Does it matter when you eat your daily calories?

Does it matter when you eat your daily calories?

If you eat all your calories before noon, you'll be hungry the rest of the day

Also if you eat them all at once you'll probably shit most of it since you can't digest thousands of calories at once.

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I don't care about hunger, I care that im not BTFO'ing by body because I got too close to my TDEE + 500 early in the day

Do you have even a single fact to back that up

If you eat all your calories in one sitting your body will enter starvation mode and will retain more fat and water.
Also, during starvation mode you can not build muscles because proteins are only used to make more fat cells


Also, yes. Eat in proper order dumbo

only beta pussies can't take hunger


not really. if you suffer from hypoglycemia, eating them later in the day or throughout the day will help with hunger. so will keto, though.

now tell me the name of the bitch with the glasses

You have to eat your meals in this method

Only this way you can build muscle during sleep because food is in your stomach when you sleep at 01:30, and it's confirmed from the nutritionists at the American Dietician Association that muscles only develop when sleeping and muscle metabolism doesn't occur during the day because the sun light makes you enter starvation mode


what a fucking bullshit statement
I started eating only from 12 to 20 a month ago and I've lost 7 kg's so far

Yes, some of those calories would "pass through" and not be able to be digested. Unless your body is used to utilizing a massive amount of calories, it's not going to waste energy having and maintaining receptors in your gut that almost never get used. For instance, you only make so much bile at a time, which is necessary to absorb fats. If your gut gets overwhelmed with more fat than you can possibly absorb, it's going to pass through the region where fat is absorbed...which is a relatively short region, and get turned into massive amounts of gas later on down the line. This gas is the result of microbes in your gut inexpertly fermenting fats, which is a nutrient they are not used to utilizing, so they break it down inefficiently, making gases as their own "poop". You may absorb some of the other products these microbes create as a result of this breaking down, but it won't be as calorie-rich as if you were able to absorb the fats as fat.
If you consistently eat high calorie foods, or a particular type of nutrient, your gut and its microbiome will change in response to that level of intake, and you would absorb those calories more efficiently.

As a thought experiment, let's say you ate all your carbs and fats at 8 am and ate all your protein at 8 pm. Does it not seem that it would matter then? You're obviously best off spacing your meals somewhat across the day and trying to get proper portions of each macro at each meal. Don't stick to it like its your religion but more like its a good rule of thumb. Anyone who eats all their calories in 1 or 2 meals is a fucking autist fuck.

That's because your body is in starvation mode and your cells are dehydrated but when it's out of starvation mode they get fat instead of skinny

I did it because a friend of mine did it. he lost 15 kgs and maintained it afterwards.

I think your statements are mainly based on some hearsay you've heard from random broscientists at the gym

Im in the same boat as you

I can will myself through the hunger; it's all about my work and school schedule

All I need to know is whether or not I can save the last 800 kcal for 10:00 at night or if that will make me fat

Incorrect. Intestine movement slows to allow digestion.

Yes, ideally eat many small meals throughout the day, to space out your protein intake.

If you just eat once a day, for instance, you'll be catabolic as fuck all day long, and then get a massive load you can only partially digest (so a lot of the protein goes to waste because it isn't even broken down by e.g. your stomach acid) and not as anabolic as you would be for the whole day combined when eating slowly (because muscles can only build so fast -- if you were to inject a tonne of protein into your bloodstream, that wouldn't make your muscles grow infinitely fast -- they can only use so much protein over some amount of time, so the rest goes to fat)

>Eat in proper order

You're supposed to eat all your calories when you;re sleeping

only stupid fucks are hungry when they dnt have to be.


unless you are 8% bodyfat and training for a competion the anwser is no.
Please disregard any other advice.

ah yes this is why I'm able to eat 7000 calories in one sitting and still lose weight because my body can't absorb all 7000 calories at once

fuck off retard

the only thing people have to worry about is capping on the 30ish grams of protein every couple of hours for muscle protein synthesis

I like the white girl.

You'll cowards don't even suck sack

Eat a few hours before bed so the hunger doesn't effect your sleep but not too close to it so you can 'starve' most of the night and be good for breakfast in the morning.

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You have to eat them before midnight or they don't count

Farthest right because she looks like a nice girl.

it literally doesnt matter at all

dude there just random sluts