Can getting Veeky Forums fix chronic depression?

>can't do it today
>hit my macros
>maintained my cut
>get home from work
>severe wave of depression hits
>pull down my shades and sit in the darkness of my bedroom on a sunny day.
>depression is so debilitating that I can't bring myself to go lift today

Other urls found in this thread:

Depression is a choice, you're making a choice to be depressed

It can help. Hardest part is breaking depression's grip on you. I sometimes despise going to the gym. Fucking loathe it. But then, when I'm done, I feel better. I did something that is a step forward from the darkness that wants to keep me pinned in.

Just do it. Beat the fucking demons before they drag you further down.

depression is a state of mind and a habit

Do not trust this faggots, depression is a disease and you require treatment. See a doctor and a therapist.
Making it will not fix your depression, but you can achieve something while being depressed. Just keep doing it, do not think, just move.

We all have our low moments, what's important is to keep moving forward

This op. Hang in there, weve all ben there, it sucks, but its tretable.

It's not treatable externally.

you have to fix it yourself, it's just a frame of mind. You make a choice every day to be depressed, just like an alcoholic or a drug addict CHOOSES to drink or use drugs.

you are objectively wrong, nothing more needs to be said

Explain how depression is not a choice

Depression can be your choice as it cannot be, it could be lack of neurotransmissors which is the worst kind of depression or stress that has build up through time, it does not matter which one is yours go to see a medic, medfag here and i was also depressed in a stage of my life, by only talking it you can release a lot of "pain", remember depression is not sadness it could also be the absent of it.

I was on fluoxetina for 5 months + gym ( a lot of cardio since it helps to release endorfins which makes you feel "alive" also known as runners high). Good luck, sorry for broken english.

Nope. Your mind and brain are too complex to just try to fix it, it is not that simple, there are a lot of internal stuff that influence your behaviour that trying to change it for yourself requires a titanic amount of effort. Not saying that one can't do it, but your advice provokes more harm that good to depressed people, it makes them feel guilty of something they're not entirely responsible.

why the fuck would someone choose to have depression?

What you're talking about is sadness you fucking normie.
depression is as real a mental illness as schizophrenia

Obviously, the posts that tell you how to live with/cure depression are wrong. However...

Definitely make the choice to lift. Your depression will not go away, but you will feel amazing, in comparison, for the rest of the day after lifting.

Lifting probably won't cure your depression, but can help your mental state. BUT only if you're able and willing to get to that level.


I know that feelio. There are those weeks when I feel like I'm on top of the world, then out of nowhere I spiral into a shit show of depression. I let everything slip, my responsibilities, hygiene, gains. I might have to just swallow my pride and ask my doctor for happy pills one of these days.

>Nope. Your mind and brain are too complex to just try to fix it, it is not that simple

And thus depression is not quantifiable.

I can go to the doctor right now and claim I have severe depression and I keep thinking about killing myself. There is no way they can disprove my claims, and they will likely prescribe me dangerous, brain-altering medication just off my word if I push it far enough.

>it makes them feel guilty of something they're not entirely responsible

I feel "sad" sometimes too, I don't just sit in my room like an autist all day and refuse to do anything. I mean I guess i could claim to have some mysterious mental illness and absolve myself of all responsibilities tho

>why the fuck would someone choose to have depression?

Same reason people choose to be NEETs.

Ty, this img shows how serotonin affects a sane brain being the highlighted spots where it is concentrated

You make it sound like lifting makes depressed people feel great.

It does for some...

For others it just helps them stop feeling any worse

and for others it does fuck all.

But in any scenario, it's still better to lift.

>Same reason people choose to be NEETs.

a high proportion of people that are NEET are NEETs because they are metnally ill.

are you seriously saying mental illness doesn't exist?

What's making you feel depressed op?

I hadn't lifted in a week and was feeling ok and pretty happy. Went to the gym last night and had a good workout. When I was walking home I felt like breaking down a crying for no reason.

address why it is ur feeling so blue, write down ur worries and ur sorrows on a piece of paper, see whats in your power to change. i like screaming and shit like elliot when im feeling down, but u gotta feel down sometimes to know when the good times are comin, im waiting on the good times rn

Sounds like hormones, but not depression m8

>Can getting Veeky Forums fix chronic depression?
NO. Go to a Buddhist monastery, learn meditation, and start doing some volunteering/charity work.

