>no competitive drive >little to no desire to sex girls >cant motivate myself to work out >can't motivate myself to make more money >always anxious >can't overcome fear to do what I want
What do to turn my shit around?
Lucas Robinson
All of those can change with self control faggot
Mason Young
All of that shit is in your head, it has nothing to do with genetics. The first thing you need to do if you want to succeed is to change your mindset, my man. Unfortunately, motivation isn't something that people can impart on you, you have to find it for yourself, as much as I'd like to say the magic words that push you to better yourself. You clearly want to make a change since you made this thread, but you have to want it bad enough to do something more.
Alexander Lee
I have no self control that's the point
I always need instant gratification, even if its self destructive. I don't understand why I keep doing it
David Perez
Buy 5 g of shrooms and just let it go, did this 2 years ago, experience is still motivating me to do what I want in live
Carson Bennett
low test
Hunter Edwards
>I have all these things I want to do.
How about just fucking do them.
Caleb Mitchell
Nothing motivates me anymore. The only reason I want money is to be free from it. I hate working for other people and having to answer to someone else. Most women I meet annoy me, but I haven't approached a girl in months because I can't get over the trainweck of the last time I opened up to another person. Plus I'm so stressed out from having no money it affects my sex drive. And I just plain hate going to the gym, because I don't like being around other people while I work out
David Kelly
Nobody here will convince you to do anything with your life.
These are literally your only two options:
1. Work for what you want 2. Quit
Caleb Myers
>no competitive drive >little to no desire to sex girls >cant motivate myself to work out >can't motivate myself to make more money >always anxious >can't overcome fear to do what I want
Dafuk does that have to do with ur genetics u lazy piece of shit.
Daniel Hill
no I'm good, but thanks for asking,
Robert Mitchell
> high IQ > facial aesthetics > look younger than I am > massive stamina > put on muscle quickly
on the flip side, I'm not great at hitting on girls because they hit on me first before I have a chance to do anything
God has been kind to me...I feel somewhat obligated to return the favor somehow but I'm too laidback
Adrian Watson
Do you think we're all at 100%, just ready to go and all the time either? Dude, less than two months ago I was one bad day away from offing myself. I still keep finding notes to myself about things I wanted to get in order before I died. I can guarantee you that nothing motivated me then. But you do what you know is right anyway, you try not to let the shitty aspects of life get to you, and keep moving forward.
You hate going to the gym when there's people? Go in the middle of night, like I do. You have no sex drive? Great, it will let you focus on quality interactions and avoid the vaginal jew for a while. Look man, most of us are unhappy with our jobs, and don't have winning motivation all the time. You want to make a change? Just do it, push through the shitty parts and the motivation will come.
Caleb Brooks
thats interesting, care to elaborate? I recently did LSD for the first time, was searching for that ego desolution thing and deep thoughts about life but it turned out that I boutgh some syntetic shieeet and was trippin for 8h in the woods like a madman...
Nicholas Green
The thing is I use to be very motivated. I use to be bold, able to do things I wanted in spite of fear. I didn't back down from taking risks. I was able to work out though and thin. Now I don't do any of those things.
Jacob Ramirez
If her hair wasn't so dumb, 9/10
Aaron Moore
>implying that there is any objective purpose to life for you to fail at
Nicholas Moore
Get a gym partner. They'll motivate you to go to the gym because you'll feel guilty for letting them down. The exercise will help you with your anxiety, it'll give you that extra bit of drive for both grills and to improve yourself.
Don't push to get more money unless you need it. Work to live, don't live to work.
Fear to do what you want? What are you scared of?
Andrew Cox
self control is a practiced skill. so is discipline. baby steps breh. baby steps.
Jonathan King
Welcome to life mate. Seriously. Basically what the trip fag said, the only reason it seems like eveyrone else has those things is because of fb/twitter etc. Stop watching/comparing yourself to others and do for yourself. Or don't. It's your call
Ryan Robinson
Sounds like low T. Get checked bro. If you're low you can cruise your whole life. Profit.
Nathaniel Cooper
What happens if it is low t? I doubt it is but does that mean steroids?
Liam Ortiz
stop being a little bitch and be responsible for yourself and your actions, faggot
Benjamin Bell
stop watching porn
David Nguyen
I'm struggling with this myself, I've found I have better days, more motivation when I don't fap or watch porn. If you do that shit all the time try to get yourself to stop. You'll want to go out more (kind of)
Liam Harris
These don't seem like genetic issues, but psychological issues. If anything, that should be freeing - psychological issues can be fixed given the proper mindset, angle of attack, and mental effort.
Talk to a psychologist, OP. If anything, you'd be talking to someone qualified to help you with your problems
Jeremiah Barnes
>Anyone else feel like an overall genetic failure?
I was born with gyno and it was only after the age of 28 that I saved up enough cash to get it removed.
I also have only one testicle.
so fuck off with your emo bullshit, you do not know what it is to be a "genetic failure"
Angel Taylor
>2016 >Not fighting against the destiny handed out to you
Do you even want to make it?
Carter Cox
>wahh I want to be a manchild though and I can't stop it! :^) oh no! it must be genetic :)
lmao what a fucking leech you are. You're literally fat people who say they're big boned or that its genetics that they're fat fucks.
shut the fuck up
Joshua Ortiz
I want to fight, but I can't find the will I once had
Its not that I want to be a man child, its that I don't want to work for shit money doing shit work, for someone who gives two shits about me