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An Anglo circa 300 AD before the Germanic conquest?
>An Anglo
>before the Germanic conquest
So white males looked manlier in the past confirmed.
Excuse me sir you're in my fucking way
>teleports behind you
>don't care about race
Psssssssssh, nothing personnel OP
Weren't Germans Celts? Aren't Celts French?
Only the French above the Seine are Celto-Germanic. Those between the Loire and the Seine are Aryo-Celtic (except those of Normandy who are Celto-Germanic too), while the ones below the Loire are Romano-Celtic(except those of the Poitou and the Valentinois who are Aryo-Celtic too). Lastly, the ones below the Garonne are Ibero-Celtic.
And this means what?
Same as Celto-Germanic, it mean that Aryans mixed with Celts.
And who are the supposed "Aryans" in this context?
Alans, Taifals, and Sarmatians.
bronze age greek
>BTFO by Rome
>mixed with Celts
What does it mean to be ethnically Celtic?
>people on celtic areas
None of them called themselves Celts, and what distinguishes the Celts from the Germanics. For example, the Gauls supposedly had long blonde hair, large frames, and fought vigorously and recklessly. But the Germans were simply more blonde, longer hair, larger frames, and fought more vigorously and recklessly. You can see how the distinction isn't so much in quality but in quantity?
Also it could be the Romans "Wewuzzing" about being subduers of "noble savages" to greater and greater degrees.
I mean do you think if the Romans encountered real Scandinavians on the battle field (not the Danes but Norwegians, Swedes, and Finns) would they have turned up the barbarism to be more like "They aren't like the Germans nor the Gauls, they are much much larger, much stronger, they have white hair down to their waist, and grey eyes. The Gauls took heads, the Germans hung people from trees, these men flay you alive then eat your innards. They are the most savage race of men."
Do you see what I mean at least?
That was not the reality of the times in Scandinavia, then nor is it so now. Why do we believe the Roman generalizations?
I'm not saying we shouldn't trust them, I'm just saying it looks dubious in nature.
>Germans invade
>They enslave Roman numales
>Based Invicible Mighty Aryans tell them to fuck off
>They obediently fuck off
>btfo by huns
>Thing never happened
>mean do you think if the Romans encountered real Scandinavians on the battle field
Their warrior caste/elite was indeed Nordid, the mass was composed of swarthy pre-IEs tho
Aryans are invicible when fighting an equal number of enemies, if non-Aryans outnumber(too much) Aryans, obviously they will lose.
Germnumales attacked the Glorious Aryans and were BTFO
See the pic there My bad, Dutch*
You're using modern terms to describe tribes that existed long before Dutch and Germans became actual things.
>warrior caste
>the Gauls relied heavily on levies
Get out.
The blonde hair wasn't even real blonde hair, it was from lye.
But even if what you say is true, then there must varying groups of Nordids then right? The Romans did not think the Germans and Gauls were the same, so do you think the Nordidness would increase as they encountered new peoples?
>swarthy pre-IEs
Swarthyness is a distinctly Indo-European feature in regards to the genetic history of Europe. Light skin was from Pre-IEs.
Friendly reminder not to reply to the "Frank"poster.
Ad hominem
E1b1bulls are like a brown version of Indo-Europeans, there is nothing wrong with a superior race praising another superior race.
The German warrior class was bright blonde while the Gaulish warrior was dirty blond.
>The German warrior class was bright blonde while the Gaulish warrior was dirty blond.
So the Nordic warrior class would be... platinum blond? and the Hyper-Nord warrior class would have white hair?
no. the next class up the hair plateaus at bright blonde but the eyes get more chinky. after that the hair resets back to black again.
The Nordic warrior class is a part of the German warrior class
No need to be butthurt, as said Varg : "brown eyed people are Moor rape babies"
He looks Amerindian.