The 300lb bench must seriously be a mental game. So six weeks ago me and my friends decide to max out on our lifts...

The 300lb bench must seriously be a mental game. So six weeks ago me and my friends decide to max out on our lifts. I get 285 (never maxed, but would work out with 2plt a lot) and decided to get with a program. So now six weeks later and we max out. I go for 300 (cause it was the wieght I was working out with for pyramids) and it felt like a fucking blue whale! I could barely get it off my chest. Bout 5 min later I try 290. Put that shit up way to easy. 5 min later I try 295, a little struggle but still felt easy. 5 min later go for 300 again. What the fuck a blue whale again not a single budge. 300lbs is a mental game, nuff said

Other urls found in this thread:

>what is RPE

>ywn bench 300 pounds

who /basicbitchforlife/ here?

Either that, or your max is 295 you fuckwit.

You should be happy with 295

tfw tried 300 the other day and did 2 reps. There is no mental game m8.

>6ft 1 185lbs
>never even benched 200lbs for reps

should i just press the reset button?

sounds like you found out your max is 295

yup. I failed 315, but I got 315 a month later. It takes time, but desu you're already stronger than 98% of fit so whats up bro.

>Week 1:
Day1: 6x2 235 lbs
Day 2: 6x3
Day 3: 6x2
Day 1: 6x4 235 lbs
Day 2: 6x3
Day 3: 6x5
Day 1: 6x2 235 lbs
Day 2: 6x6
Day 3: 6x2
Day 1: 5x5 250lbs
Day 2: 6x2 235lbs
Day 3: 4x4 265 lbs
Day 1: 6x2 235lbs
Day 2: 3x3 280lbs
Day 3: 6x2 235lbs
Day 1: 2x2 295lbs
Day 2: 6x2 235lbs
Day 3: Now your bench should be at least 310-315lbs

If you are having a mental plateau, this program will smash that.
If you are just not strong enough, this program will smash that

Have fun user

What is this called?

"Russian" Squat Program

Although it can be used for any movement

Sounds like you tired yourself out. 300 isn't even that heavy, I had 310 when I was 19.

>tfw 390 lbs
>tfw trainer expect me to be able to do pusups
How much actual weight is it when you do a pushup

Who else 150kg+ bench?

Somewhere between about 50 and 75% of your bodyweight, depending on proportions and weight distribution.

>always thought when I could bench 315 I will have made it
>bench 325
>not satisfied
>want 4 plates now

And I'll probably want 5 after that. I now understand why people resort to steroids. If you're really in this thing for the long haul they are the only option

The leap from 225 to 315 is not even comparable to 315 to 405. I've only seen one person in my life bench 405 and it was for a double. 495 bench IRL is unheard of.

Hopefully you will be that guy who can do it though!

That moment when you find out a 315 bench doesn't get you a gf, and you're still a sperg.

Too real bruh
I had a fucking breakdown after DLing 4pl8 for the first time.
I still looked like shit in the mirror
I still felt like a weak little pussy
Just end it all.

Bruh. 4 Pl8 is a huge goal for me. Good job unless you're one of those deadlift builds that look like a fucking bean pole.

Well yeah I am an orangutan-looking motherfucker. Torso short as shit with the lankiest arms.
Bench is pain.

>turn too drak side fans feel berayed order 66 binch press

This isn't even my final form

At least he has a lmao 3pl8 bunch priss

own supplement line too and collab with rich pinna. more established than 99.5% of Veeky Forums

I knew a powerlifter who could bench 5 plate, but that guy was fat as fuck. He's like 300+lb of pure lard now that he's old.

4pl8 deadlift is nothing you faggot.

not even comparable to 3pl8 bench

There are extremely few people who can bench 5-plate without being on roids or weighing more than 3-plate, desu

what happened to your youtube/insta?

I had this thought but withheld judgement because only ever maxed out at 455 deadlift so far, kinda faggy ratio to a 3plate bench

I know it isn't shit, just saying I had a similar experience as a prior user.
Peace brotha

I saw someone bench 5 plate for a triple, it was ridiculous

He was enormous and on shitloads of gear though

Same height and weight. I just got 205 for the first time, so I feel your pain.

It's it used exclusively? Going to try it but also do every other compound lift in existance with it

Its rarely used for anything else (in part because it's going to be fucking hard to do it for more than two or three lifts total) but it could be done that way.

I feel like im gonna bench 300 before I ever squat 360 for sone reason. Bench is my best life but i feel like i look like a centaur. What do?

Im exaggerating, it's only ,bench squat dead c&p + calf raise, leg curls, and hlr but anyways
I put in 400..for a net of 20 lbs (420 1rm) after six weeks.that seems counterintuitive out at least not efficient unless you're going for an extra 5% of some powerlifting tier weights. I feel like this is something you save when you hit the natty limit for whatever your goal weight is, not routine for the sole same of variation (that's what the site said, just going by that, imay be dumb and wrong)

Fucking samsung half assed keyboard what a surprise

If you're decently strong, getting a 5% increase in six weeks is pretty damn good. Progress slows down fast once you're pushing heavier weights.

It really, really doesn't work for any lifts you can't safely go heavy on.

I bench 440 boys...think I benched 2 plate for the first time about 3 1/2 years ago. Just keep eating and lifting heavy. 5'10 220 bw

Guess I'm just not there yet. Thanks user, saved for future reference. Please take this picture of Russia for your troubles.

It's a relative thing. Lets say you do two cycles of it back to back. Going from a 200 squat to a 225 squat in three months? Not too impressive, unless you're a really small lifter. Going from 500 to 550 in three months? Some people would be happy to get that in a year.

That's actually kind of crazy that the percentages work in the same proportions for however much weight you throw at it

Natty reporting in. Currently on 125 Kg bench 5x3 and last set I drop down to 100 Kg and push out till my form starts slipping. This aint bad right?

It's a hard program for crushing plateaus and pushing upper limits.
Everyone is different and it will depend on the level of the person but their will probably be more efficient programs out there. I just recommended it to him because he said he has a mental barrier.
This program gets you doing your 1RM for a 2x2 in 6 weeks so it's could for boosting confidence and strength

531 here

365lb bench

315 is easy cause everyone mirin when u put that 3rd plate on

Thats perfect. Working on 80-90 percent of 1rm is a great way to inceease ur 1rm