>are you seriously saying mental illness doesn't exist?

Of course it does but not in such high quantities as currently present.

My point is that people are FAAAARRR too quick to self-diagnose and jump to conclusions these days about mental illness.

Most of the time "mental illness" is really just a vicious self-perpetuated cycle that people fall into.
In a lot of cases people: Are fat with shitty nutrition/no exercise or vitamin D -> Depression -> which causes them to be even more self-loathing and get fatter and lazier -> even more depression

Watch this video: He has a lot of right ideas

Exercising can be a great benifactor in treating depressed moods. However it's not a super treatment. there are many multiplle factors that make people depressed, so exercise alone can not fix all of them. There are many people who are ripped beyond belief that still are depressed as shit. Depression isn't a choice, just like obsessive compulsive disorder, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, and anxiety disorders also aren't "choices", but treatment is one. Socializing, medication, doctors and therapy, and exercise are all great ways to help coop with depression. Fuck OP, start growing magic mushrooms and exercise. Guarantee it's a good start.

You've just shifted the discussion into another direction. It wasn't about people self-diagnosing due to their shitty habits, it was about whether depression is simply a "state of mind" as you put it or a genuine mental illness. You're clearly wrong about the idea that it's a state of mind if the topic is about clinical depression.

Lifting honestly helped me feel better about myself and get a gf.
Getting gf did NOT help depression and I feel worse of now except that no bad feels can touch me at the end of a good run :3

Isn't that from Bob Ross?

Getting fit is a good start

A solid routine, eating to hit your caloric/macro goals cleanly, drinking plenty of water, getting quality sleep, staying hygienic will give you a huge physical boost and affect your mood positively cause you're taking care of yourself and treating yourself like you're worth it

But you'll still have to sit down and sort your head out to get over those vicious cycles of thoughts and behaviors that are perpetuating your depression. There's plenty of stuff online, personally I'm into mindfulness meditation and cognitive behavioral therapy but there's always tons of other shit out there, find what works for you. That may also only be just a start though, you might need to actually see a professional if it's real bad.

Here's an idea that could help you ride the next wave: you can't control what thoughts enter your head, but you are always in control of your response.

Hope you make it brometheus.

you are a bit extreme in your wording, but I agree with you.

depression sure is a bitch, but self control in a mental sense is a thing. when you have depression you feel like you cannot fix it (much like an obese person just giving up) because you have developed all those habitual negative ways of thinking over a lifetime.

still, no one except for yourself can save you, and every day that passes without you making an effort to regain control of your mind is a day you are wasting.

Personally, my gf suffers from depression, but I still encourage her to work out no matter what (I tell her to not think or link it to her feelings, but just fucking do it) and recently I introduced her to dat dere mindfulness meditation (I have a great deal of hope placed in that... Essentially, it revolves around the idea kf staying anchored to reality, and not letting your mind hijack you. particularly for depressive people, their minds are fucking devils who torture them).

I don't usually post in this kind of thread but my hamster died today. I'm bummed out. I don't like looking at his empty cage, and not hearing his wheelies go at night. He actually motivated me to do cardio.

damn man, you legit made me sad (and I don't even like hamsters)

I am sorry ;_;

this is exactly what my fucking dorm room looks like right now. Down to the bag and wireless mouse. Fuck me

Aww man, that's rough. Sorry to hear it.

Rip in peace. Get a new one, breh.

He died in his sleep and his face seemed peaceful so I'm guessing that he went without struggle. Tanks..


holy shit this Pepe is me. I can only hope to see her in my dreams

>Let go of job due to injury
>Graduated college
>Friends all scattered, won't text me back
>No girl
>Dream chasing stagnated and degenerated
>Finished the project
>Stopped doing the martial art
>Can't pick up the instrument

I feel like I've turned to stone. I wake up in the middle of the night where panic attacks should have been. I just feel the twilight of fatigue wash over me. Sure, I've had successes, happy memories, ambitions, but I'm not in the middle of it like I used to be. I want to accomplish just one goal a day. I'll go to the library to draw a picture of one dragon or I'll clean the bathroom that day - that's it. I don't drink alcohol though, so I have that going for me.

Depression is like Drake or a sprained ankle, it's not something to fuck with.

>Being this retarded

>Depression is like Drake or a sprained ankle, it's not something to fuck with.


