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Tell me one thing.A simple thing.
What is the worst thing about modern day religion?
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Which religion? Pentecostals are a hell of a lot different than Catholics and Muslims.
The basics(Most predominant ones)
For instance most members etc.
The difference between worshiping a sacred entity and living your life vs. worshiping a sacred entity and making sure everyone else should do the same
Okay. Well the worst thing about Islam is how tied in it is with politics. Muslims don't really understand the idea of secularism.
Orthodox Christianity is dying out, it is losing members as time goes on because the only major places where it exists are eastern Europe and Russia, places with low birth rates and that tend to be fairly atheistic anyways. Not to mention that it tends to just be a tool of whichever nation it resides in.
Catholics have a fairly traditional clergy (barring the recent Pope), but their laity is absolutely pathetic with the vast majority not even following the doctrines of their own church. Someone being a "Catholic" doesn't mean much because Catholicism has become more of a cultural thing than any sort of real religion with an effect on people's morality.
"Old" protestantism (Lutheranism, Methodism, some Anglicanism) is effectively dead. It has mostly embraced leftism now and basically throws Biblical ideas in the trash whenever they aren't politically correct. They're losing members quickly and they don't have a strong presence anywhere except maybe Africa.
Evangelical Protestantism is doing fairly well, it's making progress in Latin America, Africa, and parts of Asia. It's also home to most of the crazies of the mainstream Christian denominations. They tend to be a weird mix of conservative and liberal theology, for example they'll demand that women dress in modest clothes and have long hair yet they'll also allow woman to preach on the pulpit.
The big three want people to live their lives in such specific ways, but mostly it's the ideals that matter. Maybe not Islam, but who cares if you attend church or go to the mosque and whatever the fuck is traditional. Just don't be a shitty person. It's like to not be a shitty person you HAVE to follow and believe some of the weird bullshit that's tied to almost all religions.
The virus itself. It has a built in defense (survival) mechanism of fear and guilt and, given its promise of a blissful afterlife, it spreads like wildfire.
Da Ten Commandments
201Den God say all dis:
Numba One
2“Dis me, Yahweh, yoa God, talking. Was me wen get you guys outa da Egypt land, wea you guys was slaves. 3You no go take odda gods fo you, cuz me, I da ony God fo you.
>Muslims don't really understand the idea of secularism.
No they do, it's just a lot don't want it
They aren't as bloodthirsty and their ancestors
Guitar masses
People who are only religious for political/cultural reasons but don't actually believe it
militant atheists
Don't they all?
Please, a few annoying faggots on Internet and one mass shooter is nothing compared to what muslims do today.
Are you Jeremy Mclellan?
>china is nothing compared to a bomb
>wanting to be in charge of all big chinese religious organisations, help local religions when it's good for their hegemony, supress these when it's bad for them
Evangelical Christianity is pure cancer:
>evolution denialism
>biblical literalism to the point of retardation
>pre-trib rapture
>christian zionism
>prosperity gospel
>playing with snakes and drinking poison
>thousands of sects
>several other heresies
>really bland architecture and """art"""
All the worst aspects of Christianity are found there.
>not a true atheist
getting sad user. Perhaps some blood of the nations they harvest organs from could soothe you?
I believe in God.
From that reasoning anyone or any organization using religions as tools must be atheist because they obviously believe in these religions.
I fail to see how thinking all the religions are unlikely to be true suddenly make you some mass murderer, just like I don't think most religions make people into fanatics.
Well then you better do something about it user, cause the other denominations are absolutely shit at evangelizing.
Judaism is more a culture than a religion nowadays.
>but.. how?
atheists are impious. Like organ harvesters, cannibals, nazis, and soviets. These things all go hand-in-hand
We gotta bring back these guys.
Religious jews are very dependent on secular ones for running Israel and getting money through the connections they have in the west but liberal jews are bleeding too and non-religious jews remains culturally jew just for two or three generations at most.
How about something practical and within the realm of possibility?
And you wonder why irreligious people are sometimes weary of religious ones when dudes like you say things like that...
