Honestly this is the funniest fucking episode by far
FPH Thread: Veeky Forums roasted the whale edition
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Would you?
What happened in the episode?
Prob gives good head desu
>gained more weight even when "dieting"
>based comedian calls her out
>"For someone that saids she is so happy with yourself, you sure so cry a lot"
>Land whale cries for hearing the truth
>Stays in denial
would I what? set fire to it and watch it burn for a thousand days?
Did they do a follow up from when she passed out at the dance competition and the ambulance picked her up?
They did if you watched the episodes
The hospital even did her resting heart rate and blood pressure
>pic related
>Whitney goes cupcake tasting
>'interestingly enough, I don't love cake'
Also, she's getting the fatty acne now.
Would I harvest that clean burning lamp oil? Aye.
Sure, but why would I need that much soap?
Guys I'm watching the episode and I want Whitney's trainer to be my senpai.
That was really good. I like how the comedian was perfectly calm but Whitney lost her shit completely.
>Whitney goes to comedy show
>guy in audience tells male comedian 'you're balding'
>everybody laughs
>female comedian makes joke about fatties
Nice !
What is even the point of living once you get to this stage? If you haven't made a change by then you may as well just be put down humanely
When I see people like this, I rage. To force this person to lose weight would be so easy. Do you know how? They are IMMOBILE. They can literally only eat what is brought to them.Their fucking 'carers' (Feeders) supply them with all the shit helping them gain even more weight. If they truly cared about these people then they would not listen to their whining about muh ice cream and just lock them in the house with some salads, fuck. There is no excuse for people like this to exist
There's a doctor doing an AMA on FPH right now talking about how his obeast patient's rolls got infested with roaches.
nice meme :^)
I love how in america they have 2 stripes with a little space between them between every parking space.
Like, when you would just have one stripe between every parking space (as it is the norm in germany) americans would be just to dumb to leave a little space for others to access their cars.
God americans are so pathetic
Don't get too excited Hans, Germany is like the America of Europe.
>I guarantee you, its NOT laced ;)
Nah. We are arab-cucked by our politicans, wich are the lap-dogs of american politicans and jews.
But we are not dumb and have common sense. Those things are, what americans miss
Also the name's Roland
>i´m too fat to be a hipster
*shuddering intensifies*
>literally spots of necrotic flesh on her legs
how are these people not taken into care against their will
psychotic and suicidal people are taken care of since they're a danger to themselves
how is this any different
>google feud
This shit is really fun
There has to be a genetic basis behind getting that big.
I don't think the majority of people out there could get that fat even if they tried.
Its from a documentary on Feeders
If by genetics you mean someone with a big appetite who's able to strech his stomach, I agree. I know for a fact some people could never become like that simply because of their lack of appetite or how slow they eat and how fast they feel stuffed.
Scheiße, sorry.
But yeah, spews horseshit.
Common sense and discipline are germans primary virtues. Believe me when i say, that the outspoken majority of people is more than ready to reconnect with our past concerning the immigration problem.
Shitskins calling us Nazis, because they get arrested at every corner seem to have a severe lack of historical education.
Those camps should be made operational again, after what happened in Würzburg, where a fucking 17-year-old decided to rampage in the name of Allah and was gunned down after injuring 5 people (one of those was a woman who got axed in the fucking face).
Human rights should be for humans. Even Hitler knew that.
Bring it back, krautbro.
Maggots are just the beginning, fit. There's roaches in dem dere rolly pollies.
Jesus fucking christ
Confederate state of Virginia reporting in
Have yet to see the double striped parking lot spaces
This is on another level entirely
This literally happened 4 hours ago and I'm not lying on the internet
>two fatties come in, needless to say both obnoxious
>throwing around weights
>LITERALLY playing with the medicine ball, dribbling, shooting and throwing it all over the place
>everyone already giving them stares, they quiet down
>back day, lat pull down, 180lbs, done with 3x8
>one of them took the machine I was just on
>multiple failed attempts at even just trying to get the weights off the ground
>by multiple I mean at least 10 times all with grunting, looking like an idiot, even trying to just hang himself to it just to get it off the floor
>the loud sound it makes when it lifts off by maybe an inch and falling down immediately
>everyone saw him fail at life
>they move on to treadmills
Good thing is they never last more than a day so tomorrow they'll be gone.
It has been a very long time since the internet managed to stun me. This has done it. Jesus fucking Christ we need euthanasia
How does this exist? Am I in hell?
god damn. there goes my breakfast. fuck, it was good too. can't stomach anything now. I guess my cut will be extra good today.
It varies from parking lot to parking lot. Most are just single lines.
It's not that common. It depends on that particular business and how they paint their lines.
> we are arab-cucked by our politicans
> we are not dumb and have common sense.
