Anyone else here /MikePatton/ ?
Anyone else here /MikePatton/ ?
Yeah man
not me
been lifting for 8 years and still nowhere near his physique
Keep trying senpai
You're deluded if you think you can reach that level without gear, it doesn't matter how long you've been lifting
Haha yeah bro! I get you.
I'm feelin the /MîkěPattôn/, feelin it hard bruz
Sorry, forgot to mention; I'm not OP.
Just wanted to clear that up incase anyone was wondering. Not sure why anyone would though, haha
All good bro. Don't worry, I'm not OP either
the same person everyday is posting the same picture trying to make this into a meme. why?
Nor am I tbphwyf
Not a meme - he's the king of Veeky Forums
>he's the king of Veeky Forums
By definition - that's a meme you're trying to force, you dip. Mirin' your autism tho, must be pretty severe to keep this up for so long.
Rekt again! Haha wow bro, why even bother trying to talk shit about our humble natty king?
By definition he's the king of Veeky Forums
somewhere out there there's this guy with no friends or family to take him to a psychologist and help him out, posting this every day
and we can't help him either
makes me sad to be honest
>tfw no matter how much you lift
>tfw no matter how much you sing
>you will never have that range