Ask someone who's in the process of becoming a real life Batman for his city anything

Ask someone who's in the process of becoming a real life Batman for his city anything.

At what age were you diagnosed?

Moonman > batman

post photos of ur body plzzzzzzzzzz , and do u know some martial arts? name them plzz

Post pics of your crime fighting gear or this thread is bait.

Can I be Bane pls?

6'5 250lbs. Been preparing for this since I was 16 years old.

Martial arts
>krav maga

Been in Judo since I was 5. Got my black belt when I was 17. Currently working on striking.

>bench 450lbs x3
>squat 615lbs x3
>deadlift 720lbs x1

Been roiding since I was 15.

What do you stack?

Up the tren. That's all I'll say ;)



nigga how old r u? u r crazy, at least post some shittie images from ur giganigasuit

jesus christ

What will you call yourself?

What will your costume look like?

What is your strategy for when someone pulls a gun? Are you Neo?

>krab magoo

Will you suck on my dick for free?

Unless you've developed some badass armor or a bulletproof body, I'd say some homeless people could even rape you.

But if you're the real deal, then please don't be that guy that revels himself a week after appearing on the news.

>becoming batman
>playboy bunny tattoo
>roiding since 15
Thanks for the keks

Barf. Disgusting. How can anyone do this to themselves? No seriously. How much of an insecure sad person do you have to be to literally become a fucking junkie like this? You realize a guy like this is on truck loads of steroids all year around and I guarantee he is a drug dealer.

Disgusting repulsive skin. A trashy cringe worthy tattoo. Horrible acne from his drug abuse. And a mediocre gross body to show for it all. But I'm sure it helps him feel confidant, even if he's willing to shave off 20 years of his life so he's able to maintain eye contact with someone.

I can guarantee you this guy was one hell of an insecure sad child that was most likely bullied growing up. People that resort to this don't end up like this any other way. Period.

How autistic are you?

What do you take for your depression?

Do you feel obligated to do this because you think your parents actually want you to avenge them and the city?

Christ. The hell do I know. I've thought about it. And I feel it's best for the community to give me a name... I know I'll get shit for it (bring it on) but in my own person mind I've thought about being called the menacing knight.

My strategy is to work from the shadows and use gadgets (like batman) obviously I'm not going to walk into a group of thugs. It'll be more stealth and subtle than that. I'll be fighting dirty. Sucker punches, gadgets, tasers. Etc

I would love to see a malnourished 150lb homeless guy try to "rape" a 250lb roiding man that has stronger arms than majority of people's legs.

Projecting much?

I can't believe the dumbfucks in this thread are so new that they don't know this picture. Gr8 b8

Laamo rip zyyz

it is scoobie dickbody

Sure is tardo.

I doubt it's easy to swing around and stealth mode 250lbs of roiding meat.

Just in case, I suggest raising bunnies. Because of your small raising size bunnies:3

For your nickname

The autistic armsman
The Sperg Sentinal
The Beta Blocker
The GOMAD Goliath
The Aesthetic Avenger
The Creatine Champion

I've seen this thread before senpai

Yep.. You've seen this thread before because (drum roll please).... I'm the guy who's been making them and I've had this plan since I was 16. Am I ready to start my "career"?. No. Give me another 3 years. I'm only 22.

From now until (I die?) I will be popping up here and there making these threads and answering questions.

You'll die in a sauna before you get do anything.

>Forever planning his life as a superhero
When the day comes and you turn 25, you'll realize that you're not quite ready yet. You are going to need another 3 years.

I hope I'm wrong though, the world needs a Supermong.

What im curious about is why the fuck your city even needs a vigilante at all.

Where do you live that has such a high crime rate you think the police need your help?

Literally anywhere in burgerstan I'd say

Wouldn't it be a lot more effective to fight crime by joining the police?

This fucking thread

Holy shit that's some hefty steroid use.

>boulder shoulders
>highway map veins

Even bodybuilders don't gear up that hard. He was probably tiny a few months prior to the pic and can only last a few more months.

When you're 40 and start having horrible health problems will it be worth it? Was it worth letting your insecurity get the better of you when you were young ?

This. Unless you're a billionaire with enough money to afford and maintain your own personal arsenal of arms, vehicles, personal satellites, and hidden bunkers scattered throughout the city, I see no way of you being more effective as a vigilante than a cop.

Live large. Kick ass. Make money. Leave a big coffin. That's my motto. A lion doesn't care about the opinions of a sheep.

>a work-in-the-dark vigilante wannabe
>squatting 600+ lbs for reps
>not doing firearm training
>not doing sprints and parkour/freerunning

I know this thread is bait, but Im sure many young guys think that roided muscles make them into some turbo badass

this is how you shitpost pasta brehs

I kek everytime


"Tell me, do you bleed?"

rolling for this

Post costume