ITT Good Guys of History who lost
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Adolf Hitler is the most prominent example that comes to mind.
I thoroughly dislike /pol/ because of their childishness and I believe people CAN have good qualities regardless of their ethnicity, but there are certain very strong correlations when looking at ethnicity and other variables. To word it mildly.
I stick to my opinion however. If you disagree, feel free to, I don't care.
How? Even if you hate ze joooos you can't really think he's the good guy..
Why not? When I see his two biggest enemies, the Americans and the Soviets, and what ravage they have brought to the world, I can quite confidently say that retrospectively, Hitler was absolutely the good guy.
>is the reason for Communism occupying half of Europe for decades
>genocided tens of millions of people for no good reason and planned to genocide tens of millions more
>conquered nations for no reason other than living space for the German people
>took idiotic actions at each step actively sabotaging his own plans
>ensured American hegemony over most of the world for years to come
>3798980 (((You)))
>is the reason for Communism occupying half of Europe for decades
Communism was his biggest enemy, he warned the world of it, they didn't heed his warning.
>genocided tens of millions of people for no good reason and planned to genocide tens of millions more
Jews have been a subversive element in Old World societies for millennia before Hitler decided to destroy them. They have been banished hundreds of times, throughout continents and throughout the centuries. But I guess they were never at fault, were they?
>conquered nations for no reason other than living space for the German people
Oh yeah, and look at how well these Slavic shitholes in Eastern Europe are doing, nothing but leeches who have never in any significant degree contributed to humanity.
>took idiotic actions at each step actively sabotaging his own plans
Not gonna argue he did stupid stuff strategically.
>ensured American hegemony over most of the world for years to come
Yeah, his loss led to American/Soviet global hegemony, which was bad (but it was the thing he sought to prevent in the first place).
On the other end, it utterly ended the French and the British as powers of any renown, after centuries of being at the top or near the top.
Feel free to disagree with me, but in my view Hitler had a remarkable grasp of who the true enemies of the world were.
epic win!
>had a remarkable grasp of who the true enemies of the world were.
Poles and hohols?
jews, communists, americans
>The Jews deserved the Holocaust
Holy fuck >>>/stormfront/
>Communism was his biggest enemy, he warned the world of it, they didn't heed his warning.
They actually did heed his warning, unfortunately he decided to go to war against those who might have fought communism, thus making him the #1 threat instead of the communists.
>Jews have been a subversive element in Old World societies for millennia before Hitler decided to destroy them. They have been banished hundreds of times, throughout continents and throughout the centuries. But I guess they were never at fault, were they?
When you decide to kill babies for no reason other than their race then everyone's going to look at you as a bad guy, that's how it works.
>Oh yeah, and look at how well these Slavic shitholes in Eastern Europe are doing, nothing but leeches who have never in any significant degree contributed to humanity.
[Citation needed]
>Yeah, his loss led to American/Soviet global hegemony, which was bad (but it was the thing he sought to prevent in the first place)
Actually it was the things he caused in the first place. If he hadn't sperged out all over Europe there would be no American/Soviet global hegemony.
>in my view Hitler had a remarkable grasp of who the true enemies of the world were
And then he took every possible action to ensure that they accomplished their goals.
Hell, he helped the Jews more than he ever hurt them. Thanks to Hitler, anti-semitism and white nationalism became taboo and the Jews got their own state.
Probably Napoléon Bonaparte
Gracchus brothers.
Jews would have gotten Israel regardless of WW2, that was the result of WW1.
American hegemony was unavoidable, Soviet hegemony I'm not sure about.
Hitler fought a noble fight and lost. Big deal, almost all of the big guys ended up losing. Caesar got back-stabbed, Napoleon got defeated too, c'est la vie.
literally the biggest Chad who ever lived
>reeeee koba why u kill
>Long/Coughlin presidential ticket never ever
>American hegemony was unavoidable, Soviet hegemony I'm not sure about.
Without eastern Europe the USSR would be significantly weaker and unable to exert as much influence as they did.
>outnumber Caesar
>retreat into a hill fort
>another relief force is coming, together you outnumber Caesar 3 to 1
>get obliterated and surrender
>"good guy"
>Epirotean empire covering Greece and Italy
>Hellenic empire with unlimited manpower
Nothing of what you said debuffs the Good Guy Statement.
so it's your belief that hitler saw the cold war coming, and tried to intervene to prevent it by stopping the two would be world powers before they achieved nuclear power? Interesting thought
Wew lad
Well /his we made it to 2 posts..
>>The Jews deserved the Holocaust
>Holy fuck >>>/stormfront/
he literally won
not one of the conspirators lived two years after his death
augustus and agrippa carried on his legacy
Get out of my thread please..
Fucking retard
get rekt libtards
>>outnumber Caesar
The Romans outnumbered the Gauls.
>relief force
They actually broke through Caesar's lines but then he shifted his men in a circular retreat within the fort walls. Which caused a war of attrition, a fight no one has ever won against the Romans.
