cheating frauds general
cheating frauds general
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does accutane affect your hairline or no?
sucks if so, can't choose between hair and acne...
Can't get my chest or biceps to grow to save my life. Help me frauds before I go straight up Boston Loyd on myself.
Took it for 5 months. Didnt notice any hair loss whatsoever or anything bad hair related. Was on 40 mg a day.
I don't think so.. I did a year cycle of accutane and another few random months when I change test doses as preventive. I have a natural widows peak V hairline but I think its fine. In 26 so I should of receded more by now if I was gonna go bald early in life
any frauds had penis girth increasing surgery? if so were you happy with the results?
whats your current strategy
Jesus dude that back to chest ratio is really insane. In back dominate too so I only hit it once a month directly. I bench twice a week to balance my chest and do arms twice a week. I have similar dominate muscle as you except my shoulders also grow like crazy. Try doing paused bench and mix up your accessories. I quit db benching and primarily focused on squeezing exercises to fix the imbbalances for 6 months
Random question. In a standard bloodtest can they also check your chromosomes? Or is that only a specialist one that picks up on those? Want to check if I have an extra X one. I have ALL the symptoms
you inject hormones for bigger muscles, i want to inject fat to make my dick bigger, you aren't really in a position to judge me
do people run mk677 with gh?
>i want to inject fat to make my dick bigger,
is that actually how they do it?
sounds like it could restrict bloodflow
sounds pointless
Tried fst 7 type training with 3 excercises with last one a pump. Tried doing once a week chest with 100 pushups everyday. Ummm now I'm doing one arm at a time chest machine excercises. My chest literally refuses to grow especially the upper part.
yeah they inject fat to increase girth by 1-2 inches. They take the fat from somewhere else on your body. Im ok with my length but my girth isn't satisfactory for me, especially given my muscle size.
Well its your wild speculations based on assumption vs actual surgeons opinions based on evidence
In that interview he kept going on saying "Well obviously they should be made illegal"
And the other dude on the show used orals for 2 weeks, so obviously he's an expert. Not to mention the doctor didn't say that almost all of the side effects mentioned are easily minimized by knowing what the fuck you're doing.
> My chest literally refuses to grow especially the upper part
make sure youre not actually using more delts with chest exercises
>Well its your wild speculations based on assumption vs actual surgeons opinions based on evidence
I was just wondering dude
My back is so dominant it's crazy, pic related. What's your chest routine and biceps routine?
how the FUCK...
bench, bench, dips, bench, bench...
pl-style arched with a wide grip for flat bench, I've got like a 6'2 wingspan so I end up with my ring fingers on the outer knurling rings
you could probably just do straight 3x5 or 4x6 for bench, 3-4x12-20 weighted chest dips, and 3-4x12-20 flyes
or google cube method, use the flat and close grip programming, then use the assistance programming for the chest dips and flyes
but for real, how the fuck did you get that back while completely neglecting the antagonist group
What's your back routine?
It can restrict bloodflow if its done by a pleb, but if I were to get it done it would be by a proper surgeon. Downside being of course that it costs more (1-2k pounds)
Hi boys.
I have been running my second cycle of test-e, 500mg/w. As with my first cycle I have had no acne problems during cycle. But during PCT after my first cycle I got hit with horrible shoulder acne.
So I'll be B+Cing from now on.
Just looking for some advice and info really. I haven't done much research into anything other than test, but want to add another compound to my next cycle.
First question, is the cardio negative effect of tren really that bad? I walk 10+ miles a day for my job so I don't want to make that hell.
Secondly, could someone please give a brief rundown of what EQ and Mast do, and any negative sides I should look out for.
I know I could google all this but I like you guys and want to let you spread your knowledge all over my face.
I do work out chest it just never seems to grow for some reason. I did do powerlifting style training and ended up partially tearing my left pec like a year ago.
I have really good genetics for back but basically heavy deadlifts working up to 600 for a single, v bar rows, t bar rows, lots of pull ups. Basically it. Just go really heavy till 15 reps, 1 to 3 for deads.
> (1-2k pounds)
find a girl with a vagoo thats 1-2 inches smaller
Someone tell me why the fuck I can get my hands on Steroids, DNP, and tons of other fucking shit in the UK, but I can't find any goddamn ephedrine so I can cut without wanting to kill myself? Pretty much nobody who sells it is taking new customers.
LOL i know your pain dude... fuck.
Getting the benzyl benzoate here in the canaries was harder than getting 2kg+ of raws
Century Supplements brah.
I know its expensive, but the UGL shit you get in the UK is bunk as fuck anyway.
Yes i COULD just go to asia, but I want a phat dick for the same reason I want chunky muscles
the biggest uk source (that im not naming so i dont get banned) online, the one that everyone here uses, sells ephedrine. Literally every online seller I've been to sells it...
What the fuck? Every single time I checked their website in the past month it was locked to anyone who wasn't an existing customer.
Well at least they're open again now.