In my opinion there are certain religions like "Sikhism, Buddhism and Taoism," that are good and useful religions in order to help people live greater lives and to question their reality. On the other hand there are religions like, "Hinduism," with its god awful "(Caste-System)," and the barbaric and toltalitarian religions of "(Christianity, Islam and Judaism)," which are dangerous religions with the exception of the Mormon sect in my opinion. Atheism is just a simple belief that there is no God based on a personal lack of observable evidence and that is fine. I am a Deist but some of my friends are Atheists and they believe this. There are worse ideologies like Communism.
Freedom of Speech and Thought is the best collective group of values I am currently aware of. If somebody has a better idea please enlighten me.
why do you image look like it was edited by some crazy 65 year old widower
They're afraid of every possible inconvenience. Poverty, famine, sickenss. ITs pathetic. Mincing words just makes them into demagouges because they're a bunch of bloodthirsty animals. Better to speak to them like the dogs they are. Or do you forget the lesssons of Stalin, LEnin, Pol Pot, Mao, and Chavez?
I'm not a communist though.
It worships science
Doesn't take itself seriously enough
What the fuck are you on?
>"everyone would be rocket scientists if it weren't for religion!"
atheist actually believe this
>What is the worst thing about modern day religion?
It has no end game.
>Sit around and wait for Jesus to return
>Live like God told you to live
>Spend every free moment studying in the synagogue
>Mohammad is the best man to ever live
>Nothing will ever be as great as when he was alive
>No one will ever be as great as him
>Spend your entire life trying to live like he did
The best versions of religion are the ones that throw out the texts and just preach self empowerment like Trumps pastor.
>religion is the only thing keeping the mind safe and anchored
What did he mean by this?
The wrist thing about modern day religion is the ignorance.
>Christians claim the old testament is the word of god for almost 2 thousand years
>Studies have shown that the old testament is bullshit
>Christians change their minds and decide actually it's just the Jews that believe the old testament. There's another one, a New Testament that is ACTUALLY god's word. We swear for real this time.
It really is infuriating that religious people ignore history and evidence and dismiss all of it with the simple answer of 'cuz he's god, u don't understand him, he does whatever he wants and is all powerful. Accept it, don't question it. You couldn't understand it if you tried. It's god's plan, only he understands it.' I don't care what you believe, but beliefe based solely on faith is ignorance at it's highest tier.
>I don't care what you believe but
Then fuck off.
If you're not an adult, you can't use this website. If you are an adult, your mother needs her uterus stomped in, and your father needs to be castrated with dull blades for raising an idiot such as yourself.
thats some weak prose from a weak soybitch
Its existence
Chavez was a christcuck lmao
That's some weak syntax from an uneducated adult. Call it what you want, but at least I understand the grammar rules taught in elementary school. It's a sad world when an elementary student can communicate more effectively than a grown ass adult.
That it has no backbone except for Islam and some Buddhists.
>no backbone
when has a genocide ever been ended by a foreign army except the holocaust?
>no backbone
>follows up with something completely unrelated
Marcion tried to edit a Bible without the OT or other Jewish parts and the proto-orthodox church labeled him a heretic.
The fact that if you take ANY of it as literal, concrete truth - which most religious people do - it's bullshit of the most dangerous kind.
The people following it
It's stronger than ever. People just call it ideology now.
The Church is not as strong as she used to be. This must change.
>I'm proud to be a slave
Communism in itself is an atheist humanist ideology though.
There is a reason why eastern europe is so atheist even when they don't have the economical prosperity that normally causes it.
One could easily argue Christianity to be the most Communist of all religious persuasions, including being without religion at all. Just sayin.
How so?
In communism you aren't allowed to pray to any higher power.
Where does it say that in the big book of what communism is?
Christianity involves giving away all your unnecessary possessions, chipping in to help the poor, beating up bankers...
But also praying to god while most communist regimes outlawed religion and closed religious institutions.
It still exists.
>What is the worst thing about modern day religion?
God is real and despises Abrahamics - but they insist on spreading their terrorist lies despite being proven lies over and over and over again.
>Evangelical Protestantism
Your right about the rest, but Evangelical Protestantism is mockery of everything that old christianity stood for.
It's literally what most edgy fedora culture point to when describe retarded christians and sadly they right. Most of evangelicals are inbred fanatics you will screech "muh bible" when they can't formulate a normal argument. Sick man of christianity.
