>look at myself in the mirror
>find myself to be really attractive
>take a selfie
>look like fucking utter shit
Look at myself in the mirror
i know the feels bro, i don't know if its because i have a shitty low tier camera, maybe not photogenic, but i look like shit in pics, but a 8/10 in real life.
How am I supposed to take a good picture of me then?
know these feels, its even more confusing because on some cameras you look good but others like shit. deceptive cameras senpai, destroying the wests self esteem one selfie at a time
What phone do you use?, obviously low tier phones have shitty sensors and cameras, where expensive phones have semi decent front lenses for selfies and god tier back lenses.
theres a video on youtube talking about why we look ugly in pictures, something to do with lenses and the scope.
but obviously some people are just not good looking.
take a good picture?, better camera and better lighting, plus a good angle
iPhone 5 but the lightning was definitely shit too.
Focal length of the camera makes a HUGE difference m8y
you're used to seeing your reflection, which is flipped
also camera lenses make a huge difference
Oh shit.
How do you fix you "focal length" then?
buy a new lens
But shit tons of smart phone photos look good, why do I look like shit there?
What makes the most difference is just distance of the subject from the camera. The effect of the lens itself is overstated.
answered ur own question
Rude, senpai.
the only explanation is, some people are just photogenic, can look good in any situation, for the rest of us you need a very good camera which is mostly found in top tier smartphones.
Samsung S6 and after
LG G4 and after
Anything after iPhone 6
this still might not help if you are just not good looking but it would give a better representation of what you look like.
Some cameras/phones flip the image (so it looks like how others see you rather than what a mirror or your phone shows you while taking the picture). Though the idea that your "unmirrored" face looks worse is a bit ridiculous, you're just not used to it. Also, everyone except the most aesthetic look worse in other peoples photos of them. Selfies gives an inflated view since you probably take 20 and then pick the best one, everyone does that.
also dont forget alot of people use filters to make themselves better, if its snapchat people use layers to put a gloss or photoshopped effect over it, which helps a bit.
but even those that look good probably had to take 10-15 photos to get a picture that makes them look good.
Is natural light better than from a fucking light bulb?
Sometimes more.
If you're talking about the people who are most serious about looking good for internet photos, its taken just about as seriously as a full-on photoshoot. Sometimes hundreds of photos and hours of work for a single damn instagram post.
Also beware that some phones have really fucked up fisheye lenses, particularly the front/face cameras. My jaw goes from asian to german tier depending on where my face is in the photo (galaxy note).
Sunlight makes you REALLY pale if you already have a tendency for it. Many lightbulbs have a yellowish color temperature while some are more blue/white.
Ur welcome, newfags
>walk into store
>see myself on surveillance tv feed
>feel disgusted and have day ruined
What's the best way to find out how attractive you are?
Tinder, I guess.
>go to the bathroom
>take off shirt and look in the mirror
>swole as fuck
>decide to take a picture
>looks like shit
>take a video
>looks better
>look in the mirror
>wow I look big
>put on the shirt again
>look like shit
all within one visit to the bathroom
Who /bodydysmorphia/ here?
Am I pretty?
who's face goes to complete shit when they do anything other but look stoic?
I really really like this image. Do you mind if I save it?
20/10 IRL
Only 9/10 with photo
H-hold me fit
6/10 at best, sorry.
>those gaaps between the teeth
At least they are shiny.
I'm British
My teeth are 10/10 americuck
holy fuck those feels.
was in the best mood possible the whole day, until I saw myself in the surveillance tv feed.
"looking juicy mhh"
>any other reflection
"I can have any girl"
>surveillance tv feed
"who the fuck is that slob with bad posture"
Fuck me, does anyone here actually lift?
Pro tip: If you're ugly in a picture, you're just fucking ugly. Deal with it.
Do you really want to know user
> british
Does the focal length matter when you take a picture of you in the mirror?
> tfw find out one of my eyes is higher than the other from looking at my face flipped and not flipped
>take phone out of the case
>get some lightning
I-I made it, even several pictures at once that are good-looking.
dont ever buy a samshit phone if you want selfies.
they use those fish eyed lenses that make you deformed.
go with LG or something
But I already bought an s5.