What is your main motivation Veeky Forums?
>18 year old skinnyfat here, i used to lift but i lost motivation after 2 years of doing so...
What is your main motivation Veeky Forums?
>18 year old skinnyfat here, i used to lift but i lost motivation after 2 years of doing so...
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I want to be able to effortlessly slay pussy.
That way I can find my perfect wife, and being a fat fuck won't be getting in my way.
So I can lift my feels.
I wanna stop being a virgin
I hate myself.
I havent seen their videos in the longest. That one is one of my favorites.
This right here fampai
I lift for my waifu. No joke.
Every morning I go to the gym the same time everyday, no matter what. If i ever lose some motivation I look towards my HUEG poster of Mugi, and think to myself that she would want whats best for me. And I immediately feel energetic enough to throw my shit together and head to the gym.
I'm definitely a faggot, but it's all i got.
im right here with you bro
lifting to surpass fictional heroes
>no hooves
I lift for little girls.
Who give a shit what other's think, you're still lifting
Everytime I'm thinking of stopping, I take one good look at my "Do it for her" and a burst of energy comes to me
want to enlist in the army to fight cancer in the east.
need BMI at least 18.5
>doesn't care either way masterrace
don't fucking do it
-4 years active 2 more fucking years in my contract
Whores I meet in Philippines and Thailand. I somehow convince myself they're real girls and form all these open relationships with many while I'm there and only keep a couple while I'm back home. The couple I keep, keep me motivated to go to the gym everyday so I can go back with a huge confidence boner sporting more than just money and live like a fucking king.
I think of the children. Of course I do.
Here's your problem.
i have to.
this or shitty job where you have to communicate with unpleasant zombies and then you die.
Bruh army is fun, Im infantry and love this shit, listen to yourself only, it might be the most Fun part of your life
how long have you been in for bullet sponge? have you deployed yet? i'm aviation and if i had to reenlist i'd fucking off myself. don't be a fucking recruiter
how old were you when you started lifting ? 15?
as a former auschwitz survivor, nothing beats having muscle and being big
>f-four you /fit
Femboys tend to only be attracted to dominating manly men so I'm trying to be what they want. I do hope I can find one to dominate me instead, though
Two months back I had a nightmare that my friend drowned when he fell through ice while we were ice fishing and I wasn't strong enough to lift him up. After that I just wanted to get stronger so I started hitting the gym. I don't want my weakness to be an obstacle in life.
I wanna walk through a densely populated high street and feel like a fucking badass, I'm going to make it.
I want to look good in the mirror
forget lifting for girls, that will only make you miserable
I always loved ancient egypt and greece back when I was a little kid, they were ripped and so were all my cartoons and stuff I watched so I guess that influenced me?
I also remember being a little fat kid(really, really fat) that loved wrestling and telling my mom I would one day look like them.
So here I am, I'm close to it and now I do it because of hercules statues being my opinion of the pinnacle of body aesthetic and wanting to one day come close to it(tfw no demigod genes)
The one that must really love this is my gf, been dating for 3 years and I used to be really skinny, then skinny fat and now getting swole and strong
Being better than other people
So people stop calling me boy.
I lift for beach
I like when women approach me. Also I like looking in the mirror. Also I like being strong
>forget lifting for girls. That will make you miserable
Only if you have a shit face
cause when she leaves you, you will feel like shit
if you lift for yourself, you wont give a shit if she does
Because I hate my exes and most people in general nowadays. Cheap therapy too.
Yep. Nothing makes me sadder/madder than looking myself at the mirror in the gym and thinking what a sack of shit I am.
5 more years till wizardy and suicide.
>the effects of being more athletic in every day life
>More value to women
>More intimidating to men
>more disciplined looking to my employer
>better sex
>weightlifting is fun
I do this for me.
Lifting just opens up your options imo
Hahaha, nothing like breaking a sweat on the playground
The problem with motivation is that it can run out or change. The thing you really need to make it is discipline. With discipline it doesn't matter if you don't feel like it, having a shitty day, sore, or whatever. That's the problem with a lot of people these days: no self control.
If you can't work on developing an iron will, you will never, NEVER make it and you might as well just buy into the fat acceptance meme and kys lad.
