Could the US become an ethnostate?
Could the US become an ethnostate?
A chicano enthostate maybe
>dude ethnostates xD! lmao
if it wanted to become a socialist europoor shithole I guess it could
if most of the ethnicities died or left somehow, I guess?
>being this scared of socialism
The fuck are you talking about? You mean WASPs?
No ethnostates are retarded and lead to authoritarianism and fascism. At least America will still be culturally white, while Europe will embrace sharia law.
no because it would require temporary authoritarianism to establish, un-american principles so it wouldnt be america
>Land of the free
>Preventing free movement of peoples
Pick one.
If it's so infeasible, what's the objective of ethnonationalists in the US?
remove nonwhite shitskin invaders and their baby-boomer patrons
No, literally impossible and totally unsustainable.
that trigger discipline is fucking terrible, what the hell do they teach kids in russian schools?
I don't understand why it would, and what benefit would come of it.
the entirity of it? of course not
>ethnostates lead to authoritarianism and fascism
>lives in a multicultural and multiethnic society heading toward definitive authoritarian corporate-state fascism
the guns aren't loaded dumbie.
The concept of ethnic nationalism makes no sense to me. Why would you rather have an idiot who contributes nothing to your country and scrounges welfare just because he’s the same race as you over an Indian doctor with useful talents whose children are completely assimilated and functionally no different from white Americans?
always treat a gun like its loaded mate
Indians are white, come up with a better example.
this picture is almost like a Russian pimp sending a half-assed picture to a rightwing website so that it can be posted to glorify muh putin to all the Gunfags but it extraordinarily backfired so it was posted here
>functionally no different
they're saboteurs
I'm more of a tribalist than a nationalist, I don't care about MUH CONTRIBOOSHONS because I'm not a rootless meritocratic sellout.
Yes. All they have to do is recognize the "mutt" as the quintessentially American ethnicity.
>they're saboteurs
I guess I must be a secret Polish double agent because my grandparents are from there.
I’ve yet to see anyone offer a good explanation for why a “tribal” state (even though an American ethnostate would have to consist of several tribes because of the diversity of origins of European Americans) is superior to a civic nationalist meritocratic state other than feels>reals.
dropping redpills, brother.
Aziz Ansari is all your people are.
>you have to be exactly 56% white otherwise you're impure
Sounds like a hard thing to maintain
>Fudd pellets of wisdom
Indians are gross
safety first is not a fudd thing you nigger, its about minimizing the amount and severity of accidental discharges so as not to inflame the statistics that libtards hurl at us constantly.
>being baited
>Europe will embrace sharia law
Not even Muslim countries embrace Sharia law. Can you name a single Muslim country in which Sharia is the law of the land?
>we are meritocracy now! It doesn't matter if you're one of us, only thing that matters
>invite hordes of Jews who feel absolutely no loyalty to America and are often openly hostile to whites
>that doesn't matter because they're SMART!!!!
>Jews slowly take over the media, the academia and the finance industry and enslave the whites
A literal horde of 70 IQ niggers on crack is less harmful to society than a single, solitary rich and smart Jewish banker. And they're now doing the same with Indians and Gooks and whatever, it's literal suicide because you're welcoming "smart enemies" (the most harmful people you could wish for) with open arms.
>inb4 retard says I'm just memeing
blame the boomers who buy that garbage
No. The USA and western Europe are both far past the point of ever being able to become an ethnostate. And honestly, who gives a shit, we're not really losing anything from it.
Most Western European countries are ethnostates by default, they don't need to "become" them.
Honestly don't understand the fixation on the jews when the old money WASPs like the Rockefellers are usually funding the NGOs that push for the things /pol/ terms 'cultural marxism' like open borders and sexual liberation
Not with the recent and continuing mass immigration they aren't. Even if they stop the immigration right now, which they won't, they'll still be outbred eventually by the muslims currently living within their own nations.
You're just LARPing
You're just a retard.
Jews are white. Germscum aren't.
Get lost Schlomo.
The only reason that a third-generation immigrant would have more loyalty to their ancestral country than their current country is if they’re being treated poorly, which they no longer are in the US.
The Jews are a special case because they don’t have an ancestral homeland per se, and they do tend to be wary of outsiders, I’m not so sure about “openly hate”. They do tend towards more left-wing and utopian political ideologies because of how they were treated in the past, and they can be rather clannish, but to claim that they are all involved in a massive conspiracy to undermine Western Civilization is idiotic. Especially when you retards screech about someone who has one Jewish grandparent or great-grandparent. Why would they have more loyalty to that 1/4 of their ancestry than the other 3/4?
>The only reason that a third-generation immigrant would have more loyalty to their ancestral country than their current country is if they’re being treated poorly
That's horseshit.
>That's horseshit.
What am intelligent answer. Singapore, the quintessential civic nationalist state, is one of the most prosperous, civil, well-educated countries in the world.
Personally I'd say America is the quintessential civic nationalist state, but the point stands either way.
>implying Singapore isn't just a bunch of exploitative rich Chinks ruling over poor Malay plebs
Pretty much the same situation as the US with Jews and Gentiles.
While Jews may not be white, he's right on account of Germs also not being white.
>muh nose
won't save you from the soviet, islamic rape train hans. Germany was never white. Not even alsace was white.
Nah, i've begun to notice that the only people who truly care about wanting an ethnostate are navelgazers who only care about skin color. If you're a literal faggot with a shit personality and immerse yourself in constant materialism and degeneracy, but voted Trump or support white nationalism or whatever it is, then they love you because you're white and support their cause. They don't care about fighting degeneracy, just about their skin color (blonde hair is fugly btw) and kicking out everyone else who has a different skin color and/or who believes in a different religion beyond atheism, paganism (sodomite hipster religion), and evangelical Christianity. Founding fathers would be rolling in their graves over a bunch of German and Irish immigrant larpers who think this country belongs to them, they can go to Iceland or eastern Europe.
I love how you keep assuming I'm a German out of nowhere.
Founding fathers were a bunch of Jew-loving faggots to begin with.
I love how he does that too. As if a turkish rapefugee could ever be considered "German"
It could happen (increasingly possible as its in the zeitgeist) but its difficult to gauge what that chance is
you're a very dumb person but you're also most likely 14 so I can't really blame you for trying to be cool and edgy on fucking Veeky Forums
>lets random strangers into his house all the time as a matter of state policy
I've had a Jew friend and I've had an alt right friend, and I've been observing both of their culture. Jews, by and large, are much better people than the majority of the people in the alt right.
>jew friend
>gave me a free copy of Portal
>puts up with my bad personality traits like the fact I ask too many questions and has engaged with me frequently and kept me company for the pas5 years
>even motivated me to get a job and now my life is slightly better than it was a year or two ago
>alt right friend
>originally green party but drifted over to the alt right after trump won
>secretly liberal even though he bitches about sjw's all day and posts alt right memes 24/7
>posts politically incorrect shit all the time and doesn't do anything but complain and try to bring everyone else down while acting like he's above it all and more mature because he doesn't express optimism
>have another friend on Steam who also had a gay friend, they both complained about various sjws and various religious minorities together, but then one day, my Steam friend tested his gay friend by calling him out on his gayness and he flipped out
>tested this on my alt right gay friend and made a couple of gay jokes
>he flips out and calls me a methhead behind my back on Twitter
>you realize that the alt right is filled with these type of people as you look at the state of /pol/ and see how most of them are amerimutts who are vain as fuck who care more about having blonde hair than having a happy, spiritual life or doing something productive.