Jobs of Veeky Forums

What jobs do you all have? Any that keep you fit? I'm at a desk job and wanna know some things I can do to keep active at the office, or if I can switch to a more hands on job.

I am a student double majoring in econ and history, I work as a bartender on the side, so no it doesn't keep me fit.

Construction as a summer time job

Been making all kinds of gains recently, just have to eat constantly

None I'm too stupid to work therefore no income at all

Full time construction project manager for residential buildings.

I mainly just quantify, estimate and schedule supplies and monitor the construction while the site manager does the rest.

Comfy well paying job though with 50-60 weeks.

Would reccoemend a construction management degree to anyone who wants an applied skill degree where you can easily find employment in 2nd year.

I was a contracts admin during my 2nd year, by 4th year i was already liasing with clients.

I'm a physical therapist. I work in the beriatric wing of a large hospital and lift fatties all day. Literally squatting most of the day to help people over 300 pounds walk or stand. It's extremely exhausting but it never gets boring.

Web Developer. I'm in the same boat as you OP

>not using this time to effectively train your forearms

Cmon mang

Construction materials testing, mostly concrete. I run the lab and haul around cast specimens all day.

It is as much effort as I make it. Most of my peers make a lower tech or intern carry shit for them or get into a group of like four guys for "safety" reasons.

Restaurant GM. I walk a lot, but that's about it. Heaviest thing I have to lift is a 100lb bin of sugar.

I move only my finger 9h per day with 30 min lunch

ED physician assistant
Comfy schedule, no call, paid hourly and off efficiency unit
days off spent at hospital gym
>pay is shit though

Combat medic
>PT nearly every day
>Wednesday afternoons off to do sport
>Finish at 1230 on Fridays after PT
>Free gym
>PT instructors in the gym who will coach you for free, give you programs, give you free rehab if injured
>Get out of work on a regular basis to play sport

Mcdicks reporting in, working part time while trying to study up grades for university, gonna become language teacher for high schools.
>mfw face frame and height make me cashier worker only

>burn 650 cals washing shit and running around for 7 hrs
>Lifting pots/pans

Desk jockey here.
Starting new job in a brewery, packaging for 10hrs a day so I'm bout to do all the cardio and lose all my gains. Sorry Veeky Forums I failed you

What Brewery? :DDDDDDD

Finance Rep, interesting work and I get enough time off to get a solid 5 lifts a week

How did you become a physical therapist? I'm looking at becoming a paramedic now and wanna know what I can move up to if I can't take it anymore.

how do you get into a job like that?

I'm an accounting student right now. Have a job lined up as a auditor, training in October and start working in January.
It's a gains genocide.

Personal trainer/self defence instructor.
If you want to move more at work, take the stairs or go for a walk on your lunch break.

You might think you want a more hands on job, but you really don't, I was a labourer for 4 years, try laying bricks, smashing concrete and generally picking up heavy things for 8 hours a day and you will struggle to go to the gym and train, also bulking is difficult when you burn so many calories.

I build props and set pieces for professional theatres. It's a pretty fun job and I enjoy being active all day and working with my hands. Definitely days with plenty of heavy lifting and hauling. I couldn't imagine sitting at a computer 8 hours a day.

Structural engineer for a defense contractor literally do nothing all day but burn tax payer dollars and walk around the office bullshitting with people. Clock out in the middle of the day and go to company gym.

How much do you make?

The set construction job is part-time and only nets me $25k
Prop designing is all contractual, so it varies in pay scale depending on how big a production budget is, what theatre I'm contracted by, etc. I may make anywhere from $2k-$6k per show I work on, with a minimum of 5 shows per year.

Not the greatest pay but it's fun, creative, and a lot of my job is getting paid to spend other people's money on cool antiques and things.

in school to be a firefighter/paramedic

>good money
>only work 3 days a week
>get to lift at work
>built-in gym buddies
>tight knit family atmosphere with co-workers
>great benefits and pension
>retire earlier than everyone else
>nearly everyone has respect for you and likes you for your job
>bitches love firefighters
>have to work on holidays
>dangerous, high chance of complications to health
>have to see people die so can be shitty

why aren't you the most alpha job, Veeky Forums?

Because I have exercise induced asthma.

oh, i forgot
>always Veeky Forums as fuark because the job demands it