Best trainnig for Vandamme split ?
Best trainnig for Vandamme split ?
I don't think she posted that because she's worried about a tornado...
Would you please stop posting this disgusting picture? Her entire expression is full of shit and makes me want to puke.
Cut out her head and only post tits.
No idea about the vandamme training
whenever i see vapid attention whores i get the urge to throat fuck someone until they vomit
god damn, i fucking hate women. how does one become a homo? no homo
all it takes is one feminine penis and suddenly youre addicted
nah they don't turn me on though
i feel sick when i see people post that tranny shit
i'm just a natural born misogynist and hate women except when i'm inside of them
How can chink women even compete?
By being cute and attractive without looking like huge attention whores.
this doesn't annoy me because i knew that shit from like age 13, naturally.
i didn't need a Veeky Forums post to explain it to me lmao
Let go of the hate.
i've fucked more than 40 women and i'm 21... lool but ok
Everytime this punchable whore gets posted a puppy dies
Why do you hate puppies op?
I hate this bitch who is she
Come on guys, splits plz
> gooks
You are just normal
did someone say feminine penis?
this. why do people like this shit? i'm convinced it's mostly autists (think the typical neckbeard or nu-male)
no one i know would ever fuck a split eye. or a koon for that matter
More for me then.
so still none for you then, fatso
So you're a slut then?
yeah, gotta confuse the immune system......right babe?
go outside
t. chink or nig
Epic post, redditor.
>face is a completely different shade to chest
This bitch is so obnoxious.
Is it the same? I can't tell.