal is 200 let's say. But that doesn't really make sense, I mean, if you get down to 201 you'd still be happy right? 200 is your goal, but every single pound counts.

Weighing 264 is better than weighing 265. Weighing 263 is better still. And in fact, to get to 200, you have to weigh 264 first. and then 263, and 262, and 261, and so on. But you would rather be 264 than 265.

Don't worry so much about goals. Just keep losing weight, day by day; you'll have plenty of time to evaluate yourself and change things if you want to. Don't lose 65 pounds. Lose one pound 65 times.

I'm still a fucking fatass but a few days ago I had an epiphany
>be kv
>go on an internet date (didn't see her picture)
>landwhale shows up
>had a good time despite this
>realize that the world sees me like her
>combined with somebody on the internet remarking that my hate for fat people is hypocritical made something click
ever since then I use self hate to motivate myself to go to the gym.
I am fucking pissed over the fact that I'm fat and I know that I can't push some bullshit "fat is beautiful" narrative or blame "MUH GENETICS" on this.
Every time I go to the gym is a big fuck you towards those landwhales.
I haven't made it and I won't for a long ass time but I know that I will.
complaining about it won't solve anything
either get on that fucking bike or stay a fatass

>ever since then I use self hate to motivate myself to go to the gym.
me too my dude

you haven't lived til you break a deadlift PR while listening to this song

we're gonna make it bro

Deep Bro

That's a good way to think about it bro, thanks.

Usually it's a nod.

that i have far greater issues than being a fat fuck



It's never too late. That's simply the most important thing. And no, I don't necessarily mean "it's never too late to start", I mean
>you give in
>you decide to fix an ice cream cone
>you go out and buy the cone and the ice cream
>you come home
>you scoop it
>your tongue is about to touch it
>wake up
>throw it in the garbage immediately

Know that your actions are completely up to you.

It might sound cliche but you really can be anything you want. Nothing's out of reach. I always looked at athletes and people with abs as something completely unattainable but now I am one of those people.


>want to get ice cream from the store
>plan a: don't go to the store, you have food at home
>plan b: don't buy ice cream in the store
>plan c: throw the ice cream in the garbage and eat something else
>plan d: throw the ice cream out after eating some of it

the earlier you intervene, the better, but there is always progress



>Nearly a 3rd of your body was just blubber.

FML. I feel bad being 22% you must have felt awful.

Keep going.

That I've got an unsalvageable mess of a figure.
I don't even know what I'm going for at this point.

Lift more. You have barely any muscle.

Working on it. What about the fat, though? I'm aiming for 140lb, at 150 now.

OP grill here and I agree. I was at 29% BF when I decided to start to start stuffing myself with protein and working on my core. I started very slowly (lol knee planks) so I didn't even up the calories that much. I just began substituting carbs with protein and drinking Vega One shakes. Because I was so deconditioned there was a lot of rapid initial improvement. I'm down to 25% but want to get down a bit more before I start bulking for realz.

>there's no rules, particularly with women

I wish there were better guidelines. I realize the sticky and other sources say "chix are the same" but I don't want to bulk to the point of a new bra.

how tall are you man? you look like you are annorexic.... eat more, lift, please

Fat? You're skinny as fuck brah
Lift shit. Seriously.

i think it's reasonable to wanna cut a bit more, but 22% looks pretty damn good for a lady so that might be an appropriate goal if you wanna

i think if you don't have a prior history of being seriously obese and have been just skinnyfat, it's best not to fret too much of an overbulk; after a couple months of disordered eating i realized i squandered my gainz for that period -- cuttings p easy, best do it quickly and don't spend too much time on maintenance imo

My stomach's so sad and saggy though. It's like a pouch of oatmeal. Isn't that just fat? It jiggles, I don't think it's excess skin. If it is, is it something I'm gonna need surgery for judging from that picture alone?

loose skin needs to have some subcutaneous fat to be attached, so jiggling is normal

if you're concerned go to a surgeon for a consultation, but over time loose skin should tighten up, especially if you get some muscle

Take a friend with you. I was 360 , too scared go out , thinking ppl are judging me , but who gives a fuck. Now at 320 , finally got a gym membership.

That was damn beautiful my dude

its excess skin man, look at your shoulders in that picture. look at your arms. PLEASE eat some more, and lift. slowly if you want, as long as youre making progress. I used to be 250lbs, and im down to 170. I am 5'11.

but muh wastage

Not an expert on this, but considering those stretchmarks I'd say it is excess skin. Also, homie, your upper-abs are visible. Practically impossible for all that jiggly shit to be fat with visible upper abs.
Also, just let that sink in. You actually have visible abs god damn! You've probably come a long way, so see this as an achievement. Consult a doc about that skin and start clean bulking and lifting heavy shit. Considering what you've already achieved, I'm sure you'll make it brah. Just don't get deeper into skeletor-mode.

That is quite obviously loose skin my man. Use sone firming creams and derma rollers and hope for the best but the losing fat part if pretty much done
How much did you lose?