Spiritual Gains

So you now have the perfect body but your life is still missing something…a void that sluts cannot fill.

You need to work on your spiritual gains.

Daily prayer, going to church on Sundays and reading the Bible

How are we going to win the next race war or wage a successful crusade if you haven't even gone to church in the last year?

Other urls found in this thread:


Catholic reporting in.

After a good lift, I like to put on the Kyrie or the Gloria in gregorian chant to feel the spirit.


My life was so much better when I was on nofap/porn and I was going to churh and had friends. I didn't even lift. I wanna go back again I had more attention from girls all these Autists think lifting is gonna make you social think again.

The only reason Veeky Forums should be getting huge is to impress conservative church girls and fight muslims

Protestant Bapist here

>Go on a post-lift run
>beautiful day
>sun shining
>birds chirping

Thanks Lord.


>just re-found God after being an edge lord for 4 or 5 years
>wifey and I joined a church
>now I cross up and pray before big lifts
>broke through my plateau and am hitting PRs literally every week
Praise God from whom all blessings flow brehs.


I was raised catholic but even as a little kid, I never really believed. When I close my eyes, quiet my mind and search for God's presence, I feel nothing. If faith is a gift, then I was passed over. I truly wish I was religious, to give my life some real meaning and purpose, but I just can't resolve the emptiness I feel and all the pain that I see existing in the world with an omnipresent, ever loving God.
>Inb4 fedora.jpeg

>Daily prayer, going to church on Sundays and reading the Bible
LOL praying to a false god; a DEAD false god
>falling for the 'god' troll/meme
Come on OP, time to stop believing in Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, the Tooth Fairy.. and 'gods'.
I know that man created god in his own image and all, but you got to grow up some time, OP, how about today?
Seriously, man, you got to start taking responsibility for your own life, stop falling back on 'god did it', and 'its all in gods plan'. Really, do you actually believe that silliness? Or do you just repeat it out of habit?

I mean seriously, OP.. I've been two different flavors of christian, I've been mormon, I've been pagan, and I even looked into gnosticism, buddhism, and read the quoran -- it's all nonsense, irrelevant, fantasy. Excellent works of fiction, I'll give them that, but that's all it is, is fiction.

Please, OP, stop deluding yourself. Why do you want to limit yourself like this? You need to open your mind and let it be free, not chain it up with old words from dead fantasy writers, it's just not healthy.

Religion is just the manifestation of a genetic flaw in our brains: We're not advanced enough yet mentally to really grasp how infinite the Universe is or accept that there are things we just don't have the science or instruimentality to explain, so rather than wrack our brains constantly over insolubule questions, our brains make up 'gods' to explain it all away. Just reject it, learn to be OK with the FACT that we can't explain every single little aspect of our Universe (yet), and move on. Skeezy types use this weakness in our brains to control our lives, convince us that if we don't live the way God (them, that is; remember there is no God) then we die and go to a Bad Place. It's all bullshit, just ignore it and live your life.

>life isn't fair
>this is a consequence of free will
>God doesn't need to prove himself up you. Where were you when he created literally everything?

Shinto zen confucioius buddhist samurai

*tips fedora x666

This isn't reddit, you won't get upvotes.

"A single religious thread in Veeky Forums? I better go rescue those poor uncivilized folk with my enlightened knowledge!"

There is way more to it than believing in a supernatural being. If you only look at the improbability of gods and creators, you miss the big picture.

>What is the riddle of steel?



Protip bro: Faith is by definition believing in something you have no fact or foundation to believe in. It is believing for the sake of it.

If there was some answer to the question, "Should I believe?" everyone would without question.

*tipping intensifies*

no but seriously god is for fags

See youtube.com/watch?v=IbyGI_Tf9FI

Or at least the thing I'm trying to link you, sorry if I got the wrong video

Fuck off back to your containment board, godcuck.

Which board would that even be?


Should be

>Daily prayer, going to church on Sundays and reading the Bible

>promises spiritual gains
>supports spiritual slavery
I can guarantee that God is not bound by the word of a human institution.


Norse Pagan reporting in, how are the Christbros doing. Ready to join up and retake Yurop from the New Islamic Horde?

