How and why did Christianity destroy scientific progress?
How and why did Christianity destroy scientific progress?
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The big difference between Republics and Theocracy's is that in a republic knowledge is suppose to be shared, everyone is suppose to help enlighten everyone else. In a Theocracy the religions figures hold all the knowledge and you are suppose to remain dumb and ask your preacher everything. When the Roman republic fell all that was left was Theocratic and monarchical governments.
Another reason:
Indulgences, the church told everybody unless they pay them a lot of money they will burn in hell forever. Your dead grandparents are also burning in hell and you need to pay to save them as well. They needed to keep everyone as stupid as possible to keep the scam going. Also the church had all the answers to everything and you don't really need science when you can just pray to God to fix everything.
>i read a book
>i am civilization
bravo you mick
>preserve a book
>save civilization
hate to burst your bubble but christians weren't responsible. might've had something to do with a massive horde of pagan barbarians invading the west + angry semitic pagans claiming they had the answers to your religion invading 70-80% of the east. plus this graph is inaccurate as fuck, provide some sources if you wanna make this argument.
My understanding was that monasteries and madrasahs were the first institutions to offer some form of education that the "common man" could theoretically receive. I'm not an expert on Antiquity by any means but I always supposed that sources documenting the lives of everyday people first appeared in the Middle Ages and were written by clergy that would have been in regular contact with the peasantry in contrast to Greek/Roman authors.
Am I totally wrong?
christians destroyed Rome. Hence, christians are the enemy of humanity, inlcuding the scientists/. Thus, they are teh enemy of science
>Am I totally wrong?
The point I was trying to make was that a Republic requires an educated citizenry where as in a Theocracy it benefits the ruling power to keep the people from asking to many questions. One is clearly more conducive to scientific advancement.
I'm just going from memory here but i'm pretty sure the Greeks and Romans had systems of public education, not like modern school but they would explain stuff in the forums the same way street preachers yell about the bible.
You are correct about monasteries though, this is just my own speculation but I get the feeling it would be common for them to teach a very biased version of science, like the modern Christians and all the stuff they come up with to disprove evolution. I have no sources for this though its just a thought.
It didn't. Read a history of mathematics book.
>christians destroyed Rome.
gibbon pls
>The Immortal City
>Stood for 500 years without being raided
>Switches to Christianity
>Rome gets sacked by barbarians shortly after
>All of Europe falls into the dark age
>It's just a coincidence
it really is actually. Rome was on the decline for years, Christianity was just one of the final nails. It sure did not help things though.
>christian apologetic.
>What indeed has Athens to do with Jerusalem? What concord is there between the Academy and the Church? what between heretics and Christians? Our instruction comes from "the porch of Solomon," who had himself taught that "the Lord should be sought in simplicity of heart."
>Away with all attempts to produce a mottled Christianity of Stoic, Platonic, and dialectic composition! We want no curious disputation after possessing Christ Jesus, no inquisition after enjoying the gospel! With our faith, we desire no further belief. For this is our palmary faith, that there is nothing which we ought to believe besides.
>Tertullian Chapter 7
>Prescription Against Heretics
>Chapter 7
>Pagan Philosophy the Parent of Heresies
>The Connection between Deflections from Christian Faith and the Old Systems of Pagan Philosophy
worse than the noble savage desu
>>christian apologetic.
They are scholarly textbooks.
I wouldn't say that Christianity had anything to do with perceived technological setbacks because they had the same level of civilization as the Arabs and Chinese, they never became space age civilizations
Fair enough I only looked at the first book, The Genesis of Science: How the Christian Middle Ages Launched the Scientific Revolution and how it made the usual garbage claims like:
>Why the scientific accomplishments of the Middle Ages far surpassed those of the classical world
When they are just taking credit for Chinese/Arab discoveries.
The other three books seem to be legit.
>taking Tertullian as an authority on christian faith even though his side lost completely and scholasticism lasted for several centuries
Jesus, man... It's like having de Maistre as an definitive source on the First Republic.
>they had the same level of civilization as the Arabs and Chinese
The level of civilization during the dark ages was absolute shit in comparison to the age of Rome. They lost plumbing, architecture, , legality, exc. they lost the recipe for concrete for fucks sake.
At the time the east was having a scientific golden age.
>When they are just taking credit for Chinese/Arab discoveries.
>t. i no nuffin of midevil science
Well that was only in the early Middle Ages in the areas which were conquered by the Germanic tribes. The eastern Roman Empire still retained roman tech.