Sometimes I lose the motivation. So much that "I'd rather sit here and eat. It sounds way better than being Veeky Forums and having fun". Then I chug an energy drink and get my sorry ass to the gym. Gotta incorporate the gym into your life. Diet is a noun, not a verb.
Discipline>motivation you
to be generally healthier; i have morbus crohn and due to it i was auschwitz mode with 50 kg at 178 cm a few years back. I was weak af.
i'm also a narcist so i lift to boost my ego
I lift for Holo.
I'm getting Veeky Forums so that I don't feel sick/weak. Lived with having asthma my entire life and got diagnosed with crohn's disease back at 21. I was super close to being overweight this year before I finally got off my ass and did something about it. I'm still a beginner, but it feels so great to be energetic throughout the day and not feel like shit.
I hated the way I looked. I wanted to look cute.
every day too and from work i see some ridiculous QTs and it reminds me i need to step my game up.
I do larp. I just want to be the biggest motherfucker on the battlefield and crush everyone with ease.
Although being strong wont save me from magic missiles.
I lift because I can, and because I might not be able to one day.
I lift because I want to be healthier, and because I've been getting bagged on my whole life. Even my friends hate on me, telling me I'll never be able to get fit, I'll never be anything but a worthless fatass, and going to the gym is wasting time because I'll just drop it. I have many people in my life to prove wrong.
I lift because I believe I'll make it someday.
This. Except I totally want to be the dominant one.
I want to fuck a cute femboy so hard he gets pregnant.
Hey Veeky Forums 290-300 lbs Faggot here, I'm having a diffcult time finding motivation to start going to the Gym.
I tell myself "If i lose weight then maybe girls will like me", but i don't feel like thats enough motivation because honestly, i couldn't care less if a girl liked me or not...
so if anyone would like to help me with my problem, That'd be great! Thanks in advance
Do you yourself dislike being fat or unhealthy? If no you're probably not going to get fit and also there's no point. If yes, that should be all the motivation you need.
Don't ever lift or do something for girls. It will only hurt you in the end. Do you have a rough idea for what you want your end goal to be? Do you want to be skinnier and put some muscle on? Get as slim as possible?
Honestly, i don't really like being fat/unhealty, and yes that should be all the motivation i need.. but in some way it isn't...
Really? Because i don't feel like doing something if it's just for myself... it makes me feel selfish and i don't really like that feeling desu, I have no end goal, maybe that's why i lack motivation?
Be healthy and good looking so i can get:
I lift for differing reasons, at first it was to beat someone one, then to just look better, then for a bitch, and now for that little boy who ISIS cut the neck off of. I just use stuff that makes me mad to lift more.
>reverse image search
>no results
Don't think of it as doing something for yourself. Think of it like an investment. If you lift, today, right now, and get on a diet, and get yourself into a position and a body shape that you think looks good, then you'll not only feel better, look better, have more energy, you'll also attract girls.
But in all honesty, I think you should really take some time to think about what you want to be, what you want to be doing in the near future, say 5 years. Do you want to stay as you are, look back in 5 years and then say 'Wow, I wish I would have worked out back then." Or are you going to grab hold, and try your hardest, here and now? Because I'll tell you, I don't wake up in the morning and want to go to the gym. I don't drive down to the gym thinking that this is going to be fun, because there's a million other things I'd rather be doing. The moment that truly matters is when the bar is set up, and I get under it, because that is where life is the simplest.
If you do nothing else today, sign up for one month at the gym, pay it in advance. Find a routine and try to follow it, to the best of your ability. Don't drink soda or eat fast food for a week. Give your body an idea what life can be like, and go from there.
I'm 25 and back when i was 18 i wanted to lift for the poos.
I was a lazy fuck and it never worked out, i bitched and complained and blamed everything but myself.
At the time i had been smoking and drinking a lot and sometimes over-eating. These were all used as stress relief and i over indulged in them all. Needless to say as years went on i became an unhealthy sack of shit.
Well one day I decided to change all that and started to kick all my bad habits out one at a time. I quit drinking, smoking, over-eating, watching tv for hours, playing video games all day, and watching porn. After quitting all of this the ONLY things i had left for stress relief was music, working out, and meditation.