Bro take it from me as an unvoluntary NEET who has since then moved on and is now doing pretty well for himself

Never give up. sometimes it seems like everything is lost and pointless anyway, but we've all been in such situations to an extent. keep pushing forward with whatever it is your dream might be and you will eventually make it back. I believe in you, bruvvy.

Fucking believe in yourself. Don't give up.

These hardships is what makes you learn more about yourself and propel you to improve.

Don't let that depression get to you. I was depressed ever since I was 14 and did some really pathetic stuff. When it came down to all the hardships I faced, the constant in all of that was myself. After I realized this, I started to self improve like no other. I dropped out of college, was smoking weed everyday, getting fatter, etc. I stopped smoking both cigs and weed, stopped drinking, stopped dwelling on all the bad, stopped thinking of myself as a failure who had no future, etc. After all of this, when I look in the mirror in the morning, I just tell myself I'm going to make it. I'm back in school, I'm going to the gym 6 days out of the week, my diet is on point, etc.

Look back on your life and reflect only on the good things. I did some really pathetic things in my life, so pathetic I'm too embarrassed to even post it here, but that's okay, it's just more motivation to change. My own fraternity laughed at me for who I was, my best friends used me as a motivation boost for themselves, but I allowed that to happen. Just more people to prove wrong.

Do baby steps everyday and one day you'll look back and laugh at how far you've came. Never give up.

Every fucking time

>Depression doesn't exist because ME, MYSELF and I don't have it so why would anyone else


okay dipshits
suicidal depression sufferer my entire life since i was like 12. runs in the family. listen up

getting fit will not "fix" your depression but it can help your body image and self esteem

it can also teach you good habits about taking care of yourself and keeping yourself presentable which you can apply to almost every other aspect of your life
being presentable and organized helps with depression

you have to actively make an effort to think about things in a positive light rather than a negative one and to make good habits that benefit your life long term even if they don't feel good in the moment. so you can count getting fit as one of these

gl everyone

feel kinda shitty today. used to be really social but since starting med and only having time to study I have drifted from my friends. now that I have a small break trying to organize shit but it always falls through.

Dumping a feel

>date girl
>really like her
>i end up breaking up with her because im depressed/dropping out of school/a mess
>feel happy for a while
>we end up working at the same fucking job soon after at the same time
>pure coincidence
>I fall for her again
>she seems to reciprocate for a few weeks, we bang, flirt, etc
>now she suddenly stops texting/snapping me
>ask her why
>"im too lazy to respond"
>tfw she used to blow up my phone all day erry day
>now im just a depressed loser with no friends or gf

change something up bro
Im finding while I'm more iratable and short tempered on my cut, I'm more upbeat as well.

[spoiler]getting a new qtgf might have something to do with it[/spoiler]

Were you diagnosed with depression by a professional or did you decide so yourself?

Try taking a small dose (500mg) of Phenibut a couple of times a week. I used to be really anxious, to anxious to walk in to a gym full of strangers, so I started taking 500mg of Phenibut a few hours before my workout. I did that x3 a week for 2 weeks until I was comfortable in the gym, then I came off. On random days where I wake up and feel too anxious/unmotivated to workout, I take 500mg of Phenibut.

It's actually changed my life. I've been off for 2 months now but I used it to expand my comfort zone and that comfort zone has remained.

>Birthday a few days ago nobody not even my family remembers
>no friends
>go biking and hiking by myself because I dont have any to go with
>So use to being alone and forgotten that I want to go live by myself in a uninhabitat area like the forever alone 81 year old.

I'd go with you and celebrate your bday, happy birthday user!

Not a bad idea go live and train in some mountain alone and become a myth user

Well, it is what keeps my anxiety in check, so I would say it works.

I know it's hard but you need to get yourself out of the loop, man. Self-pity is a vicious circle of bad feels making you feel good that you are worthy of pity and so on and so forth: only you can break it, with strength and determination. Be a man and beat that bastard Ego into the ground.
And a late happy birthday, man. Be strong, we all love you, even if we're anonymous posters on a Korean shadowpuppetry forum.

This happens to me all the time. I feel great afterwards but then sadness comes back like maybe 30 minutes later. But I skip for 3+ days I feel much much worse.

Hamsters are the pets of choice Veeky Forums.

Sorry for your loss brah.

I recently read a study that said consistent exercise was as effective at treating depression as medication or psychotherapy. It suggested that all 3 methods combined would likely be the best way to combat depression. However, it didn't apply to bipolar depression.