Science was inseparable from the church, especially Medieval universities and Protestantism, at first.
There are still traces of religion in science. The Big Bang theory, for example, was developed by a practicing Catholic preacher.
Yes his side lost, but while he was alive everything was shit. It was people like him and that way of thinking that created the dark age and the defeat of this ideology that brought us into the enlightenment.
That was the point I was trying to make.
I'm not trying to say he is representative of the christian faith but he did have a powerful following, and his followers did cause a lot of damage.
That's who i'm talking about. When people talk about the dark ages they don't normally include the Byzantines. You are completely right if you count them.
>Greeks give us philosophy, biology, zoology, the republic, the academy, eath science, early architecture, major contributions to math, exc.
>Dark age Christianity
>Oh we stole some gunpowder and improved on it
>Oh we stole some books from the Arabs
>We use to have a sewage system and now we shit in the street but its ok because we invented the printing press
The Romans were on the path to industrial revolution pre-Christianity nothing about any of the inventions during the period were inherently christian.
>>Greeks give us philosophy, biology, zoology, the republic, the academy, eath science, early architecture, major contributions to math, exc.
>do a few things
>take all the credit
Your brainlet is showing.
I am not a scientist so I'll refrain from saying stuff about that, but as a lawyer who had to take a few legal history classes it's very evident how the Middle Ages were an insanely pathetic time for law.
Jurist literally did nothing other than commentate Roman law, and this shit lasted for a very fucking long time until they realised "Hey, perhaps Roman law isn't the end all be all of law".
>the beginnings of the transition away from a society completely dominated by Christianity happened in a society completely dominated by Christianity, therefore Christianity is good and deserves credit for this
technically the ancient greeks stole from the ancient egyptians
>implying that Rome was good for science
>We're still haven't recovered from the finno korean hyper war
Those were the germans, not christianity
>Christians destroyed Rome
What did he mean by this?
>Greek longer than Egyptian
I'm agnostic OP and even I can say that Christianity didn't necessarily destroy scientific progress. You have the infamous burning of the libraries and suppression of pagans in Alexandria which always brings a tear to my eye, but I feel as if the lack of technological progress was more a product of the Western Roman Empire collapsing and not that a majority of Europe was converting to Christianity.
>byzantine empire
were basically fucking wizards and still doing a shit ton of technological advances.
This is the most brainlet graph of all time.
Anyone ever think this graph is Euro-centric and somewhat racist? It sort of implies that the only place technological development could happen would be somewhere a Christian state was, excluding places like China which theoretically had an even higher technological development than the west at various points in time.
If China didn't have to contend with Christianity, why didn't it assume dominance throughout the world?
Rome was technologically stagnant by the end of it's existence. Stop pretending.
>even early hominids had better technology than the Romans
why are they so popular again?
>In a Theocracy the religions figures hold all the knowledge and you are suppose to remain dumb and ask your preacher everything.
You're confused - Abrahamic religion is terrorist mob rule - Rome/Egypt is theocracy. Though Rome's aristocracy was pretty impious, especially in later years.
The ((((Christians)))) subversed and destroyed the Roman Empire, thus damning Europe to a Millennium of Darkness (the Dark Ages) in which we regressed to Stone Age levels. If it wasn't for the ancient Roman scriptures, explaining everything to the unenlightened plebs, we would still be in the grip of the ((((Klerus)))). If you are wondering why the Romans were so inherently superior, I will give you a hint, they were BLACK TÜRKS. Actually Turkey was one of the few that upheld the Roman traditions, hence why they were called the Sultanate of Rûm (until they were conquered by Otto of the Ottomans that is)
Christianity is a religion, not an academic endeavor. Christians never sought to be the sole arbiters of knowledge, that happened when barbarians destroyed civil society and the only remaining literate people were Christian monks. Yes they put their spin on things, yes they were selective in what they preserved, but it was never their job to preserve pagan texts or to be the beacon of education, that's just an accident of history and frankly they did a pretty good job. Imagine for a moment that the Druids, and not the Christians, were the sole educated elite for 1,000 years. We would have literally nothing because the Druids despised writing! Fortunately we got Christians are obsessed with literacy because MUH MAGIC BOOK.
Well all the academies of Greek philosophers were shut down as they were spreading pagan thought not in line with church dogma. Plato's academy wasn't destroyed by barbarians, it was shut down by the emperor.