>tfw satanist
Life's good

ayy Alex grey artworks are aesthetic af

I agree with prayer and reading the bible but
>going to church
For what purpose? Especially in America where the churches just wanna make money.

So I found a bible in my garage. I've been feeling spiritually lost. Figure that it's a good a start as any to figure my faith out. There's a void in all aspects in my life and at this point I'm willing to give God (in the broadest sense possible) a chance.

Any advice or guidance? I'm not a fan at all of how the churches in my area are run.

all non catholics need to go to bed

this x 100

Don't just read, understand.

That'll often mean doing some research on the context of what you're reading. A fair amount of the bible doesn't quite have the same connotations today as it would have to the original audience.

>implying it isn't Christianity that is the only true religion
I feel bad for you son, I truly do. Maybe someday you'll find the truth.

I accepted Christ into my life a few weeks ago. Now I'm attending church a few days a week and going to morning and night services on Sundays if I'm not working.

I always thought I couldn't believe in god but it really took hitting rock bottom to realize that I needed him. Now I read scripture, pray everyday, etc etc.

Im trying not to masturbate or look at pornography and its been going good for 3 days but I looked at some hentai today. Its hard to browse this board without drooling over high test.

Also I never get girls anyway bc I'm fat but once I get more attractive its going to be hard to not have sex in a relationship. I'm horny all the time but I just pray for Christ's strength.

my man

I bet you get a pretty good arm workout from the amount of fedora tipping you do in a day.

Go back to lebbit

For me , going to church just feels like it fills me back up with the holy spirit and the energy I need. Plus I've made friends there and its great to surround yourself with like minded individuals that encourage you.

Catholic is the worst denomination tho >hurr guise lets go ask some preist that is a man and falls short just like me to forgive me and confess my sins to instead of coming before God and building a relationship with him SOUNDS GOOD RITE??

Once you behold the the inevitable fate of nothingness waiting for you after death, nothing else invoces fear.

When my parents took me to church as a kid the place always felt really spiritual. We always went to Armenian churches and they always have a certain smell and feeling that cant be explained. Maybe its just the way its decorated and the chanting or maybe theres some actual connection to God idk but i understand what you mean. I might start going back now that i think of it.

Honestly, it seems daunting but I know it'll be worth it.

I go to a small (about 100 prople) Pentecostal Church and everyone knows everyone and its like you have a great big family. The pastor is awesome and the worship team is really good too. Its just great.

Only thing is my ex introduced me to that church and goes there and I see her every day. It gives me both pangs of excitement and sadness. I just pray to God for the strength to overcome those feelings though.

It should be daunting. The bible's a collection of works from radically different genres collated over multiple centuries from entirely different societies (both to each other and to us) where half the books either don't agree or are actively arguing with each other. Understanding that shit ain't ever going to be simple.

This division is what weakens us in the coming racewar. When will you learn? t. non sleepy pagan

Christ came in the most humble of forms and was absolutely disrespected and degraded to establish his kingdom in the least expected way possible. He used/will use the weak to overthrow the strong and put everything to rights. I don't know, that just always gives me the willies. Let's all pray for one another, bros.


/pol/ pls go


I wish I was religious.

>How are we going to win the next race war or wage a successful crusade if you haven't even gone to church in the last year?

>Race war
>A multiracial race-blind religion founded by brown middle-eastern jews with 500 million brown latinos and like 1 billion Asian/Africans and 80% of the demographic growth among non-whites

Retarded OP. Enjoy church with Tyrone, Mkembe, Kim Lee and Juan

The bible is tricky. English translations are garbage, honestly - though there's a lot of wisdom in there.

Always remember that the King of Kings forbade the formation of any kind of modern church. Wherever two men stand together, the Son of Man is between them.

I would suggest reading the text from cover to cover, take your time with it. If something from those pages grasps you then get a hold of interlinear pieces for both the Old and New Testament.

>win the next race war

Brother, you're straying from the narrow path.

We are all of us the Sons and Daughters of Noah.

Good for you bro. We're all going to make it

English translations have their issues (some more than others) but its not really practical to assume the average Christian is going to have the time/ability to learn biblical Hebrew, Aramaic, koine greek and latin just to get an idea of things.

Thank you.

