Checkmate lanklets
Checkmate lanklets
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You can have her m8
this hurts to read
Can someone translate this into non-millenial?
>tfw when 5'6
This is the example you use to try and make us feel better?
Beggars can't be choosers
>MFW a manlet actually made a female facebook account to make this post to make himself feel better
>12 year old emoji spamming fag lord who listens to K Pop
etc, etc.
>manlet support group
that girl is white, why the fuck is she writing like a nigger?
I bet a tall guy turned her down and now she's mad.
you may be restarted
so many emojis
she's beneath me both figuratively and literally
>LESS than my mf LEFT TITTY
Confirmed superfatty with LOW standards.
You can have her, I still get to look down on you both.
Funny that her name mentions Kpop
I am currently in Korea and the first thing I literally hear from women is "You are so tall..."
I am only 188cm.
This better be a meme
>Shared by "Manlet support group"
>sharing our hoodies
implying girls don't like swimming in the hoodies their tall bfs wear, making them feel like the skinniest smallest creature under the protection of a giant. its like you don't get girls at all.
Wow so womanlets are just as angry as manlets. Keep your hobbit tier genetics.
That wasn't millennial, that was ebonics.
jesus that hurt to read, good thing only dumb girls like manlets
>shared by Manlet Support group
She's all yours user wouln'dt wanna be near her or her pickle jars
I just checked her FB. She's fucking hideous. Manlets can have her.
>Manlet support group
The fact that a "Manlet support group" exists shows how inferior these creatures really are
>manlet support group
Man you guys are hurtful :'''(
I wish I was tall like you so I had superiority! Then I could have mad bitches and social success like you! Oh wait..
Lol. I'm 6'8" 220lb lanket and I just wait for girls to come to me. It takes no effort on my part at all. Shitpost all you want, I'll laugh about it while I'm getting laid this afternoon.