Tfw have a date tonight

>tfw have a date tonight

Be natural dude. She's way more nervous than you are.

Just be yourself bro! XD

Offer to give her the ol lickaroo

Have the mindset that she's also there to impress you. It's a two way street.

Hope you've packed some spaghetti


>Be natural dude. She's way more nervous than you are.
She most likely has had more dates before.

>also there

No, she's there to impress you.





This is true. She's hoping you're not some creep whose going to rape her.

just ask her if she knows an archaeologist.

Me too bro nervous as shit. Good luck! Post back here later let me no how you went

my thread is still barely alive. got nothing but the girl was way too good to risk spoiling the moment. good overall

tfw had a gf for last 2 years, i forgot what its like to go on a date. If i was ever single again not sure i would still have the patience required, the grafting for a shag is a pain.

Mine seemed vanilla as still not a bad bird tho


That poor fucking guy...

I hope shes worth it op because if u went ass far as taking her on a date she must be something

Just went on a date with my favourite bartender two nights ago and it went fucking wicked.

Probably seeing her again tonight.

Wishing you the same luck brehs

Just BE yourself

Just be cofident lol! XD

Just don't grab any kids big guy.

but thats what the fantasizeabout