Poor fag here I can only invest 100$ in crypto on a weekly basis. I am more into investing than trading and BTC have been making steady growth and probably is staying for long time.
So should I just buy BTC on a weekly basis or wait for dip or with my budget, maybe it is more reasonable to buy alts only?
Brayden Walker
If you're investing on a monthly basis, you'll essentially be "dollar cost averaging". So that means you really have to worry about waiting for a dip, if you're not extremely concerned over putting all your money in at once, at a lower price.
Julian Sanchez
*you won't really have to worry
Landon Jenkins
Mason Gonzalez
I'd like to know more about that ass
Owen Carter
she looks like a tiny horse... it's offputting
Cooper Howard
just make a schedule at jewbase and get it over with.
100 cucks a week isn't even bad, you'll get a whole one in... well actually if it spikes you'll never get a whole one. BWAHHAHAHHAHHAA
Lucas Brown
And it is likely to spike. Serious investors and normies are starting to buy BTC like hot cakes
Nolan Thompson
what the fuck. thats not normal.
Mason Nelson
i bet she could strangle a man with those legs
Blake Ramirez
Christopher Wood
fucking gross
Adrian Harris
if taking tons of hormones makes you legally a different gender, but working out too much also produces tons of the same hormone, doesn't that make female bodybuilders legally men?
Blake Young
Hey you stole that from my thread >:(
Andrew Adams
Josiah Perry
>"Call me a roastie again NEET, I dare you!"
Anthony Kelly
Ethan Jackson
THAT'S an asian
Landon Turner
You could get BTC but it's going to be at an opportunity cost. I'd look at the top 15 coins on coinmarketcap (excluding BTC/ETH). Pick one. You'll double much sooner, still a long term deal though. I recommend NEO.
Alexander Thompson
Dont be GEH
Julian Evans
These girls take low dose anavar and so do 100% of the decent female and male body builders you mong. Being that muscular as a female isn't natural.
T. Roider.
David White
This month just buy a bunch of Expanse and invest in the tokenlab.io ico. Lasts until Oct 31. Thank me later.
Cooper Sanders
males have about 20x the test levels of women, so probably not
Lincoln Russell
it's not the hormones that make you legally a different gender, it's the choosing to identify that does and I don't think female bodybuilders take nearly enough test analogues to put them at parity with a male anyway, if they take any at all (there's other roids that aren't hormones)
Easton Reed
brehs.. honestly, source?
Adrian Gomez
I want her to sit on my face every fucking hour I want her to make me her rimjob slave I want her to use my mouth daily as a urinal I want her to abuse me, humiliate me, and hurt me I want her to lock my tiny fucking dick into a chastity cage and never let me out