Link hits 1.00 $ during Sibos, what do you do /biz?

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Take back original investment + 20% profit, leave the rest.

thank jesus

Hold until we hear post-SIBOS announcements, then hold some more cause I know papa Sergey has some goodies in store for all us good linkmarines this christmas

Hold. The news articles in the days following push it well above 1 dollar as whales and normie crypto people buy more as it finally demonstrates it's genuine. This could go up to a few billion market cap.

>selling LINK at $1

Ayy Lmao


holding about 76k Link follow me at

For real though this could be worth hundreds of dollars, you'd be a fool to sell a potential lottery ticket so soon

What do YOU think Link can be worth on the high end before 2018?

Truthfully want to know.

Planning on holding most of my 600k.

Best case scenario? If all goes according to plan, there is a SWIFT partnership along with other partnerships announced post-SIBOS, I can see LINK trading at $10 by the end of year, with potential for lots of growth in 2018. All the optimism and hype of OMG with actual product implementation.

anyone selling now is 100% retard

Probably hold. I'm cashing out most of my
stack at $1.5

maybe in two years not now user

Ripple with its 10 billion dollar marketcap is so scared of Chainlink/Swift that they have to make their own conference...

>on the same date...
>in the same area...
>and naming it "Swell" to associate with gains.

Real shit is going to happen and this is the ground floor where everything starts.

Crypto moves faster now. These prices were just 7 months ago, and adoption will grow at an exponential rate.

>$10 by end of the year

i fucking need this user

Ethereum died with the hard fork at 14 dollars


Fuck man... $10 by EOY would literally SAVE ME PLEASE GOD

Thats unironically why I didnt buy Ethereum at 14.

1.00 leading into SIBOS. As news comes out I think it will get to $5.


SIBOS is basically a massive marketing event for Chainlink, selling would be very dumb.

It'll be $2 before we even get to sibos. This is not even a quandary.

>Ripple named its conference "Swell"

More like "Sell", amirite?

Just buying the dip

Selling Ripple before Swell and putting it in LINK is how smart people think.

Bro what the fuck are you even talking about? Chainlink is a thirty (30!) minute presentation amongst countless other presentations. What the fuck makes you think SIBOS is a marketing event for Chainlink?

Because Veeky Forums told me so now buy LINK or get the fuck out and don't you dare reply to me.

Lol, dat reading comprehension.

"For" as in "to".

This guy gets it


just one question lads.
what has the token to do with the actual product?

From the whitepaper:

"5.5 LINK token usage
The ChainLink network utilizes the LINK token to pay ChainLink Node operators for the retrieval
of data from off-chain data feeds, formatting of data into blockchain readable formats, off-chain
computation, and uptime guarantees they provide as op- erators. In order for a smart contract on
networks like Ethereum to use a ChainLink node, they will need to pay their chosen ChainLink Node
Operator using LINK tokens, with prices being set by the node operator based on demand for the
off-chain resource their ChainLink provides, and the supply of other similar resources. The LINK
to- ken is an ERC20 token, with the additional ERC223 “transfer and call” functionality of
transfer(address,uint256,bytes), allowing tokens to be received and processed by contracts within a single transaction."

You can't have decentralization without incentives.

For instance, nobody would be running a bitcoin node if it weren't for the money.

Why can't I buy this shit on Bittrex

We're going to make it

This. I hope you guys understand that there has been no annoucement/news from the team yet because they said they'll start releasing info after SIBOS


Retards are lining up to "sell the news" at SIBOS, even though there isn't going to be any news, only exposure.
What will come after SIBOS is a few good rumors in the form of announcements from the Chainlink team.

>He still uses Shittrex.

Binance. Bittrex is kill

Im afraid way too many hopes are pinned on the SIBOS affair, dont get me wrong its an essential step but you guys are expecting billions of dollars to be thrown at chainlink immediately after the presentation.

What will be better for this price is if normies and other cunts ACTUALLY find out about chainlink. only autists know about this so far. i guess they'll start paying attention when we're already $500million market cap.

>you guys are expecting billions of dollars to be thrown at chainlink immediately after the presentation.
What makes you say that?

SIBOS is a pretty big fucking deal, Chainlink is demoing two specific use cases especially developed for/with SWIFT.
This alone is worth a very decent market cap.

