
cheating frauds general


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First for JB and FL get GF

relationships are kinda overrated these days tbqh my dude.

they p fun in the beginning

jb fl kisses a girl


Depends on the relationship. I've got a gf now, and she's breddy gud mane.

>date girl for 3 weeks
>get bored
why does this happen all the time, I can't even reach the relationship status.

I've never cheated before but now I want to start. How the fuck do I find Dianabol for sale.

>go to gym
>ask for drugs to owner
it works like that fmly.

Grats FL

thats better than fucking a girl for one night then relationship for 3 months desu

I used to be so liberal... what's happened?

People that say racism comes from the environment they grow up in are wrong... I've learned it over time by dealing with shit ass people all my life.

I started thinking it was confirmation bias, as I'm friends with cool black guys and my roommate is black, but I think they're the exception. Every single time some dick head cuts me off in traffic, throws trash out of his window, is loud and obnoxious, or does any general inconsiderate action, 80% of the time it's a nigger.

15% it's a middle eastern.

>inb4 masT cuck memes the thread

No its
>go to supplement store
>ask big guy what gear he uses
>buy ear from back of shop

>Buy ear
wew lad

Because you don't actually like her you dingus. You just wanted to bone and now you're done.

Nothing wrong with that.


>supplement store
>big guy
>not run by a landwhale or dyel guy
on what universe?

Every supp store has at least one big guy. I know. I managed one for two years.

What about buying online tho

I lucked out with my gf. Childhood friend, coworker, mad into me. She gave me an unsatisfactory blowie joey today and I had to finish myself off, probably because of the gear lmao. Didn't want to leave, but she's working early in the morning. If she wasn't on the rag, I would have taken her virginity too. It makes it easier that she likes it rough.

>tfw sex on gear
>tfw can't cum
>tfw going for like 40 minutes and have to force myself to finish by moving like pelvis until I almost die
Feels good tbqh

>she likes it rough
>bad blowey


The line is at 3 months. Who wants the under?

Lel, close.

oh shit.

You were truly blessed on that day, my friend.

What ended up happening with her?

>unsatisfactory blowie joey
my mind cannot understand this

It was pretty boring so I kinda left her, I think she was better without me.

Jelly of youngcunts excitement about sex. Only time it's fun these days is if I can choke her out or throw her into furniture... although I'm finding that every single girl I've been with recently has really liked it rough.

They're either all secretly like this and I wasted my time pussy footing around when I was younger or I'm only attracting women that can smell my excess test.

What, the sex was, or her personality too? I guess I can kind of see that.

How old were you then?

I have phimosis. It felt alright, but I was never gonna finish. tfw she said I have a big dick, but didn't say 'You're a big guy'. I'm still waiting for someone to say it, and I will lift and roid until they do.

never just had a girl bob her head on it just barely touching it with her mouth? or one who thinks biting is good?

The sex, she got tired way too fast and since it was her first time I wanted to give her a nice time without forcing her into more complex stuff.
She was a fun friend tho but she really felt in love with me and all.
Think I was 23, she's now 19.
The most surprising thing is that she wasn't a 300 pound landwhale or ugly, she was ok.

>'You're a big guy'. I'm still waiting for someone to say it
Haha, try being fat and tall. I heard that just yesterday, some coworker in another section said "pretty big dude over there" and knew he was talking about me, feels indifferent because fat I guess, man. Still, he said it.

>or one who thinks biting is good?
oh gawd no

They need to say the exact words. It's not the same. I need them to say it so I can reply 'For you', and then I can die in peace.

I dunno, mine was up and down, using tongue, even said for me to force it down her throat. I think I fucked myself by jerking off too often.

what about damn near shredding your dick like cheese on her fucking braces. you must know about that one.

Should've wifed her, you cretin.

Lol jk.

Mines not bad and I know if I remember to stretch it mine will come right enough

>must know about that one.
never had a bj from a girl with braces b4 baka

made out with a few braces tho

I havent face fucked a braceface since high school. totally forgot about that particular hell.

Yes. It sucks.

It's not the front shit but the anchors in the back inside of her molars that would wreck me.

We put blobs of wax on it tho and it was fine

user when are you going to leave your humanity behind and fuck whatever get's near your orbit?
Remove this "moral" crap and that stupid guilt from your life and just do it.

I'm going to pick up whatever bar slut I can this weekend just to prove to myself I can do it

acetominophen will help turn you into a sociopath

already what I'm doing, as long as they aren't fat. chubby is a-ok

oh and 16 and over, but that's not for the moral aspect, it's to cover my ass in case something goes wrong. I wouldn't like prison.

what country

using her face like a fleshlight is different from getting a good blow

if you can cum from barebacking her cunt, you shouldn't have a problem unloading in her mouth if she knows what she's doing.


god bless

aware me

>oh and 16 and over, but that's not for the moral aspect, it's to cover my ass in case something goes wrong
smart man




whats so special about her? there was like a dozen equally attractive girls in the background.


