You guys are getting physical gains but what about mental gains?
You guys are getting physical gains but what about mental gains?
I'm finishing Plato's The Republic.That guy was a huge proto-fascist.
>Talking to as many strangers as you can
>Challenging career
>Playing instruments
These have all helped me immensely.
Studying for the LSAT thats in September
>reading Das Kapital by Karl Marx
>going outside
>talking to people
Read Strauss, my friend.
>Learning To Speak German, my fourth language
>Reading Political Science Books
>Lifeguard So I talk to a ton of people
>College Starts back up in a month
Milton Friedmen brahs
>he gon fix the economonees
I started reading the republic and I finished chapter 1 few weeks ago. Going to pick it up again soon, just need to find a good time, I find that I need a few hours to properly read and think about the contents to maximize my mental gains.
Dan Carlin and Sam Harris's podcasts for mental gains
Also learning german and going to uni
Learning German, socializing and reading Louis L'amour. Not as intellectual as other anons but, I'm taking notes on what to read next.
>reading non fiction
Enjoy your useless knowledge. Tell me when knowing the capital of Poland, who won WW1, or some random Supreme Court cases actually ends up helping you.
I'm a LSAT tutor, have any questions?
The usefulness of any knowledge is situational
Summer internship doing research for nuclear weapons security
supposed to be studying for the GRE and PGRE so I can get into a good phd program but procrastinating hard.
somehow I'm ending up spending the next 2 years doing nuclear engineering at my uni.
I need to quit Veeky Forums and study more and do all the fun things I said I'd do this summer.
GRE is easy as FUCK. You'll be fine.
Unless you're one of the hundreds of retards nowadays doing a PhD just to make money without any actual intellectual interest or capability. Then you'll get into a shit school and a PhD will be a giant waste of your time.
Learning Spanish, reading Things Fall Apart, cashier so I talk to a bunch of shitty people
Starting a phd in genetics, evolution and conservation
Theese. Not in a challenging career atm but going to uni this fall
gonna have to disagree. he was, however, an elitist.
Summer teaching job.
I know why some people don't have kids now.
Viel gluck, im learning too but all my germancuck friends are off the grid somewhere
Am I too old for this board? Where do I go if i've maxed out my mental gains and am now just gainfully imployed flexing them daily to get the monetary bitch to let me suckle on her teat
Literally all societies are fascist, some are just better at hiding it than others.
More like Das Crapital
>reading Das Kapital
guy was equivalent of tumblr, making things up with bizarre jargon just so he could afford to pay rent
psychadelics, Acid or shrooms or what?
Im thinking about getting a piano and adding meditation
>everything is fascist
you never max out mental gains, not until you start going senile, you arrogant old fuck
>who won WW1
Do you need to read non-fiction to know that answer?
I exhaled sharply through my nose when he suggested determined mating partners by lot, but rigging it so that plebs didn't get with the high status women and men.
Veeky Forumsfit/ master race here. Can proudly say I have started with the Greeks and got sick natty mental gains.
>all these pseudointellectuals
Training to get certified as an EMT this summer, in addition to taking my first grad course. Feels good, bros.
Some people actually enjoy literature.
how is fiction any more helpful?
Would you recommend this? I need more books
Eh, depends on what you like. It's a staple of philosophy and western society, so it might be something worth reading just for its own sake.
If you don't like philosophy and political science it's probably going to be a drag though. It's a long book and the most famous and essential parts (like the cave allegory and the introduction of the philosopher king) takes place in the latter half of the book.
Fortunately it's very readable since everything is written as a dialogue between Socrates and some of his buddies at a party.
If you have any interest in philosophy or want to get started with it, I would definitely recommend it.
Studying Heidegger and phenomenology.
He almost deliberately does not make sense and husserl is just boring as fuck.
pretentious, cynical, edge lord
What kind of buddies force you with threat of violence to attend their party?
I've only tried shrooms and L. I have the opportunity to try mesc this weekend (which will probably do).
Out of the two, i def like shrooms better. The L made me feel pretty uncomfortable and jittery even at a lower dose.
You know the articles online about psychedelics curing depression? Yeah, that's me. I've literally transformed my life since February through the use of them.
Goodspeed with the piano and meditation m8.
Cheers mate. The only other philosophy i've tried is Marcus Aurelius' Meditations. Bit hard going but worth it once I actually understood what the hell he was going on about.
Meditations makes a lot more sense when you realize it's an old man at the end of his life coming to terms with the fact that he failed to raise his lunatic son and that everything he's built will be torn down when he dies.
The only acid I've tried is 2cb, but it's definitely not something you'd want to take in order to meditate. It's more of a party drug.
LSD and shrooms on the other hand. Those can really give you some life-changing experiences.
I'm reading The Sirens of Titan.
I'm not sure if it counts, a twelve year old could finish it in a day, but it gives me deep feels.
> Read Homer during the day and maybe a bit after gym
> Read Sagan at night
ultimate comfy
Just ordered some books and I haven't really read anything since I was a kid/teen, so we'll see how it goes.
Hope I can get some mental gains and not have it all go out as quick as it goes in. I need to get my head in order.
I only read a chapter a day. Even if I want to read more, I force myself to put the book down. It keeps me interested and lets me remember what I've read more clearly.
I also take some time off after reading a chapter to reflect on what I just read and look up what other thought online. Sometimes I'll read a small summary of the chapter if it's available just to refresh it.
I mostly read non-fiction and philosophy though. If I'm reading fiction I just burn through it.
The dude didn't actually support running a society like that. The construction of the republic was a metaphor for the three-part human soul.
>the workers seek pleasure
>the guardians seek higher values/ideas to defend
>the philosopher king seeks wisdom and reason
Eh. I don't agree. He says explicitly in book 4, I think, that the ideal state reflects the human soul and just like an ideal state is well-organized with everyone doing what their purpose is, so is the just man a man with a well-organized soul.
But he also spends considerable time going into detail on how to implement his ideas in an actual state like organizing mating festivals, controlling culture in order to not lead the youth astray, how to raise guardians and so forth. Why would he do that if the ideal state was just a metaphor for the just soul?
I'm sure he didn't think his state was a realistic state, but it's an outline of the ideal state either way. It also comes pretty close to how Sparta functioned, and Sparta was often revered by other Greeks for being close to an ideal city-state.
Agreed, but maybe start with Allan Bloom's translation and interpretation of The Republic--it's more approachable. Once you're introduced to this kind of reading you can move on to Strauss. Thank us later, friend
Ironius Maxiceks at it again not enjoying Mein Kampf.
>the only acid I've tried is 2cb
Educate yourself on psycs before using them m8
I heard dmt was good and mdma.
Piano gives a great system for learning and understanding music. Its musical techniques and the note reading you can learn from it is almost like mathematics for music.