Even if the English translation is junk, I want to get something out of it because I have nothing spiritual.

I am more into mindful meditation than into running after some made up god

This is my testimony of faith, it's for all anons out there who struggle with this.

I've been an atheist for 27 years of my life.
NEVER have I believed.
I thought that church = God.
I was very wrong.
People... people are evil. Not God. And there's a lot of evil folks out there.

I had a revelation one night. I was really down, about to off myself because I couldn't go on with my life.
I felt I have no other options, I screamed inside my head while crying myself to sleep beside my ex who didn't give a fuck about me.
I screamed to God that if he's there I am ready and I want him in my heart. And I opened the "door" inside me.
And he was there.
At this moment I felt his presence, his love and his absolution for all the wrong shit I've done in my life.
Never in my life have I cried like then and for next 2 weeks when praying.

You know the saying "Blessed are those who believed without seeing".
I understood this then. You start believing only once.
Because when you do, you KNOW.
I felt God's presence few times very, VERY physically.
He came to me at that night.
He came to me couple of days later when I was on my first plane flight and was absolutely terrified.
I know He's there and I know He loves me.
And he wants all the best for me, even if it doesn't make sense at a time or hurts.
It's hard to trust him without limits. But I strive for it.

Faith, is not a gift, it's not genetics or anything.
It's a matter of your thinking pattern maturity and your decision to invite him to your life.
Once you want Him with all your body and spirit, he'll be there.


I never understood Catholocism especially after they got burned so hard by Martin Luther

That's amazing user. Praise Jesus man. His love, mercy, and wisdom has no limits.

God bless user. I'm going through my own walk right now and it's so difficult. I pray but it feels like I don't mean it deep in my heart, but in my head I want to mean it. I know God is real, I've seen what he's done for people in my life, including myself. It's just that I'm so indifferent at times and think that I can't change so why bother.

I will keep trying, keep praying and keep on reading my bible and doing my studies, but I don't think I'll get a sudden revelation like yours. Not because God can't do it, but I think it's because He wants to teach me patience and reliance on Him, along with learning to genuinely seek Him. I want a quick resolution like yours and so many others, but I don't think it'd be what's right for me. As I study the word I'm seeing this. But still I'm glad to read that testimony of yours friend, and I'm glad that the Lord has revealed himself to you in a way that leaves you with no doubts.

God bless you

Thank you for sharing this, man

You'll find your path user, don't worry.
This youtube.com/watch?v=8VGwVtYxEy8 is very accurate. When I stumbled upon this video I could relate heavily.

If this will be of any consolation I went through a lot downs respectively before reaching the point of giving up to His love.

I ended up in a toxic relationship and was stupid enough to knock my ex up
I cut ties with my family for my ex (fixed now)
Changed cities and I've seen my friends on average one day every 2 years
Went through suicidal phase, ex told me to just get my shit together. Luckily I forced myself to seek professional help because I was close to helium-tanking myself.
Gave my everything to my ex in hopes she'll love me back as hard as I love her. In the end, I think we just didn't fit and even though she tried we just couldn't show each other that we care and we didn't know how to care for each other.

After my revelation I still went through a lot of rough shit, but it's easier having trust in God and his influence in my life.

Exactly. But if the spark of the spirit catches fire one will have the will to work through an interlinear translation.

While the core message still remains within the modern translation, much of the cosmology is completely and totally butchered. So much so that it muddies that very message the texts are meant to preserve.

For example, a grievous error of the New Testament is the concept of Hell. There is no such thing - it is the result of combining three separate domains into one single idea.

>Hades: wherein the after life is a reflection of the life you lived, though you be removed from God
>Gehanna: where in the spiritual essence is so far removed from God that it consumes itself and is extinguished forever
>Tartarus: where Shemyazah and his myriad are eternally imprisoned

These are three separate and distinct cosmological realms, yet through a clever trick of translation one is presented with the most extreme punishment presented to all those who disobey God - or the Church.

There is so much already in just a plain English translation of those books. I just have to point out that there is so much more.

And you may find it, but know that whatever you find was inside you all this time. You just needed to illuminate it.

God hast no truth. Smite this one's post for if not it endith in dubs if thine is true.