We practice lifting heavy things to get big muscles. They practice eating to stretch out their big stomachs.
What? How could you accept becoming Jabba the Hutt?
I would of asked if they needed help despite their obnoxiousness.
Rail is the only practical way to move those people long distances.
Maggots are just the beginning.
imagine the smell...
Repost from previous bread.
I once read an article in a forensic pathology medical journal that ran something like this.
>morbidly obese patient presents unresponsive to ER, Glasgow coma score of 3
>presumed myocardial infarction or stroke
>covered in fecal matter, urine, and a white plaque-like material
>unchecked and unregulated diabetes
>turns out the white-plaque material is a raging yeast infection
>epidermis and dermis sloughing off of her body due to yeast
>resuscitated, systolic and diastolic BP are extraordinarily high for someone in a coma
>at autopsy
>BAC 3.6%, has been unconscious for days, how the fuck was she this drunk?
>remove brain, had a massive stroke in her pons (area of brainstem) and subsequent micro-strokes all through her brain
>turns out, she had a SEPTIC YEAST INFECTION
>because of her unchecked diabetes, the yeast were able to essentially ferment the free glucose in her blood, resulting in the high levels of ethanol
>strokes were caused by her blood being the consistency of engine sludge, from the yeast build up
>she was practically a living yeast infection
Finally my own FPS!
> Ligament tear from a BB game
> Be in hospital to check progress
> Obese 50+ year old man with extreme diabetes in wheelchair
>Drinking Cola.
badass surgeon
Nigger this isn't Germany, parking spaces are usually handled by who owns the parking lot. You know, instead of the state creating a bureau that uses the old German over engineering to do it at 200% the cost only to give it to Syrian refuges after it's done.
Those things do not want help. They want to be the center of attention.
Keep dem comin
I remember that one, I think the writer mentioned the yeast must have fed off of her corpse in the ground for weeks.
At least when obese people die they become a nutritious decomposition for the earth.
yeah I thought I saved the macro but I guess not. I just found it horribly ironic that the medical examiner actually published a paper on it, it may be the exact same case, it might not be. The nurse from the macro's story was anecdotal, but I'm sure this occurs often enough to be documented elsewhere too.
Holy fucking kek my sides left orbit. That user and surgeon are based.
to eat
And in the 1950's people expected humanity to have actual space ships by now.
Man, did we fucked up ;_;
i have 14 mb/s internet speed yet this mega download is going at 170 kb/s. what gives?
you only have 14mb/s?
where do you live user? my internet is being really fucking slow now too atm for some reason
considering I was using 500-600 kb/s for the last 10 years, anything about 2 mb/s is a fucking luxury for me
Maybe epigenetics. But that can be changed with your environment and what you do and is not permanent.
what the fuck, where are you?
Who /devilish/ here?
I'll share some tacit fat shaming tactics
>work at an Asian restaurant
>when fatties come to order, I give them twice the normal amount of utensils and fortune cookies
>this way they feel that they are eating as much as 2 or 3 normal sized humans
She's starting to look visibly worse, even with the wig and make up.
Kek, Germans have such a massive inferiority complex that they have to Pico something as banal as parking spots to try to feel superior about
Please, I've talked to plenty of Germans who left your country for the US. It's full of self hating left wing cowards, almost like Sweden Jr.
The only hope for Yurope lies with the based Slavs
Keep doing the Lord's work user
Finally have my own story to contribute
>girl at work is chubby, not obese but definitely overweight
>shealways bitches about being tired
>always complains about back pain
>has frequently talked about losing weight through dieting
>never actually does
Honestly fit how do these people never make the connection that their weight is the source of most of their problems?
is there a link to the rest of this?
He already knew he was done so i guess he wanted to enjoy his way out
Why won't you go away?
>waiting in barbershop for haircut
>at least 400lb dude is getting his hair cut
>tarp doesn't even cover him
>stands up to pay
>tarp comes off
>planet fitness staff shirt
>he's on the staff
>have to sit in the seat after him
>based barber wipes it down with disinfectant before calling me over
>>planet fitness staff shirt
>>he's on the staff
PF is such a troll company, I love it.
mfw Nurgle exists in the current century
I remember my step brother use to watch this show about a skater and his body guard.
Bodyguard was a big fat black dude, and the skater was a tiny white guy.
Some how they decide to help the body guard lose weight, and when they weigh him he has to go to a scrap yard cause no other scale would work.
Don't remember if he made it or not, but the guy was calm about it all. He knew he had a problem and he wanted to change.
It is always women who don't want to change, they always wanna change standards to fit them. Fucking dumb.
Did u ask if his mile time was sub 3 minutes?
photograph of that patient
Holy shit! That's incredible! I'm not even disgusted. More amazed! Give that corpse an achievement unlock!