Cry more faggot
>not Cicero
Filthy popularis
you can literally smell his neckbeard stench
>ensured American hegemony over most of the world for years to come
Guess hitler was the gud guy
I had a Europa Barbarorum 2 campaign as Epirus where I fulfilled victory conditions by uniting all of Greece and Macedonia, conquering all of Italy save for Lilybaeum, moving on to the Balkans, then reconquering Western Anatolia from the invading Dacians. From there I subdued the Dacians completely in their Homeland, pushing all the way to Crimea and finished the campaign conquering the remaining Greek islands.
He still died user :(
hitler was the worst thing to happen to white nationalism
have no idea why you faggots worship him
Because they wanna seem edgy and contrarian.
Poor Pyrrhus, finally died when a tile was thrown at him
What a tragic loss!
In a way, yes. Hitler was one of the greatest things to ever happen to America and globalism.
good slave.
Not sure why you're attacking me, Hitler is the one who ensured the world would become globalist.
The bad guys won
he would have prevented the Korean and Vietnam wars
Clearly Napoleon, Europe would have been unified and would be today's superpower.
Just imagine all the most powerful countries of the time working together
Honestly Chiang needed to go if nationalist China was ever to win. He was damn good at keeping power over his own party, but he turned the economy and civil administration into a corrupt mess with no direction.
The ROC needed their own version of Park Chung-Hee: someone who could keep order and stand against the communists, but also put the country on a positive upspin economically, that would give the public something to defend, and have stake in protecting from the reds.
>genocided tens of millions of people for no good reason and planned to genocide tens of millions more
>implying there's ever a good reason
Those who deem the indiscriminate extermination of entire ethnic groups, down to babushka-clad grandmothers and schoolgirl in attics, necessary for national security do not make for disciplined, principled or rational leaders.
The very fact they entertain such notions shows they no possess the mental faculty to be fair, impartial, and just rulers. You're expecting far too much of them.
I did forget to add that eventually, Taiwan DID in fact get this kind of leadership during Chiang's later years and especially under his son's administration, but my point was more that they needed this during the 40's before they lost the mainland.
>inb4 drumpfies triggered
desu it would've required near-herculean efforts to unfuck the Chinese economy post-ww2, it was a real mess. Wang Jingwei would maybe have been a decent candidate, had he not defected.
>gets cucked by the DNC, BLM, and Hilary
>takes it like a bitch
truely the embodiment of a social democrat
drumpfies 100% triggered
pol ruined this thread
>thinking cuck sanders is even still alive
>socialism is bad
yeah we're done here
(you) (you) (you)
(you) (you)
t. brainlet who doesn't know the difference between social democracy and socialism
>implying it matters who wins the election
So what would you have done to beat Caesar?
You have 80,000 men and he has 60,000.
Invent guns and win
I never thought of it like that holy fuck
>Ceasar, the guy killing and enslaving gauls including allied gauls for literally no reason other than to get out of debt and further his political career
>vs the guy who is trying to save his people and his homeland from blood thirsty invaders as the leader of a hastily formed confederation of small tribes and polities
go fuck yourself you brainlet neckbeard
I'm not any racial nationalist and think he closest to being a "good guy" compared to other leaders of that time tbeh
>Those who deem the indiscriminate extermination of entire ethnic groups, down to babushka-clad grandmothers and schoolgirl in attics, necessary for national security do not make for disciplined, principled or rational leaders.
>The very fact they entertain such notions shows they no possess the mental faculty to be fair, impartial, and just rulers. You're expecting far too much of them.
Stop believing in the judeo Bolshevik lies, they weren't innocent
Ohai Vercingetorix, how's Alesia?
Other way around tbqh
You mean like curing polio, inventing the internet and all that?
Not liking Hitler makes you edgy and contrarian?
Are you retarded?
>There are people who unironcally believe Hitler was the good guy.
I thought it was just a meme, what the fuck?
The true successor of the Greeks
There are two kinds of people who like Hitler, idiots who think that he never genocided anyone, and psychopaths who think that killing Jewish and Slavic children is perfectly fine because at some point in history Jewish and Slavic people did something bad.
I think you mean precursor, user
first of all, right after the Persian-Greek war of 479 B.C.E pretty much Greeks started infighting again there was peace for a relatively small time. But, because Greeks love to bash phalanxes together like a bunch of oiled up faggots they eventually fought again. Third of all Rome raped Greece so you can hold on to your gay little phalanx while the Romans outmaneuver you every time with their maniples you non roman triplex acies using faggot. so please cite sources next time. -Fellow user
>Cyrus the Great b. 600 BC d. 530 BC
>Classical era of Greece 500 BC - 300 BC
suc·ces·sor - a person or thing that succeeds another.
pre·cur·sor - a person or thing that comes before another of the same kind; a forerunner.
Does that spell it out enough, you salty fuck?
>the gauls did nothing wrong
those celtniggers had ravaged the north of Italy for decades before Caesar. They deserved it.
you seem a little mad user
i have an objection to your theory you are using Wikipedia you could have easily changed the dates to fit your agenda so stay mad user