Great video man. I know it'll come some day, is the waiting part that's the hardest. I try to remember the lessons of lamentations 3, especially verses 19-24 whenever I feel really down.

God is faithful as you've so clearly illustrated, and it's us who fail Him. But it's great to know that He's there for us no matter what.

This desu

Ah cheer up you Cathoholic. There will be brighter days ahead of you pumping out more kids, watching the local priest pick them out like a pedo fantasy draft and fighting off alcoholism.

The protestant work ethic, building this bastion of Protestantism body.

Mary is an idol and the pope is just a man. Christ is the only way into heaven and the Word is the only place His divine knowledge is to be found.

Sola Scriptura, Sola Fide, Sola Gratia, Solus Christus, Soli Deo Gloria.


It's not waiting user.
You'll learning, getting ready to accept him in your life.
It'll come. Lessons on the way will be hard. But we all need them.
And He truly loves us unconditionally.

Tell me, why should I be a Christian? Statistically, there is as much of a chance that there is a god who has set all of this up just to laugh at you all as there is for a genuine Christian god to exist.

That aside, Christianity would not fill the void I have. I just don't see the sense in it.

Thanks bro, I needed to see that. Change doesn't come easy

You're welcome man. If there's one wise thing I've read in my life it's "He gives us burdens to carry, but He'll never give you a burden heavier than you're able to carry"

It will fill the void.
Please read You are cynical, understandable. World is shit, we made it so.
By our actions or inaction. People are responsible, God ain't our handyman to fix our fuckups.
But He loves us and wants to teach us so we can become better and with every lesson we're one step closer to being ready to stand in his presence.

It will most certainly not fill the void. I am not cynical, I am realistic.
>we made is so
I made nothing, for I am naught but a oroduct of deterministic factors.
What are "You", if not but the result of your genes and external influences?
Do not lie in order to justify your own delusions.

I am not lying user.
You didn't read what I wrote.
We made the world into this kind of a shithole with both, our actions and our lack of counteracting.
Since you're not negating my point that we live in a hell hole, tell me, what are you doing to try to fix it? Even just a little?
We became passive and came to terms with reality. It's sad, but not counteracting this downward spiral to shit makes us equally responsible as those who work actively in making world worse, for whatever reasons.

And, if you're realistic, how can you know something without empiric evidence?
It's like saying you won't enjoy particular dish even when you never tried it.

>I made nothing, for I am naught but a oroduct of deterministic factors.
>What are "You", if not but the result of your genes and external influences?
So... you think you have no control whatsoever over who you are and what you do?
We are what we make of ourselves user. That's the reality.
Shifting blame to external influences for shit you're doing is juvenile.
True, it shapes us, determinism is a fact. But at the end of the road, it's a matter of YOUR decision.

Noone can tell you bro. You just gotta feel it.

>determinism is a fact
>your decision
No. This is logically flawed. You cannit attribute something that is predetermined to any one factor aside from perhaps the start. If I am determined, then I could go on to say that it was my parents fault, their parents, etc.
Fuck off retard.

Nothing is predetermined user.
Knowing how determinism works gives you insight into what decisions you want to take and why.
With this in the back of your mind you can break those shackles and truly become free.
Because you should understand how your reasoning works and why is that so.
This is a lens through which you look, once you understand it can be flawed and why, you can make different/better judgement.

It's not exclusive to each other.

If you're not afraid of drugs try shrooms.
Just a light dose.

>nothing is predetermined

checkmate fag

Read most of the bible.

Don't really like it tbqh...but im extremely spiritual but just don't really like Christianity.

I know you guys are b8ing but y'all are still delusional.

Here, I drew this for you.

I've become more tolerant of relegion in recent years. I don't know how that came to pass. Maybe I just matured.

I live in a place where being non-religious is the default, so atheism is not really a way to rebel or anything.

I used to be full fedora and want to 'debate' religious people. Now I make friendly small chat with people who are handing out bibles. I helped out at a local church's nativity scene last christmas. I'm not even shocked in the slightest when I see white people wearing hijabs.

Did I... find peace?

>white people wearing hijabs
unlimited rage

Christianity doesn't even have half the depth that Hinduism has. Converting was the best decision