If christians ever want to save their petty religion, they should unironically strip their high religious figures and burn them at stake and replace them with actually devoted christians if they even exist anymore.
Personally i think nothing can save christianity by this point, it will either just become "cultural cuckoldry" or will stay pandering fuckery which only focuses on political correct lines in bible while disavowing the rest.
I never said anything good about Evangelical Protestantism, only that it's making the most progress in spreading out of any of the other Christian denominations.
Abrahamic religions were always brain cancer which is obsessed on submission to the slave cult.
Rest of religions don't bother or hold down much people today. Christianity is secularised to death and should stay that way.
Lemme hit you with some worst things:
>People who have little to no interaction outside their ideological camp (i.e. protestants that know fuckall about catholics, catholics that know fuckall about buddhism, etc.)
>Ideological purity and virtue signaling; look at the KJV Only fags and you'll see what I mean, there's no theology there, only statements that differentiate you from the outgroup
>Commercialization of religiosity
>Stigmatization of monasticism or ecstaticism
>Rapid propagation of incredibly facile opinions because of the mechanics of the internet (Atheists are just as bad)
If we work on these the extremism will tone down.
to me what seems to be the biggest problem is that it gives people complacency and makes them apathetic towards the world because they think they know everything they need to without asking any questions first
Evangelical American Christianity. Goldwater was right about all of it.
You guys really made my brain hurt. Aw shucks. I guess I'm not smart enough.
No one is willing to die for their Gods anymore.
It's hard to justify dying for an invisible space being when he allows your people to be slaughtered under the guise of 'lol free will'
Restrictions on what you can and can't do, especially with Christianity and Islam, fucking Constantine, its a shame Aureilian didn't live long enough to spread Sol Invictus so it could stamp out Christianity and subsequently Islam.
Your religion isn't worth shit unless it's got an abundance of martyrs. Chips on Shoulders is the REASON religions get successful.
No I don't. That's absurd. Believing that an invisible man in the sky is monitoring your thoughts and actions is also absurd.
>Restrictions on what you can and can't do
>What good is a law if breaking it isn't a sin?
Nothing wrong with have strict ethical or moral codes, the problem is when they're imposed with deadly force on others who disagree with you on what is sky wizard cannon and what isn't.
so is that stuff about buddhists practicing religious serfdom true or was that chinese propaganda?
This is projection. Almost no reputable Christian believes good lives on a cloud and watches you. You were raised by retarded parents and in return are also a retard and think they represent everybody. Pretty ignorant for someone who espouses enlightment.
God exists. Outside our realm of comprehension. If we could find him and shake his hand, I'm sure we would of done it by now.
Atheists are just militant ex-religious people who were too stupid to grow out of childhood santa clause- tier mythology and take it out on religious people with competent beliefs. Deo vindice little buddy
Every Christian I know believes that god watches them and judges their actions. Lust and coveting are both examples of thought crimes in the Bible.
your question.
The fact that billions of people have no moral center short of mythologies and irrational superstitions.
isn't it better though to be able to teach morals to people than they be born with them (because it takes experience to know what's bad and how to keep the good) or they're born unresponsive? and using mythology gives kids less room to say "oh they just did it wrong" like they might with history..given they have the patience and attention span to listen and understand the stories?
Well all religion is flawed. It was meant as a way to control people. Look at the Middle Ages. The church held absolute power, even above kings. In other words, modern religion is an optional ruling force. It controls your diet, your likes and dislikes and even your personality
The fact that people think atheism is some sort of cure for it. It's really just another ideology that can be manipulated just as much as the other ones in the pic can.
>recording and codifying revealed spiritual truths is anti-spirituality
there are 3 topics about religion from the same autists
dear fucking god this is Veeky Forums not r/atheism
it's a hot topic, anony.
not to the mods.
the fact that some islam can seem to do no wrong in the eyes of the left other than that ... meh
Holding back genetic engineering, transhumanism. We could be experimenting with curing cancer and ailments(immortality) more than we are.
The fact that they all hate each other's guts.
don't you get a simple point?
The biggest problem facing major religions currently is the fact that two of the largest, Islam and Hinduism, have become the largest post communist anti-colonial ideologies.