I look similar to pic related, never did any sports, 31 y.o. A year ago quit smoking, started doing puch-ups, pull-ups, running 3 km 3 times a week. But all I got is I always feel tired and sometimes my knees hurt, then I stop running untill I feel better. I don't eat junk food, don't drink soda. Just normal food (nothing special though).
So how do I get fit? I don't want to get bigger, don't care about muscles. I want only to gain some strength and endurance. Am I doing anything wrong, because at least it seems so? Or should I just proceed keeping it up the way it is?
Jackson Morales
eat more
Jayden Foster
Try more resistance exercises, and i dont mean you have to go to the gym and lift but look up strength related workouts you could do out doors. A guy i knew in school got pretty fit by simply training at a playground.
Jace Brown
Daniel Foster
Joseph Lopez
>knees hurt
google how to run properly
take rest days + eat more
if you are not trolling:
since you started exercising, your body needs more calories, if you eat the same amount of food as before your weight will go down until you reach the point where your food intake is enough to maintain the weight
Jace Evans
I eat like any other average person, I don't starve or something. I eat meat, sea food, vegetables and fruits. If I start eating more I doubt I can exercise normally because my stomach would be so full. Will it work for me, because I'm 31? I think age is pretty important in getting fit.
Adam Scott
I'm not trolling. Since I started exercising I always feel tired, less or more. When I start running, or doing pull-ups/push-ups this feeling goes away for some time, but later I get even more exhausted. I take a day or two for rest, but as I after few fit days that feeling of being tired is back again. I don't push myself too hard.
My health is ok, I don't have any problems with that by the way.
Luke Brooks
>but after few fit days that feeling of being tired is back again fixed myself, sorry
Parker Lopez
Any general advice in getting fit after 30? I feel my metabolism is slowing down, it's not like when I was 20. Or maybe I should just ignore such thoughts and focus on training?
William Cox
Hunter Torres
Dominic Smith
Dude, no b8. I'm doing exercises for a year and I got may be just a little more fit. I didn't get much strength and my endurance remained pretty much the same. I spent a year and got almost nothing. Is that because I never cared about my physical shape, or because I'm 31 years old? [spoiler]inb4: EAT MORE. Fuck you, I eat good, drink milk and sleep well.[/spoiler]
Tyler Price
Your age has nothing to do with it eat more food you tard
Jace Brown
Dude this happens each time I lift and im younger than you. Especially after legs day the next 2 days I feel physically tired and a little sleepy but instead of seeing it as a bad thing I embrace it. When I feel this way I know I pushed myself in the gym and will see gains. As long as youre still functioning throughout the day, just suck it up and feel accomplished that you worked hard. This is all assuming your diet and sleep are in order as you claim.
Cameron Scott
If not troll...
Past 30 you'll recover slower than you would have before, source 31 year old former national level squash player, now gym junkie. Track your actual daily food intake for at least a fortnight, I know you probably think you're eating a lot but track it with an app to test this. If you look like OP pic related you're honestly probably eating too little to recover.
Also check running programs for progress, 3 runs a week should be 1x intervals, 1x tempo, 1x long slow run (relative). Google it, cbf explaining how to set up a running program.
Also being 30+ you can still exercise 5+ times a week, but honestly dude 3-4 times a week is plenty for 'general fitness' and still allows recovery. We oldies need to take it a bit easier/do it a bit smarter than when we were younger
Jeremiah Morgan
I dont belive you ,cause i started out like your pic, and always thought i ate like a average person while i was that thin, 3 years of dieting and +24kg later i realise i was very wrong.... Eat more, eat until it hurts
Jace Bell
How do I exercise if I eat so much? Literally, I will be puking it all out. Even if I eat 150% of my regular meal for lunch, when I go training (about 5 p.m.) I still feel my stomach is full. Should I eat fish and salads then, I think it's going to be easier for stomach. Thanx for your advice, I'll check some diet apps I think.
Luis Adams
I use MyFitnessPal, free and straight forward enough. Just a suggestion as I used to think I over ate by heaps, but never really went over 3000 cal a day, averaging around 2500. Probably why I was skelly.
If you want to exercise a lot you will literally have to force feed yourself at times. Good luck bro, running is fun as fuck and fitness is an excellent goal
Connor Reyes
check out people like this:
Coach Sommers of GymnasticBodies.com
Ido Portal: Great to listen to his interviews
Gold Medal Bodies
There are many more but the ideas are similar.
>we should train not for just "aesthetics" >but for improving our movements >We train to be: >Mobile/flexible >Strong as hell (think about the planche) >Balance (Think handstands, slackline, nimbleness) >Durable (able to run and move your body for a long time)
A good way to do it is to funnel all this into a movement practice, something you can get better at and means something : (martial art, rock climbing, dancing, gymnastics, a sport, running, triathalons stuff etc.) Preferable something where there is
>room to get meaningfully better >a community of people to have fun with >long game type stuff. you want to do it when your old too
Liam Rivera
I'm in the same place as you bro I literally doubled my calorie intake and I should probably eat even more
I found it easier to eat 5 small meals rather than 3 huge ones
Cameron Martin
hi op, long time skinny here as well (35yo). Fix your diet. it's more important for you than most. I had the same tired feeling all the time from working out until I started eating right everyday. Now, even 2-3 cheat days put me back to not feeling great after a workout.
Ryder Jenkins
Honestly there's no reason to run if you're trying to gain weight and muscle.
Save cardio for later, now just focus on eating right and applying pressure to your muscles