Who /low test/ here?
Who /low test/ here?
Mmmm, lowtest
Not me
Low test is the best test
>gain fat easy af
>low libido
>poor facial hair
>anxious and depressed all the time
Its not easy brehs
go ask for trt with your doc
Low test boys, ROLL UP.
If he's American like me then it's nearly impossible to get TESTED for low test, let alone get prescribed TRT. I've had four different doctors refuse to even let me get my test levels tested because I'm "a young man" so I couldn't possibly be low T. This is why people buy shit online and inject it.
Upgrade to high test mes amis. You're all scrubs if you don't just make a few additions to your life and try to get trt from docs.
>eat vitamin D and zinc
>eat DAA and DIM
>eat more fat and get those cholestoral levels going
I dont understand the problems here
Guys, I'm now worried I might be low test.
Who here /lowtest/ but still fap to /hightest/ grills? What does it mean?
It means if you take test supplements you'll end up fapping to manatees.
My doctor tested me several years ago in my late 20s, and it was low, but not low enough. So still in the "range" of normal that includes 50 year old men.
Anyway, I'm mid 30s now, maybe I should get it checked again. I've just kinda been coping all this time.
It means you have the spirit of a high test man inside of you
>tfw you wish you had a high test man inside you
user, if a doctor refuses to test you for something you ask for his supervisor. Tell the supervisor to either have the doctor test you or find a doctor that will.
There is nothing illegal or unethical about having your hormones checked, I get it done yearly and have never had any problem getting testosterone checked out.
Be assertive and tell him you want this test.
If the numbers come back and you're not below 350ng/dl you can expect him to flat out say he will not give you hormone therapy. At that point he can deny you because the guidelines for testosterone levels say that you're above what is considered abnormally low test.
When I first got my testosterone checked out (due to depression) I did get a few raised eyebrows, but I just told the dude I wanted to make sure it wasn't thyroid or testosterone. If the numbers came back showing more than average i'd drop it.
My numbers came back 600ng/dl, low test is extremely rare and usually obesity or smoking is the main cause of low test if it does show up, which is easily corrected.
High estrogen af senpai
It means you have great taste, but god hates you.