If implementation becomes widespread, then of course billions will flow into Chianlink.

only right answer

XRP just rose 2 billion in market cap thise week, LINK just needs a tiny amount of that to explode

jack off to the green candles

There'll be a massive dump after SIBOS to let new whales in.
You'll be a moron not to sell at ATH before SIBOS

This right now is the new ATH.

I'm talking smt like 16k sats

Digybyte 2.0 calling it now

Digibyte solved no problems, and was just an obvious shill. Link actually solves something and has a working product.

Solves a made up problem

true, and also we are nowhere near Digibyte level pump

you nolinkers are dumb as fuck, the oracle problem is one of the major criticisms of smart contracts

here we go again....

DGB 2.0 means $5 LINK on SIBOS day

This thread
>hodl is a meme
but not if deluded linkies do it

Wait how did you get secure external data onto ethereum blockchain to make smart contracts thousand fold more useful again? Oh right thats Chainlink network

Comes with metropolis

no it doesnt faggot

Who in their right mind would dump after a marketing opportunity like fucking SIBOS?

>mainstream smart contracts
>"made up problem"


Because sibos is getting priced in right now.

S M A R T M O N E Y :^)

Withdraw $25k for a down payment on a house, hold the rest, find some roommates to cover my mortgage and quit my job.

LINK will never hit $0.45 again. Screencap this

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to be a chainlink investor. The hints are extrenely subtle, and without a solid grasp of the banking system most of the hints will go over a typical newfags head. There’s also Sergies optimistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from satoshi nakamoto's literature, for instance. The investors understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of this coin, to realise its not just brilliant- is can change peoplea LIVES. As a consequence people who dislike chainlink truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, the humour in sergies existential catchphrase “See you at SIBOS” which itself is a cryptic reference to the international banking conference. I’m smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as the chainlink development team's genius wit unfolds itself on their binance trading screens. What fools.. how I pity them.

priced in at 150m marketcap. even digibyte hyped better than this

no it doesnt u lying baffoon

But user, how do you "price in" hundreds of thousands of potential new users and investors?

how do u price in an event whom details u dont know

Dubs of truth

Don't toy with my heart, user.

newb here. can anyone spoonfeed me on how to buy it?

kek, that is when i sold mine. i thought i was being smart and safe

if sibos is prices in, then why the fuck are you cucks not selling now?

if its priced in it wont go higher, only lower

Create a Binance account and buy it from there.

I ain't clicking that shit! Everyone who clicks one of these Twitter links loses all their shit.

If we get to $1 by the end of the year I will donate 5000$ to charity or some shit. I don't have *that* much LINK but $1 would be lifechanging

my current fears:

1) this hardfork causes crypto to implode and bleed out forever. Unlikely because we've weathered so much shit over the years

2) Ripple curbstomps LINK at their SWELL expo

3) Big institutions don't want to fuck around with stupid exchange tokens

Dont worry fellow user.
Altcoins will bleed heavily until november/december. Then we will see bullish again. The hardforks coming up for btc are just destroying everything for now but it wont last.

Just sucks because we bought LINK early and waited a month. If it keeps bleeding people are gonna be able to buy it for the same price we did. Which makes me wonder what it was all for

Agreed. One of the requirements of Happiness is other people being Miserable.

You are retarded.
And you too because you agree.

Check the USD value. Nothing Special. No big drop. If you buy BTC right now, then you need more Fiat to purchase one, and this leads into less btc and lese alts.
Let the monkeys be monkeys and chase "free Money". Lol

>SWELL expo

You know SWELL is literally happening at like some abandoned warehouse outside Toronto city limits right?

Also only 1K LINK at the moment.

This is the only true answer. Still profit while allowing room to grow

>what do you do /biz?
wake up

What do you mean, user?


To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to be a chainlink investor. The hints are extrenely subtle, and without a solid grasp of the banking system most of the hints will go over a typical newfags head. There’s also Sergies optimistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from satoshi nakamoto's literature, for instance. The investors understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of this coin, to realise its not just brilliant- is can change peoplea LIVES. As a consequence people who dislike chainlink truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, the humour in sergies existential catchphrase “See you at SIBOS” which itself is a cryptic reference to the international banking conference. I’m smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as the chainlink development team's genius wit unfolds itself on their binance trading screens. What fools.. how I pity them.