>cmon user were at the beach!
>take off your shirt, show me those abs!
Cmon user were at the beach!
jfc she looks so dutch
Here let me show you.. I train them using front squats and deadlifts... W-what do you mean I have no abs?
>white people """"""""""""""beach""""""""""""""
How much do I need to lift to get a gf like this?
Fuck no. Not done powering up for 5 episodes.
Depends on your autismo
At least we can swim nigger
1500 lb powerlifting total, minimum. Need to be 6'+ as well
K bitch now suck me
Routine/stats ?
Auschwitz x 5
I also wish to know your routine/stats
>*teleports behind her*
>*unsheaths katana*
>"Nothing personnel, kid"
>haven't had abs in 10 years
>still get laid all the time
You insecure fucks worry too much. Just have a decent taper with big delts.
Black genetics x 8-10
5'9 152 upper/lower 4 days a week
I'm not deserving of these questions 2bh I've been lifting for a year and a half
fuck you orange BITCH
>push press throws her into deeper shark infested waters
>passing on Nordic masterrace
nigga what
but me is fat
It's like someone carved a wotsit into a qt.
1) you don't look bad
2) you forget no one on Veeky Forums lifts
very autismo :(
Mr. Dobbs?
I probably wouldn't go to large bodies of water too if I couldn't swim
>British Summer.jpeg
lol bruh where'd you get this? this is one of my younger brother's friends i've seen the pic on facebook
tiny hands anorexic indian/negroid twink, lel
140lbs indian twink.... prob crossfit
I think it's bald head island.
at least 20
dude nice small nips. i really wish mine were that size.
>max homo
I'm really lost, are you trying to insinuate that the race that has consistently had the strongest Navies in all of history is somehow unfamiliar with water?
Holy fuck you are so correct
>tfw look good when cold, but when warm my nipples get puffy and saggy and they ruin the entire aesthetic of my torso
are you me?
anyone know a cure to this? i.e. how to keep my nipples hard?
Supporting Trump
There's surgery, but that's a dramatic fix.
superglue, not even joking
No you autist, he's saying we have shit weather and stony beaches.
It doesn't make any sense either way. Ever been in Sardinia (Italy)?
You're amerifat, aren't you? I can tell from the lacking geological knowledge.
First show me your abs, you flabby sack of lard.
Cro-magnons are so dense lol
girls dont need abs