You need accumulating wealth for any progress. There was no money to progress because of continuous wars. Christianity helped to ignite wars, christianity helped to keep peace. It's really overrated. So many peoples, nations, on the tiny land of Europe, without christianity they would find another reason to do exactly the same they did, fight for 1000 years setting each other aback every 500-100 years and wasting each others peace and culture.
The academies were irrelevant by the time they were closed, and there were still plenty of schools, including schools founded by Christians, were you could study pagan philosophy even after the closing of the academies. Not saying it was no big deal or no great loss, but the academies were more symbolically important for showing Christians that yes, they CAN silence opposing views-- which set a terrible precedent for the medieval church-- than they are for the loss of knowledge involved, which was virtually nil.
Christianity both spawned and inhibited science. Science then went on to become greater than the phenomenon that spawned it.
Christianity is definitely not a premise for Science, however.
>There are still traces of religion in science.
They are two completely different things,science deals with verifiable facts, and religion is a narrative.
Just because batman has scientific elements does not make it real.
If the books were in Rome then what did this monk accomplish?
that's nothing compared to the late capitalism dark age.
No serious historian blames Chirsitanity for Rome's downfall anymore.
They had far more serious problems like civil wars, a decaying economy and an unworkable tax system
0/10 doesnt include the finno-korean hyperwar
Yes there were numerous reasons for Romes fall. But considering all the late emperors were christian, to deny its influence in the collapse is foolish.
>christians destroyed Rome
except it didnt, it facilitated scientific progress and created the basis for the enligtenment and the scientific revolution, european christianity pounded notions of verified truth and systemic logical analisis into peoples minds for centuries, they controlled most education and started a mass of universities, they educated the whole intelectual class that brought forth modern science and helped accumulate intellectual capital, newton learned physics from books by boskovic, jesuites did more base work in physiscs and math than any other individual group in european history, they practicaly layed the hard groundwork for modern physics
>european christianity pounded notions of verified truth and systemic logical analisis into peoples minds for centuries
No it didnt, Pauline christianity is all about living in a fallen world and waiting for the second coming of the messiah.
You are thinking about Islamic study which involved verifying the hadith.
no im talking about scholastics and aristotle
>torture and kill people who claim that the Earth is rotating around the Sun, etc. in the name of your religion
>I preserved some books I agree with so it's no biggie
Makes sense, fucktard.
actually indulgences were created when purgatory was created by the church. purgatory was created as a means to make sure people like merchants and bankers wouldnt automatically be sent to hell (which in the previous hierarchy of life the church setup, they were). as purgatory is a cleansing flame for all unrequited non mortal sins, they made indulgences as a way to buy a speed boost through it effectively
Many of the civil wars were directly linked to Christianity user. Their tax system also wasn't an issue, it was the economy and people landowners dodging taxes.
>arbitrary dotted line
>arbitrary Y axis
wtf I am a wh*Te dog now
How does it feel knowing that the very book that you hate and critisize, calling "fairy tales" and "BS", prophesied your very existence. Your existence which is centered around persecuting christians
It amazes me how angry and rageful most atheists are. They are not oppressed by Christians, yet demand they conversation to they're own religion "atheism" which they dogmatically espouse the rhetoric of. What a tool! Sad!
There must be some subconscious daddy issues. Nobody is this angry about a simple disagreement
>buy a speed boost
Where indulgences the original microtransactions/loot crates? Was the catholic church the original EA games?
It didn't destroy it as much as slow it down, mainly through things like shutting down the philosophical academies of Greece and having the more intelligent men in society become virgins.
The only difference between a theocracy and a republic was that in a republic education was the responsibility of the oligarchs that tended to dominate, particularly the urban aristocracy, while in a theocracy that aristocracy is institutionalized as a religious institution.
What made early madrassahs and universities special was that education was supported and driven by a knowledge economy, with student organizations forming for the sake of mutual protection and electing their own teachers based on popularity and prestige of their research.
Academies by contrast were there to supply republican bureaucracies with agents. The former was more dynamic when it came to advancing ideas because the latter was more interested in the status quo.
why every single time I open Veeky Forums there are horrible discussions made by polacks
>burn all books about astronomy, medicine, biology, philosophy, etc anything I don't like
>burn the entire sum of indigenous Americans' literature because they were "heathen"
>but it's OK because I saved some books where autistic monks argue about VERY important shit for 500 pages, like about whether the Holy Trinity is three aspects of the same being or a being with three aspects
>or the best way to genocide the demonic hellspawn who worship Jesus slightly different than we do
Whoever made that post, and whoever screencapped it (probably the same stupid cuck) should be fucking murdered with barbed wire dildos. Slowly and deliberately.