So whenever im stressed, i workout. i workout a lot. and it feels fucking great. It becomes an addiction at that point when its all you have.
Thats my motivation.
Try looking at your life and seeing if theres any bad habits you can cut out, and try replacing them with a good workout.
You're gonna make it.
>Searching for sauce.
>You're being tracked right now.
I'm feeling so empty and I need to fill the emptiness and to delude myself I do something productive
This is probably just sound like excuses I'm coming up with atm but, like, i have no idea what i want to do in my near future.. because I don't really do anything in the present, i just play vida and watch series all day long, barely going outside etc
If it has anything to do with any sort of physical activity, if you ever want to have kids, live past 45, or just be able to not feel guilty playing video games all day, then start lifting. You can do it.
I want to be one of the best Street Fighter V players and be physically strong at the same time.
I shamefully enjoy watching my friends get fat and weak with age while I get stronger.
Post the poster
There is no objective reason to get Veeky Forums. Whatever works for you works for you.
Women? Sure
Aesthetics? Fine
Discipline? Great
Just to keep you productive and busy? Good
Whatever the reason is, just start now. I read this poem before I lift.
I don't wanna be fat and weak anymore. I have a family history of diabetes that I don't want to follow
proving people wrong
being better than the people I hate
I lift for Wondy
stagnation is death
and among other things, lifting is one of my ways to progress forward
Is it bad if I lift out of spite? Basically I come from a family who has a history of HBP and Diabetes and I've started to change that but the rest of my family thinks it's just pointless to try and try to bribe me with my favorite foods. Hell, even my ex-girlfriend thinks I couldn't change.
I don't care about women, or the other material things that come with lifting. I just want to prove those self-hating fucks I call my family wrong.
For the upcoming race war
>wonderwoman couldn't rip down those rusty bars
I have a picture of Emma Stone that I always keep with me, whenever I feel like giving up or quitting I just take the picture out and look at it to remind me why I'm lifting.
I lift for my grandma. I want her to see the best of me while she's still alive. Want her to see me happy, at least on the outside.
I also got a text from a 3.14 redhead qt who does gymnastics that had a thing for me. Haven't heard from her for two years, but I got butterflies when I saw who sent me the text.
We're all going to make it.
I also lift for satanic trips
>skinny dyel whole life
>graduate college and commission into the Navy
>got selected for aviation
>have motivation to workout now
>no more excuses like "oh I have homework or a test"
>want a decent body when I show up to flight school
My boyfriend is gorgeous, like, really gorgeous. I used to be gorgeous too, but 3 years ago I became heavily depressed and ended up slamming on around 100lbs in 2 years through continuous comfort eating and a bad case of not fucking moving.
Now we're the kind of couple where you see us walk past and you think "what is a guy like HIM doing with a hog like HER". He knows I've put on weight, but he's been gracious enough to never pick on me about it or anything, but I see it in his eyes you know, I'm not as attractive to him any more. That really fucking hurts.
I've finally worked through my depression though, I'm eating clean and back at gym. My main motivation is to make him look at me the way he used to.
I'm sick of being skinny
My girlfriend broke up with me (for unrelated reasons) and I just want to turn my life around and show her I'm serious about loving her, first way to do that is to love myself
>for unrelated reasons
whatever helps you sleep at night
>lifting to get a girl back
Move on nigga
>not lifting because you find it genuinely fun
yall niggers are doing it wrong
Because I am smarter and harder working than my peers. The only thing holding me back from being god-tier is the fact that I'm skinny.
you mean you have to have 18.5 or above or 18.5 or below? one of those is really f****** stupid. the other is good and reasonable
I like looking good. I go to the beach for half the summer. I like getting checked out.
Also i like being to help friends and family move and do yard work. Its feels good to be useful and appreciated.
this post make me laugh but my motivation is similar. motivated to get girl. she has some other bf now so that's cool...now idk what i'm lifting for. for health i guess
this post make me laugh but my motivation is similar. motivated to get girl. she has some other bf now so that's cool...
>for unrelated reasons
your lats are too small, aren't they
i lift cause i wanna be like my hero (except smarter)
>not wanting to look as jacked as punished snake
In truth though, the confidence boost and mires is enough for me.
>plus it's fun and there's no reason not to.