Who was your favorite historical figure from when you were a kid?
Who was your favorite historical figure from when you were a kid?
I actually made a war portrait of Stalin for art class in 7th grade.
t. 80 year old alexandr, st. Petersburg
Alexander the Great/Napoleon.
same senpai
t. edgelord
>st petersburg
Elton John
Henry V, the school library had an adult level book (but not scholarly)on him when i was about 8 or 9. Read that fucker inside out many times.
Adolf Hitler, and this isn't a meme.
Same, I remember finding this on youtube and having sympathy towards him. I was very young at the time so I wasn't "conditioned" against it yet.
Julius Caesar due to countless hours of R:TW and Civ
Abraham Lincoln.
He sort of still is
Asterix did it for me. But yeah, Casear is bae.
Robert E Lee
Alexander the Great
Ol' Georgie
Hitler looks very charismatic and people who don’t know him might assume he’s a great man just from his looks.
George Washington
Honestly, I don't really like the mustache. He would've looked better with a full mustache.
Caesar Divi Filius Augustus
This. It's pretty much the default for all American kids. Him or Lincoln.
arminius the hero of the teutoburg forrest!
I'm actually Malaysian (Chink), I read about him in my primary school's library and suffice to say I idolized him for gaining independence from Britain. Mind you at that time we just started to learn about our country's Prime Ministers
I actually used to spreg out about why Napoleon wasn't name "The Great" just like Alexander.
>be me
>name is alexander
>as a kid start liking the guy with your name
>as an adult realize he's among the GOAT generals and was legitimately great