>change BC and AD to BCE and CE to be less Eurocentric
>the date are still based on the birth of Christ anyway
Change BC and AD to BCE and CE to be less Eurocentric
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I understand moving away from BC, but what would even be the standard?
Nothing wrong with Christian Era :^)
To signal how sorry they are for being white
Why not start at 0 where modern-ish humans were around.
Ie, 12000 years ago.
Should be easy enough to just slap an extra one at the start of the date.
Therefore it is the year 12017 of the Human Era.
It’s because jews in academia didn’t like how the dating system reminded them of Christianity.
>>change BC and AD to BCE and CE to be less Eurocentric
So WE have change for the world? Fuck that.
it wasn't to be less eurocentric it was to be more secular
>Common Era notation has also been in use for Hebrew lessons for "more than a century".[46] Some Jewish academics were already using the CE and BCE abbreviations by the mid-19th century, such as in 1856, when Rabbi and historian Morris Jacob Raphall used the abbreviation in his book Post-Biblical History of The Jews.
Why am I not fucking surprised.
>Pertaining to a brown kike from the Middle East
Because we don't have an exact date
Because we've realized the birthdate is wrong for Jesus, so the old names just don't make sense anymore.
BCE & CE are used by over a billion people.
Jesus is not "our lord".
Deal with it.
I swear, the absolute STATE of Veeky Forums, as if AD/BC is even defensible in the current era.
Jesus wasn’t European and current Christianity is Eurocentric and has been for a long while, though Latin America will soon give you a run for your money in that regard.
What’s the issue?
>Basing dates off of the birth of a magical arab Jew is Eurocentric
Because Western academics needed to make sure everyone knows how much contempt they have for Christianity,but didn't want to take it so far that it would inconvenience everyday life.
>BCE & CE are used by over a billion people.
>Jesus is not "our lord".
If the former is the case, then for all intents and purposes, so is the latter.
>not using long count
How did you get my IP
How is "Christian Era" and "Before the Christian Era" any less Eurocentric than "Anno Domini" and "Before Christ"?
This always boggled my fucking mind too. I'm all for changing our dating system but why the fuck would you just slightly change the names but still leave it based around the birth of Christ? When I did my history undergrad in 2008-2012 it wasn't even consistent. Some professors, books, and articles used BC / AD and others used BCE / CE.
This always made the most sense to me but I don't see it catching on anytime soon.
That may be, but he is the Lord of your Lords, shitskin.
It's COMMON era not Christian era you retard
Jizzus wuz air-ee-ihn!
ROMAN jew. the region was an imperial province at that time.
>all these angry non-euros
guys chill, we can't all be objectively the best race of human beings that has ever existed or will ever exist.
What the fuck means common era?
Common - in common. Are you legit retarded?
In common with who? Other christian countries? nearly every major religion has its own calendar. Modern calendar was invented by christians, and the start date is the birth of Christ. Changing the nomination to please jews and liberals is just plain stupid.
That's even more arbitrary than what we've got. At least people who made the scale believed Jesus was born in 1AD. This counts up from nothing.
in common with the rest of the modern world ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ like saying this is the calender that we all have in COMMON with each other. Whomever the calender is started by if it's Gregarius or Julianus or if it's based around date 0 having a Christian denomination is besides the point. Common in this context means in common with the rest of the world. Please stop trying to force Christianity or religion when it is besides the point of what you asked to start off with.
Why are there posts after this? Jesus was "born" in Asia and the Jesus cult exists on every continent
why are people in this thread acting like Europe didn't become the epicenter for Christianity? Are they just triggered nu-pagans?
Nice to know nothing lords over my Lords, cumskin.
Speaking of cum, it's about time to clean out yer wife's cunt Bjorn, your bull just came.