
What the fuck am I watching? Is this really a legitimate way of building muscle?

Why don't you just lift weights rather then this gimmicky bullshit?

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thanks for the feedback

pls reply


that's actually a pretty good way to improve big lifts

OP, you should learn how to deadlift before you try kettlebells, you might injure yourself here

You're straightening your back before your hips. You should only be bending at the waist, keeping slight flexion in the knees. Squeeze your glutes and thrust forward. Your back should automatically straighten.
You're arching your back too and then throwing your hips slightly forward. Your shoulders should only go as far back as your hips.


go to strongfirst.com
study all articles, read all Tsatsouline books, watch all strong first videos, go to SFG instructor. Your form is inefficient. In kettlebell TENSION is the key

not available in germany
wtf user? You don't like germans?
Make it accessible right now!!
I want to see you swing your kettlebell too!

fucking youtube flagged my vid for the music in it

Do it now you faggot i want to see it too. Germany 4 life

Shit form. You need to go lower, bend your knees a bit more. Also, the swing should end in front of your face, arms straight. Brace your core during the entire swing till top and use your glutes to do the swing explosively. Have you not done any research during your 4 months you mongoloid?

32 is too much for you

start with 16, snatches and clean+jerks

No you don't squat down like that. That's incorrect form. See fucks doing that shit all the time. It's a ham/glute/spinal erector exercise. Quads should not be used at all.

You can't go low enough with stiff legs m8. It's like saying that you shouldn't bend your knees doing RDL's because it's a ham/glute exercise.
Granted, it should not be a squat tho.


is this better?

i have added more hipdrive, going higher, and squatting deeper

Kettlebells are a fixed form of conditioning. Once you get to a certain point there is no progression, just cardio.

Much better, but you should go a bit lower with your upper body. Also, I can't see it from the video, but you should inhale on the the top and just when you start going down, then bracing and exhale on the way up. Basically, relax your core and have the kettlebell "float" in front of you, breathe in, brace, go down and exhale sharply on the glute boost for extra power. You can use the exhaling to count the reps out lound as well, that's what I do.

fucking terrible, you may actually die

you guys are posting in a troll thread

Also, you should read and listen to based Pavel if you want to into kettlebell.


Do you realise how big you can get with kettlebell training?

Why is that not enough for you

10/10 OP. i like how he literally has a hardon in this one


lol i dont

this big! :)


are u autistic

I would put more hip into it. So as it comes back almost go into a squat position amd thrust back.
This way bigger ROM+high swing.
I know its a meme exercise but its good for glutes and posterior chain.

is it better?

Yeah just watched the second attempt looks much better pal.


really makes you think

what the fuck are you trying to do? You call that a swing? Playing that nigger music. This has to be a troll



are u autistic

>fell for the kettlebell meme


Are you serious ?



pls ignore

Remind me why I can't do what he did with a dumbell? He's not even swinging the weight.


>ignore good form which is almost the same as Ivan Denisov, I didnt link because its in Russian

>follow Veeky Forums's retarded advise

yeah, sounds like the homoerotic orangutan tea leafs cultivating board I know

Because DB's are easier to hold.

I think it's the opposite; dumbbells are a bitch to hold in most circumstances. Kettlebells can be racked on your arm and feel more natural

t. never working with kettlebells

Yeah, they rest on your arms, but you can't grasp them by the center of the weight thus it's harder to hold for the entire chain. Needs more wrist strength, too.
It's much harder to clean a KB than a DB for example.

It's a lot easier to swing a kettlebell into a clean than to lift a dumbbell. That's what they're designed for.

OK, I'll just re-categorize this as trolling.
Here's your (YOU)

Much better OP. You are on your way.