Depression is like the flu, if you try to fight it and act like nothing is wrong then it'll get worse

Treat it like an illness, lay down somewhere quietly and re-live the moments that caused you the pain of depression. It'll hurt like a bitch, but long term it's good for you. And instead of medicine, eat foods that are good for you (not food you like, food that is nutritious)

how did you take that pic

You're living in one of the most hilarious parts of history and you're depressed. Why? You're better off laughing at what's to come honestly. It has absolutely nothing to do with us and was this way before we were born.

I get it all the time. Why don't you just come on bro. It's simple. It's because I choose to. If I can't get in on my own merit then God (regardless of your interpretation of this entity that's up to you) didn't put it there for me period and he didn't put it there for you either.

I hope this helps someone honestly

Or go to a doctor and get your shit fixed. I finally told my doctor how I felt and he sent me to the mental hospital. They gave me medication and plenty of resources to get my life back on track. They can't guess how you feel, you need to tell them.

I've had some kind of depression (or similar stuff) just because I sat in front of my computer and DID NOTHING with my life. Change it and see what happens
, don't be a pussy, you got this.

Get some tryptophan mate.
It'll help raise your serotonin whilst not being as harsh as 5-HTP.

And breaking the cycle is the hard part, but do it anyway.
The greatest people in the world didn't take the easy route.

Medicine is just a bandaid that will only cover up the underlying issue without actually healing it. Unless you legitimately have a hormone imbalance taking meds will only delay the healing process

Fuck dude, I needed this.
Thanks for being a cool user with cool words

Depression is a result of chemical imbalances in your brain. To put it simply, your brain isn't producing enough serotonin, dopamine, or endorphins.

I've been depressed before, and it's because of my addictive personality. I need stimulation of some sort, whether it's doing sonething cool, thinking up something cool, partying, or drinking and smoking. When I didn't have access to this (mostly whenever I was at home in between semesters), I would get depressed.

I discovered running and that helped. Long distance running produces more endorphins, although it will limit your leg gains. Still worth it if you're depressed, IMO. I quit running and started heavy lifting, which has helped a lot too, but I'm not sure if you should depend on it if you're still depressed.

Try other form of exercise or making a change in your life. Maybe make some new friends somehow. If you're still depressed, I would highly recommend visiting a therapist. Many people I know found SSRIs very helpful.

you faggots don't have depression

you just didn't have a dad or don't have the fucking balls to get your life on track to become a man

Yeah just smile and stop being a bitch lol how fucking hard is it

Exercise helps against depression but is alone insufficient for major depression (wether this is due to the positive effects being too insignificant or that people with major depression cannot exercise properly i don't know). This was the consensus last time i checked at least. Maybe you need a better job or a fresh environment. Meaningful hobbies are useful too. Or maybe you just need a qt3.14.

I was recently diagnosed with major depression and I'd say it's the former. I was in better shape than anyone I knew and was making good progress with my routine, but it just wasn't enough to make me feel confident and happy

learn to live with it, otherwise kill yourself

The chemical imbalance theory is ancient, get with the times (neurogenesis).

I believe a gf would probably help me with my depression.
Ever since getting fit though, i've developed severe body dysmorphia and all of my confidence went out the window.

thats what everyones dorm room looks like u nob thats the point

Suffering is something created by our own minds.

And yes I believe there are exceptions and there's REAL depression out there, but the chances of so many faggots having it on this board is mind boggling.

If you can't even lift because you're depressed, how are you ever going to make it in this cut throat world? If you think life is easy and you'll 'make it' by just chance, then just quit now.

I honestly wonder how some of you kiddos will make it in the world where there are people trying to take your job and fuck you over every single day.

Oh wait a good portion of you guys make under 20k a year and live with your parents.

whats the point in this comment?
Infact... fuck it i will anwser that for you. Basicly you are a narasistic retard that had shit day so you need someone to shit on to make urself feel superior but guess what you are just another faggot on the treadmill so stfu. stop puting other people down it may make you feel better on the inside but to the rest of the world you just look even more fucking pathetic than you already are.

Direct ur shitty anger at your boss or your girlfriend or prefably at urself where it belongs you dumb cunt. favorite sin :)

You need the depressed people here to feel better about yourself. Its quite sad really but have a wonderful day friend. You're not immortal. You'll die just like them making you no different yet you come here and make a comment like this. Why?