>that one time /cbt/ tried to /fraud/

so what

Veeky Forums doesn't turn you in to the dea or some shit, they just ban you if you talk about sourcing

he deleted his post before he could get banned.

he's safe

You must be manlet

Throwing around fit small girls are tallbros' wet dreams

wow rude

>tfw fucking a 4'11 girl

amirite tho?

Fuck yes. I took drivers Ed with this cute ass little 4'11 or 5' girl and that shit turned me like hell. Dated her afterwards for a little.

But breh I'm 6'2 and short fit girls are the best.

Thank you user.
That post proved quite useful.

You user make me laugh with story of bad kolbasa sucking. You need sweet babushka lady who is missing many teeth for best oral intercourse. She is good at suck because she suck on many kolbasa to acquire drug and food during cold winter in motherland.

you fuckers better of be taking the short girls
Is manlets need the short girls!
You wanna know how hard it is trying to stand up and have sex with a girl who's tall?
Hard okay

I'm on my first cycle of test E only for 12 weeks.
Should i add anavr the last 2 or more weeks?
would it bring great benefits? i probably want to cut in those last couple of weeks, so..

>You wanna know how hard it is trying to stand up and have sex with a girl who's tall?
>Hard okay
I'll take your word for it, never had trouble with that

>girl who I always wanted to bone is now single
and now we wait...

because you have never had sex

been running test for about 10 weeks @ 500 / week and 750/week for the last 4 weeks or so. Added tren this week 400/wk and dropped test back down to 500 also taking some sdrol. sweet

Yes just wait and pray and maybe she fall on your kolbasa by magic. Is great plan user.

>3 years in a relationship
yeah starting the first day she lost his bf is a great idea too.

When you gotta stand on tippy toes to get it all the way in because her legs are longer than yours

Delete this!!!
Dont you bend her legs? Never done it with both standing 2bh. Bending her over something I have to go on tip toes

Just send dick picture to mobile phone. She is craving vengeance of old man and will use you for grand scheme and you get to touch her tsvetok as payment. Is good deal.
Just use old Stolichnaya box for stool. Is always working for me when prostitute is tall with tall whore shoes on.

Haha got me to giggle...



Nice JB's

bet she has a really feminine penis

Well yeah you can
But there's only so long a girl can hold a quarter squat
It's easier to tippy toe it

We used to have a running joke that I carry a steppy stool around with me


familias this >girl is fucking hot, I WANT her

I got my 3 months post pct bloods done.

Test - 759 ng/dl
Free - 16.9 range 9.3 -26.5

FSH - 1.1 range 1.5-12.4
LH - 2.2 range 1.7-8.6

Should I be concerned about the LH and FSH? Boggles my mind how lh can be so low yet produce the test I have

Ya your fsh and lh are petty low. What was your pct?

In all likelihood deficient in test according to 2-3 years old bloodwork.

I'm sick of being a withdrawn NEET. I used to be fucking ambitious and stuff, mainly in my late teens. It's all just gone. I want my drive back. Lifting has helped some, though.

Will supplementing test change my life, /fraud/?

Did it change yours?

150/100/100/50 Clomid
40/40/20/20 Nolva

I just did some reading and found out that it could be the high estro. Talked to my other roid friends and they said its normal for hpta to be fucky for 3+ months after pct

where do u buy gear?

Has anyone juiced while on itpp?

Well your test is pretty good honestly. How's the boys? Nice and plump?

I don't think they're as plump as they were pre cycle. I feel like my leydig cells are still very sensitive to LH. Im just worried about FSH because I still want to pass on my glorious genes

I don't juice often but it makes me incredibly horny and it can be actually be distracting. But yeah you can have quite a feel good time on it.

Id say 250mg test e for you. Any higher and you may want an AI to control estrogen effects.

So how do you feel tonight /fraud/?

Well you may need hcg. That would definitely get your levels way up.
This is what I imagine yolo looks like when he posts. Kek

I kept hoping jbfl meant just barely fucking legal. Fuck you guys.

Week 7 test e, i just decided to bulk hard and cut after pct but my genetics are still shit.

nice iphone faggot lmao

Roiding for this
Why even bother?
I look better than you natty and I don't even train
You're a disgrace
Just kill yourself

Other insults for no reason

you took roids to look like that lmao

You look better on the left.

B& m80

All you b&c fags how often do you throw in hcg?

you're either trolling or pinning yourself anything but hormones

even if you don't lift you'd still make more gains than this

post macros, routine and how many hours you sleep.

>roiding when you look like that

im 18, full beard, growth plates closed

if i run 500mg test e cycle with proper AI and PCT, how likely is it that I completely FUCK my HPTA?

ive been training for 2 years and am at about 1.5/2.5/4/5

my only concern is that i'll be on TRT all throughout the next 60 years. i just want to run this single cycle.

anybody have advice? there's not a lot of research about exogenous testosterone and a (possibly - who knows it could be done developing) still developing HPTA.

i have all the gear, alcohol wipes and needles ready just waiting to pull the trigger. i could wait until i'm 20 but i really dont want to go through another 2 years of such slow progress.

trust me i've put on some lbm, i just got fat as fuck and obviously that negates from the look of the lean muscle and given my shit genetics i look small.