>Was the catholic church the original EA games?
Well let's compare
>both exist solely to suck the fun out of life for their perplexity-loyal fanbase
>both follow their outrageous promises with consistent, soul-crushing disappointment
>both are tightwad, cheapskate scum who try to squeeze every penny out of their masochistic fanbase, while wasting obscene amounts of money on frivolous shit
>both hostilely absorb competing organizations, to break them down and assimilate them into bland soulless clones of themselves
>both promote a lifetime of virginity
Yep, I'd say they're exactly the same in almost every way.
Oh, and forgot to add
>both despise Jews, despite being the embodiment of the most virulently antisemetic caricatures in both word and deed
>>torture and kill people who claim that the Earth is rotating around the Sun, etc. in the name of your religion
never happened, in fact the Catholic church took this position before Copernicus did.
It just wasn't ubiquitous.
>preserve the important books
>keep the roads clear
>keep the bridges repaired
>preserve everything which is the trademark of the civilized world
>>burn all books about astronomy, medicine, biology, philosophy, etc anything I don't like
[citation needed]
>indigenous American's literature
what the fuck lmfao???
I forgot all the compendiums of the universe the Aztecs wrote.
>insult revolving around a sexual fetish of some sort
You know where you need to go back to.
>inb4 >/pol/
not even /pol/, atheshits are just hilarious with their impotent rage directed at a people they think they are dumber than them.
>christians destroyed Rome. Hence, christians are the enemy of humanity, inlcuding the scientists/. Thus, they are teh enemy of science
flawless logic user
i call bullshit on this idea at the time both china and the middle east were experiencing ages of enlightenment like take the Baghdad house of wisdom which was busy copying down texts form Rome and Greece there was Muhammad ibn Mūsā al-Khwārizmī who was inventing algebra. meanwhile in china they were useing money and inventing gun powder.
But neither China or the middle east were Christian
>history and humanities
>starts to compare a major religion with a meme company
The internet was a mistake
>can't form a coherent argument to defend your slave mentality promoting, backwards religion
>>>torture and kill people who claim that the Earth is rotating around the Sun, etc. in the name of your religion
>never happened
Tycho Brahe says hi.
>preserve the important books
Important to their own religion, sure. They didn't make much effort to preserve Greek playwrights or Roman humorists
>keep the roads clear
>keep the bridges repaired
>preserve everything which is the trademark of the civilized world
What? This was all the work of secular authorities, not the church.
>>indigenous American's literature
>what the fuck lmfao???
So you've never heard of them so they never existed? Typical Christian attitude to the crimes of your forefathers.
Tycho Brahe was neither tortured nor killed for his beliefs. The worst thing that happened to him is that he was exiled from Denmark because of court drama but not because of the church.
what are the units on the y-axis
This meme is racist actually lmao,what about civilizations that were never christian to behin with? Are they incapable of progress?
>people taking this thread seriously
>answering seriously, as if OP made a true statement and not an obvious nonfactual shitpost
collective autism correlating with shitpost capacity
It's this thread again
>HURR name a medieval scientist
Science begins with Galileo and Newton, nice strawman """rebuttal""", fucktard.
You’re not good at shitposting. Fuck off.
Awwww what's the matter little faggot? You buttsad that you got so easily BTFO with your shitty attempt at smugposting? Top kek, what a little faggot you are!
Top meme.
We would already explore galaxy, if we'd have more actual scientists instead of meme "discovery channel scientists" and "popularizers" like Bill Nye and similar.
I am dead serious: every more or less serious physicist, chemist and biologist fucking hates those pretentious fucks with a passion.
Because instead of science being, well, science, we see the russian proverb "give the fool a glass hui, he won't only break it, but cut himself in the process".
We need to get rid of the nu-science brainlets. Starting with the fags that believe in Dark Ages meme, especially the faggot who made the op image, because he doesn't know shit about history and Middle Ages
back to
rome might have been able to advance technologically far more than it did if it lacked the autistic obsession with slavery
You do realize that the world does not revolve around Europe, right? There were these little places you might have heard of called "China" and "India" that were also progressing slowly technologically despite not being Christian. In fact, a fair few things were invented during the medieval era.
Maybe it has something to do with the system of government and society instead of the religion?
I’m not the same person, idiot.
Hui is "dick" in Russian, right?
I really don't get the
>rome would have been flying to the moon if it would have been left alive
meme. As far as i know they were stagnating technologically.