FUCKING hell this guy must work out

FUCKING hell this guy must work out

after he throws her out of the car
what is his routine at the gym?????


Other urls found in this thread:


push up X 10
sit up X 20
punching women X 1000000

Fuck off with your shitty video.

the balls ont his guy

f her

who dare touch KONGAS blocks

t r u m p

fuck this whole new thing where people can be obnoxious pussies until people get aggressive with them just because they got it on cell phone video

it's a trend, what u gonna do

rape her

eventually nobody is gonna give a shit if they're being recorded or not



Centuries ago he could have perfectly dumped her in the street, being bigger and stronger.

Now you can't do shit without having 50 lawsuits.

god that woman is such a cunt, at least he contained himself, i would have probably just dragged her out


See You Next Thursday.

The woman is right
This dude needs to take his meds

women is grong and right is men

youtube.com/watch?v=jhOaZqYN5VQ hit a women to this osng

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true but normal non-confrontational human beings just gtfo out of the car