Do you know what a suicide looks like because I've seen plenty of them. Its not something to make fun of. I have to go to a funeral on Friday for someone I went to college with who made more in a week than you probably make in a year. You have no idea what demons people are fighting and mocking them makes you no different from the true scum of the earth.

Woops might of gone abit overboard.... let me rephase

"Sorry you had a bad day buddy."

One day you'll get depression and you'll see.

Full blown damage control right here

That's my take on it as well.

Depression is a real condition just as ADHD is - and just like ADHD it is extremely over-diagnosed. In the case of the latter, something like 2% of cases are actually caused by a genetic abnormality.

From my experience with depression, the best way to look at it is to see it as the mental equivalent of the physical pain response.

Just like how you feel that sharp burning sensation when you hold your finger above a flame, depression is caused by something (or rather, many things) in your life that are causing you emotional/psychic pain.

Other user's have mentioned mindfulness above, that's a very solid place to start. You've got to get yourself out of the fire - it's not an easy task but know that incremental steps will take you there.

If you do resort to medication it is extremely important that you immediately set yourself to the task of eliminating what's causing your depression. Too many people fall into complacency when they start a prescription, so while they feel better (in some way) they do nothing to uproot what's actually causing the anguish. This is why a good therapist can be indispensable, as depression is caused not just by external factors concerning your life (no job/no health/no gf/etc) but also just by how your internal world operates.

It's not easy brother, but just know that it isn't as hard as it feels.


>go to new dentist
>fall absolutely in love with girl cleaning my teeth
>she asks her coworkers to take the next client
>stays with me
>try flirting with her
>ask her if shes going to be with me next week for my follow up
>says she will ask to sit in
>creep on her facebook
>shes married

How do you fall in love with someone just like that?

Not him but at the worst of my depression I felt love towards anybody who would even just talk to me. When you spend all your time isolated just having someone care about you for a short moment is enough

Didn't say it to be cool. It's reality man. Far cooler than any drug or any vaginas or muscles. I'm having to bury too many of my friends to feel sorry for myself anymore. You pick yourself up or join the rest of the dead at this point. I laugh at what's going on now because it's fucking hilarious.

I had a friend who's mom died in Paris rant about the Republican convention...why...because she's a spoiled millennial shit who doesn't appreciate what she has that's why.

People die and that's life. Some of you are depressed about you Dick or height for fucks sake. Get it together

When people say that line they aren't talking about hormone disorders, but self pitying niggers who do nothing all day long.
OP shouldn't stay in a dark room if he's feeling down, you can easily control your environment to soften that feeling.
Have some fucking agency.

Oh look a white person who can't read. Why do you think they have depression and are on fit....fluctuating hormone levels...

You're not tested, are you?

Also, not white.

Tested for what

Every action you choose while depressed feeds the depression. That's why you have to do something you dont' want to do. I can sleep all day until work. I fucking hate going to work, but when I do I am energized, socializing, and hyped to do other things.

To beat depression you need to do things outside of your comfort zone. Now if we're talking insanely depressed/suicide, you probably need some meds or an intervention lol

Did you actually have a doctor test your hormone levels or are you self-diagnosed?

I was depressed for a time too, user. My mother died from breast cancer a few months before I turned 18. I walked across the graduation stage with a big hole in my heart. I worked a shitty retail job that I dreaded walking into, and I had a girlfriend, who I thought I wanted to be with forever, turn into a toxic cunt, and a cheater. I walked through life hating myself because I was a fat, nerdy loser. People would constantly bag on me, and I would lay awake at night crying my eyes out because I didn't want to live any more.

But you know what happened? I sat down and contemplated my life, I relived my life up to the point I was at, and I wrote down everything I wanted to do in my life, and what I needed to do. You already know what you need to do, and if you want to get Veeky Forums, instead of worrying about getting Veeky Forums taking care of your depression, START. Throw yourself into it, give it your whole-hearted 100%, and from accomplishment, you will lift yourself up.

Remember when you were a child, and you looked up at a tree, and thought "Wow, that tree sure is tall?" That tree became tall because it was planted 200 years ago. Don't wait to plant a tree until next year. Plant that tree today, and you too shall grow into something beautiful.

Are you me?

Nah, even getting a gf for me didn't help. Graduading college didn't. Getting a good engineering job didn't.

Some of us were just not meant to be happy
