Yo recovering fatass here

yo recovering fatass here

I have massive urge to go to Bk and get shit tons of chicken nuggets and a few whoppers

please help, I'm so fucking miserable and tired of living like this

>a few whoppers

Those are meals. Normal people might eat one if they were at BK. Just one. You're flippantly talking about eating several meals, on top of other things that are probably also normal-person meals.

As a recovered fatass who dropped from 265lbs to 150lbs (at 6'2") i can assure you nothing on Burger Kings menu tastes better than the sense of satisfaction i get every morning when i look at my body in the mirror and don't hate myself.

Sure i'm still a DYEL skeleton at the moment, but it sure beats being an amorphous blob.

Don't go to BK, a year from now you'll thank yourself.


>265lbs to 150lbs

what did you diet/workout look like for the majority of that

dude, I know exactly how you feel. It fucking sucks but you cant do it. it'll be over soon. drink huge amounts of water till you're full, thats what I try to do to make eating impossible if I feel like I'm going to cave.

OP, read this carefully.
Junk food causes gyno

>missing the point this hard
holy fuck user the point was he should binge on breakfast cereals instead of bk. this fucking board

Try keto, after about a month it kills a lot of your urges.

Jesus christ, fuck off you keto babies. OP is literally having cravings to eat multiple whoppers and chicken nuggets, he's definitely not going to be able to do keto because carb cravings are x10000 on it. Think before you post your keto shit please.


Relax niglet. The whole point is to stabilize those insulin levels so cravings don't set in as hard and often as they do now.

I must have been saying this all week:

Recovering fat-ass here, apple cider vinegar mixed with water and a bit of stevia cuts hunger in seconds.

Yes, seconds.

100ml in 2 litter bottle is my mix.

Grill a chicken breast in olive oil with some broccoli and beans or rice.
In short learn to cook you silly faggot or you'll never make it.

do you drink the whole 2 liter bottle? I have all 3 things

literally home-made bleach

No just a couple of sips.

Fuck off, OP you can google that shit and see for yourself.

>haven't eaten fast food in months
>decide to get mcdonalds because one day since it can't be bad if it's just this once
>start eating
>instantly feel sick after a few nuggets

Yet sometimes I still crave it.

>Two week into weight loss.
>2kg lost yeah
>Decide to celebrate.
>Order a menu of McDonalds, medium everything.
>Go home in time for great movie.
>Google the calories later that night.
>I'm around 50kcal over the fucking limit.
>Fucking fries man.

The fuck? Just don't do it.

I know that feeling OP. I'm a fucking fatty trying to stop being so disgusting . Only on day 8 of my diet and already want frozen treats.

Which chain has the best chicken nuggets? I used to like McDonald's. Never was a fan of anything from Burger King except their Whopper.

It'd have to be some place like Chik-Fil-A, right (forget if they have chicken nuggets)?

This is not Veeky Forums assface, i know i come from there.

>shredded as fuck at 220
>eat mcdonalds like twice a week in disgusting quantities

I used to be a fat piece of shit, weighed something like 260 but had nowhere the muscle mass i do now. If youre not making enough gains to binge on some shit food frequently then youre doing it wrong.

The BK nuggets are pretty nasty tbqh. Better off having your mom make you tendies.

Here you go, this should clear up any cravings for fast food.

Now go prepare your own food, it tastes better that way

you should love eating healthy. But you don't. fatass. you love eating cheap crap because that's what you are.

give up now, you'll never make it.

Bk is fucking disgusting. Like holy hell out of all fast food shits you guys like bk. Wtf is wrong with you
>never gonna make it

pls be trolling

>apple cider vinegar mixed with water and a bit of stevia
Thanks for the tip, will try on next cut.