Late roll for:
JB's and FL gets GF
How do refeeds work? Do you just go back to maintenance Cals for a day to avoid metabolic adaptation?
I'm going to go out on a limb and say that you have completely neglected dips.
Or he just has CF genetics
Is the "take tons of cod liver oil" meme legit?
Ever since I've been taking 7 grams of it my complexion has increased quite a bit.
Apparently it does some mumbo jumbo like lower your leptins/BF % set point and other shit.
I think lyle mcdonald said you should take 15grams a day.
>not being a loyal pharmacum customer
they're prolly one of the priciest ugl ever but that shit is 100% legit, even their anavar is spot on.
depends how drastic it is
psmf-style, ~2-4 weeks working back up to your new tdee
my negro
I refuse to do less than 8 reps a set anymore, shit is just too much fucking stress on my shoulders north of 4pl8, actually might try doing them with the slingshot for dat dere progressive overload and inflated musculoskeletal loading
apparently I lucked out with chest genetics according to a couple people, long clavicles so I've got the frame for it
dash of legit science, dash of snake oil
literally the only factor that'll ensure "legit" product is 100% batch qualitative and quantitative testing of raws which becomes more and more viable in a business sense the larger volume you're moving and the more you build your brand reputation
there are maybe half a dozen commercial scale facilities on the planet outside of china that have the capability and willingness to synthesize raws in meaningful quantities, 99% of labs have never and will never come close to having the kinds of connections necessary nor the consumer base willing to float the kind of price point necessary to make doing business with those facilities a reality
18 year old here on cycle 500 test e a week with anavar kickstart
Gear is legit according to labmax
Should i jumpstart with var or finish off with it ?
Whoops i meant if i should take it longer than 4 weeks because i have to much var on hand
Hair is receding on tren and i know fina doesn't help with it because tren doesn't interact with that reductase enzyme and just binds directly to the androgen receptor.
What can I buy to stop the hair recession for tren specifically? And should I get rogaine or spectral dnc?
When you guys get bloods do they charge you for each individual hormone that you want tested or do you get a blanket charge?
>mfw getting ripped off more than getting ripped
>mfw i have no face
Where I get them, it's usually a blanket charge, since they do them in deals, sort of thing. Like you can get a solely testosterone check, or a hormone check, which includes estro, or full bloods. Full bloods is generally only twice the price of only test.
But this is just where I get mine done, medichecks, in the UK.
Just looking at their site now.
Which test kit do you get specifically if you don't mind me asking?
>lifting for girls
>wanting a bigger dick for girls
I got full bloods with this kit
I was low test as a natty. If i come off of BnC and pct is there any chance my natural levels will be higher than before or am I just fucked for life
Maybe if you do a really good pct it can get slightly better but you are only getting older
well i was 18 when i started, now i'm 19. not exactly old yet. i had complete garbage test levels though
I don't know how it works but fina will stop tren hair loss. I use 5mg/day when on a tren and deca blast.
How in demand are brewers in the UK/Europe?
I don't understand why these 18 year old noobs are doing taking roids. My brother was always the gym guy and was active with weights since he was 13. His natty physique is a million times better than any roider when he was 25. I was a fat fuk all my life and started weights at 24. After 5 years of natty trainning with hitting 1.5/2.5/3.5/5 I went on gear because almost 30.
Advice for younger folks. You will fuck up your hormones. You will end up dead probably. You dont need roids, you lazy kunts just need a good program, nutrition and knowledge of lifting.
If you haven't been lifting for at least 4 years and are less than age 26, you have no business doing roids.
Are you the OP from
No I'm not m8
Tbh family I think it's most aus teens that are jumping on early, most posts are from when north America is asleep
Well that OP sucks and is saying a bunch of random, vague, misinformed shit. It's like he is trying to troll but it's baby's first troll and he is lost in the sauce right now.
Kinda like your post.
But it's ok. It's easier to scare away noobs than to explain the truth to them.
What about the UK? Can't you just get them pretty much anywhere over there?
You are right
I'm not trolling bud, Being realistic. Are you saying people under the age of 25 without a minimum of 4/5 years natty lifting should be roiding?
>Are you saying people under the age of 25 without a minimum of 4/5 years natty lifting should be roiding?
No I strongly advise people work out natty for a while and ideally injure themselves a few times while natty so they know the injury warning signs which will appear much faster on gear. But telling people they are gonna die or fuck up their hormones is a flat out lie. I am just talking about permanent shut down as far as fucking up hormones goes btw.
Wouldn't know I'm Canada eh, but I know you can posses in the UK just not buy or sell
Anyone here run Trest Ace (Ment)? I'm avoiding Tren because if anyone gets crazy on androgenic sides, it's gonna be me. I'm hoping I can achieve Tren like gains and visual appeal without the infamous Tren sides.
Trest seems relatively unknown, I'm not even sure if it's illegal yet. As of 2014 people were buying it off clearnet RC sites but things may have changed. All I know is that the 5ar enzyme doesn't interact with it to create DHT, but that it aromatizes to the same form of estrogen as Nandrolone, and it does so at a high rate.
