How does this picture make you feel?

How does this picture make you feel?

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Good for her, though I feel bad for her that she'll never be truly attractive because of whatever condition she has despite obviously working harder than 99% of women out there.

fucking skips leg day what a faggot

a truly admirable mental attitude, most likely

She isn't attractive? I would date her.

>he went for the low-hanging fruit.

You should write tabloid headlines.

There's more to life than being attractive

How does it make me feel?

I think she's made some fucking great progress and is a roll model to all women out there.

The question is, would she date you?

>Roll model

That was just cheap user

Woman in wheelchair posts progress pics of her workout. You won't believe how this local Veeky Forumsizen reacts!!!!

Oh, of course. I'm not trying to insult her or anything. I'm just saying it sucks.

It's not like she's gonna run from him

I mean it would make more sense to feel bad because of all the things she will struggle to do or simply not be able to do because of her disability but to think the fucked part is that she'll never look as good as women who make less effort than her is like what the fuck my man

8 Sex Positions That Will Roll Over His Mind and Paralyse His Penis

Yeah man, tats suck
Why would anybody taint their own body?

No you fucking autist. It makes sense because the post was specifically showing progress she made TO ENTER A FUCKING BODYBUILDING COMPETITION WHICH IS ALL ABOUT APPEARANCE.

I'd let her ride my dick as if it was her wheelchair.

Probably not willingly

Guess who won:

Bodybuilding competitions aren't about being "truly attractive" either so I'm not buying it

Political correctness ruins yet another thing.

I can stand behind this.

Seriously. Like, good for her and everything, but every time a disabled person enters a competition like this they always win because otherwise the judges are accused of discrimination. Sickening.

There were only two participants in the "wheelchair" category, and the other one looked awful. She didn't compete against able-bodied bodybuilders.