Why didn't we just crush the Irish? Not like we didn't have the military power to do so.
Why didn't we just crush the Irish? Not like we didn't have the military power to do so
The A*glos feared the Gaelic warrior
You did.
Well there was a world war going on
All the real units were in europe
But the War of Independence started after WW1 ended. Why didn't we just crush them now that we weren't fighting Europe?
Because then you’ve committed war crimes
Ireland wasn’t worth the cost
>Irish economy is owned by England
>Irish trade relies on England
>Irish culture is made in England
>Irish language is English
>Northern quarter of Ireland will be England anyway
There wasn't much to give up in the first place by making them independent
>Because then you’ve committed war crimes
Not if you're just killing rebels.
Then why did we keep them? All territory is worth it.
Anybody that gave the bongs a taste of cold steel generally succeeded. The Irish apes understood this, so they succeeded as well.
Because you weren't as dumb back then as you are now and realised that a full scale military counter would only result in the populous being even more radicalised against British Imperialism. Sometimes you just have to know when to concede.
Then why did we go full scale military counter in Iraq and India at the same time as the Great Paddy Chimpout?
Because there were actually ressources there worth fighting for. Ireland has no ressources.
None of this is correct
You what mate?
Well which one is it? Did we fall for the not massacring subjugated populations when they get uppity meme or did we just not give a shit about Ireland because it's a worthless rock which contains nothing except rainwater and Mrs Brown's Boys?
It makes more sense when you understand that the British weren't the bad guys.
>Gee why didn't we go to war again after the bloodiest conflict that had ever occured so far in history
>Invade an island for not being catholic enough, forcefully replace it's long-held and tradition bound society (which was relatively equal for its time) with your own set of laws and rules which divides the society at a core level
>Constantly surpress and discourage any and all "pro-native" activities and instead encourage them to be more like England
>Handle your occupation so badly that there's a rebellion once every single generation, have your area of influence pushed back to a tiny area
>Become Protestant
>Invade Ireland again with added genocide and displacement for not being Protestant enough
>Build a new Irish society of protestant people shipped over
>Make the society worthless by law to anyone that isn't protestant
>Make all reports and statistics based off protestant population, state that "Irish Catholic" people don't exist in your eyes
>Impose strict limits on the prosperity of these protestant planters to stop them getting anywhere near England's level of prosperity
>After centuries of fumbled rule a war erupts and people get pissy about having to go die for England
>A small rebellion without much support happens
>Mass executions and general overbearing attitude toward an oppressed people
>"what the fuck why are more people rebelling"
The idea that the British were anything BUT bad guys to the bogniggers is absolute delusion my man.
Maybe if the Paddies had figured out that converting to the religion of their superior conquerors is a good idea they wouldn't have had that problem.
>tfw Nigerians are more intelligent than you
What reason would I have?
>Being subservient to foreigners is a good thing
Typical Sassenach
Yeah, because after surviving the most horrific conflict in history, soldiers were just lining up to go and stomp on the Irish, right?
>all territory is worth it
>real life is just like a grand strategy game where you win by blobbing
>being subservient to foreigners with bigger guns, bigger brains, and more resources isn't a good thing
>also they aren't really even foreigners, just a slightly less pale and inbred version of you
>Bigger Brains
>Not foreigners
Nice meme friend
>beer drinking
>speak an approximation of English
>largely devoid of worthwhile culture
>drive on the correct side of the road
You're not foreign, Seamus.
I'd be lying if I said this post wasn't good but I still disagree with the notion that the Irish are the same as the British especially in terms of culture i.e social norms, the notion of a class system and attitude toward government and monarchy are all very different in Ireland and Britain. However I will concede that ethnically the differences are so minuscule to the point were a distinction can be made but it doesn't really matter
Memeing aside I agree. I've only spent a few weeks in Ireland but there's a definite difference in the way people act and interact. Small town nightlife is actually pleasant in Ireland, for instance.
Well first of all you tried and failed. That's what The War of Independence was.
As for why they didn't commit more resources and men to the fight, you have to seriously ask yourself whether going complete World War on Ireland would have fixed anything, rather than made it even more radical. It was their extreme brutality and lack of mercy in 1916 that radicalized the population to the point that large scale, countrywide rebellion became inevitable. They population got even more radical during the conflict due to rampant British war crimes. At every point, greater British brutality and military commitment increased nationalist sentiment.
Regardless of what Britain did, I find it hard to envisage a timeline where they could have maintained control of the modern Republic up to the present day. From that perspective, they were right to just back out after a few years of fighting. From any moral perspective they shouldn't have been there in the first place.
Also, that picture's 1916, not the war of Independence. They did win that, then fucked up beyond belief in the aftermath.
In my experience with Brits it's a bit of a mixed bag I remember being in London when I was younger and a stranger greeted my dad with "alright Paddy" which was a little insulting but then on the other hand I have second cousins and and uncle from Britain and we always have top tier bants
>implying you didn't try several times
One, no resources. Two, people care about the Irish in other important countries way more than they do about Indians and Arabs.
I was a lot older than I'd like to admit before I learned that Paddy wasn't meant to be a term of endearment - cf "Taff" and "Jock", both of which are largely used in a friendly context in my experience. That probably speaks a lot to how the Irish are perceived in Britain.
I blame your constant presence on our TV.
should've been peer pressured into doing it init
just like the daft cunts did the first time
But they did. They coverted once from their branch of Christianity to Catholicism, and were still treated like dirt. Then the same people came back and said "hey try this NEW flavour of Christianity" and naturally not all of them took kindly to it.
Honestly Anglos are some of the most autistic people I have ever met in my entire life. How does one group of people become so utterly dense?
They tried, paddy is unkillable.