Even though it can replace Test's function in the body, I think running a bare minimum of Test on it is a good idea. I'm thinking only 70mg Test (taking into account ester) a week just to provide the normal functioning aspects of that base hormone, and then something as low as 6.25-12.5mg Ment a day as a really precautionary way to ease into it. People talk about doses in the 25-50mg range but it's many times more androgenic and anabolic than Test, so I think I will really be fine with such a relatively low dose. I react really strongly to androgens so I still expect it to be powerful.
lmao you grew a second pair of ass cheeks on your back nigga
How do you permanently shut your hormones/test off?
were you using Ai for your first cycle.
If yes which one?
You have good intentions but you won't change any dude's approach. You sound alarmist too, which will turn them off from listening to you. 500mg test and an oral for a first cycle is crazy though. Just because some reddit wiki says it doesn't mean it's a good idea.
It also seems dumb shutting yourself down in the peak of your hormonal output... why not wait until your naturally high teenage hormones even out as you age and then give them a boost? It's much better of an idea to train properly and naturally for many years before touching gear.
but also, maybe dude is the 2% of weight lifting public who is serious enough to be a pro bodybuilder, in which case, the sacrifices made when starting early are outweighed by the career benefits.
Mast basically insults you and brings you down while posting his body to make you feel insecure about yourself.
>taking anything else than just test alone
why, just why. You can become a god on 500 test alone dude.
Your personal ancedote is actually double suspect because Deca is 5ar reduced to a less potent androgen than if it weren't to interact with the enzyme. I think whatever you notice is not the Fin saving you but who am I to discount your personal feelings?
>How do you permanently shut your hormones/test off?
I don't think it's possible. Maybe if you castrated yourself?
what's the lowest cruise dose i can do? i want to be at 700ng/dl or so. i have no natty test so yeah.
Goto a doctor ffs why would trust anything people say on here, people have almost killed themselves making crystals
So you have bloodwork to back this up? How did you doctor not suggest trt?
Try doing more accessories for your chest And switch up to DV every other week if you haven't already.
>you lazy kunts
Yep 20 and cba to gym
Check out the sTORe.
why teh fuck do they not sell some test
Check out the sTORe
If kids on here did any real research they'd know steroids have much different place than what people think. It's for getting past the NGL
Not doing proper PCT
It's not possible to permanently shut down your test you stupid fucking imbecile
Yo tackle yesterday you said Jesus when I said I paid 45 canuk bucks for a vial of test, why? Is that a bad price? I technically bought 2 and got a third as free item so they were 30 each
>Not just taking hgh (or a secretagogue) for a few years for dick gains
Enjoy your nonfunctional synthol lookin dick
Aromasin during a simple test cycle? I'm talking basic 500mg/wk no added compounds
I live in the states so tell me if Im way off on how this works but couldnt you just drive to some other European country (or i guess take a ferry or somethin since ur an island) grab some and go back hoping that customs doesnt search your car and shit?
You can fuck it up doe.
Get bloods done around week 6-7 and if your est is high, start it. Or if you start feeling signs of high est, but by that point it could be late.
Not sure about Canadian pesos, but 45 US is pretty high. If it came out to 30 a pop, you did well. That's what most people pay in the US
Yes you can, but you were saying it's possible to shut it down permanently if you don't PCT, which is false
Depends on how you react. Some use none, some use 12.5 eod, e3d, ed, and some needs variations of 25mg. Get bloodwork to help dial it in
I agree. I do sound alarmist but it's only because I wish I had started lifting in my teens. I can't imagine what my physique would have looked like in high-test natty teen days because I had high fucking test and I wasted it all on scoring women and jerking off. Was pathetic when I hit the weights but still made something of myself but still the regret of not using youth strength haunts me.
As for competition, I think faggots like jeff seid who were ripped when they were 13 with great genetics are justified in using roids in early 20's but majority of the younger lot here on Veeky Forums are causing more harm than good by not utilizing their potential to the max before hopping on gear.
As an almost 30 something guy with low natty test now on first cycle, I feel so alarmed and cautious of my body's response to gear. Can't imagine doing this to myself with a young body full of natty youthful potential.
Accutane always makes my hair thinner, even at low doses. Not happy.
Just did my first ever injection- 250 Test E into my quad. I was shaking a bit because of nerves but it was easy and painless. 500 a week should kick in in what, 3/4 weeks?
Should be completely level in 4 weeks
Do ventrogluteal, or gluteal, less pain for me. Should kick in week 4, should've bought dbol to kick start cycle. Or try dbol on week 7 when you see how you react to test
Thanks, sadly bloods aren't easy to get up north but I'll try and figure something out
another user here
hey, does this logic work:
right now (being natty) i obviously have stable/normal estro levels.
If i start my test cycle of 500mg and do aromasin, i will be high test but will keep the estro levels of my natty status, because asin prevents my estro to get higher at all.
wouldnt this work?
also, aromasin and arimidex. asin blocks estro, adex destroys it right?