Is righthand physique attainable natty? Do these guys roid or wtf is going on? Masterrace genetics? What body fat % is this? Can natty guys cut to this and hold it for at least a few weeks or something?
Are they calvin klein models?
Is righthand physique attainable natty? Do these guys roid or wtf is going on? Masterrace genetics? What body fat % is this? Can natty guys cut to this and hold it for at least a few weeks or something?
Are they calvin klein models?
Do you jack off to always making this thread or something
>Masterrace genetics?
the guys are american
I wish my insertions were even half as aesthetic as these guys
I have a really bad chest gap, narrow shoulders, and wide hips. I just look like a woman who went through sexual transition to become a man and didn't take enough test
if you punched one of these guys in the face they would start crying.
>American is a race
Your attempt failed
>the guys are american
So a big chance they are of German decent?
Are there any high res pictures of these guys? I want them on a poster
It's right about the natty limit. Keep in mind this is a calvin klein shoot- there's excellent lighting, a little bit of airbrushing, and naturally 10/10 boys.
They're professionally good looking- even with that body you will never have the same facial aesthetics. and even with the body and facial aesthetics- lighting like that is so rare that you'd be searching for it your entire life.
All that's not to say that you should stop working for it, just don't reach benchmarks and quit because you're disappointed you don't look like that. Few if any western women see a boy that good looking irl in their entire lives, for them to expect this or find it exclusively attractive would be like you expecting a 10/10 every single time.
Fuck the eharmony data, my anecdotal experience directly contradicts it. A woman will sleep with a 6/10 at the same rate as a 10/10 if the 6 lifts and is confident.
who are these guys anyway?
>chest gap, narrow shoulders, and wide hips
Pretty much every dyel will say these three things. If you don't have big pecs, it's incredibly hard to tell whether or not you have a chest gap. Narrow shoulders are a lack of delts, and wingspan is almost always within a few inches of your height, so your shoulders bones probably don't differ that much from someone the same height as you. And if you don't have much upper body mass, especially lats and shoulders, and your bodyfat % is a little high, you will think you have wide hips
adobe gains.
OP you insecure beta piece of shit
nope, these guys are actually this big
sure they are
I bet you didnt even google em or looked at other pictures
>If you don't have big pecs, it's incredibly hard to tell whether or not you have a chest gap
Oh really?
Chad, Brad and Yumad
the raw brahs
they like it raw
jesus christ
i would rather be dead
The guy on the left, (his) right forearm is much bigger than his other forearm. lol wut
jesus DYEL?
>Narrow shoulders are a lack of delts
He has relatively large pecs, so you're disproving nothing
And with bigger delts, come wider shoulders. Show me someone with massive delts that still has narrow shoulders
narrow shoulders refers to clavicle length, not delt size. if you have a narrow shoulders you are not going to grow a larger skeleton
top kek, in all honesty tho, just keep going, you don't know your full potentional
bruh their faces are 7/10
These are guys with amazing genetics who have been active their entire lives. Probably played baseball in middle school and high school. They aren't your average sedentary DYEL who decides to get fit in late teens or mid 20s.
Let's see your sub-human clavicles, then
>Masterrace genetics?
>Can natty guys cut to this and hold it for at least a few weeks or something?
A lifetime lifter/athlete can look like this several times per year if they want to and for a few weeks at a time.
The only white guys who can stay lean all year round while natty are usually Irish, thanks to the famine selecting the genetics for it.
>Do these guys roid or wtf is going on?
nice body bro
t.insecure americuck
These guys are literally at the natty limit for bf% to weight. IF they are natty, then they have really good genetics and are as big as they'll ever get at that bf% naturally.
If they aren't natty, I wouldn't be surprised, is what I'm saying.
My chest was like tht when i was dyel but now tht i bench 225lbs u dont notice the gap at all until i flex
>American is a race
Have it your way
>so basically they are the greatest natural bodybuilders on this planet
>225 bench
>thinking you've escaped dyel
Dyel is eternal friendo
>able to look good
>body builders
>looking good
lol disgusting