Did he, Veeky Forums?

Did he, Veeky Forums?


Look like a subhuman despite being ze Aryan German?

Yes, but so did 90% of nazi staff.


Did he what?


Oh my.

You can thank a drawfag from /pol/ for them.


But will Skrip ever finish that pregnant Anne Frank fanfic?



>Look like a subhuman despite being ze Aryan German?

Don't look up pictures of Amon Goeth.

Brah, look at dis dood

Imagine being so much of an emasculated faggot that you have to pose shirtless while shooting unarmed prisoners to feel badass.

Pretty sure he was shooting the prisoners because they weren't working, and shooting them meant the rest wouldn't stop working.


Your point being?

That he's not an emasculated faggot who has to pose shirtless while shooting unarmed prisoners to feel badass

>I shoot starving slave laborers because they won't work fast enough!

Sounds pretty emasculated to me

>a farmer whipping his cattle is emasculated

Why would he whip his cattle dipshit? Makes them stressed and then the meat tastes shit

>cracking a whip over the head of your beast of burden=shooting a person in the head with a high powered rifle

You'd be a shitty farmer you know that?

>ywn watch a nine month pregnant Anne try to put on that shirt and giggle as it becomes stuck just past her engorged breasts



Mommy would be proud


I read this in Sulu's voice.

It was a simile, you retards

>be shifty usurer
>get BTFO'd by a fatass not wearing a shirt
Lmao at their lives.

>stormniggers actually think shooting people who are completely incapable of resist is somehow impressive

It generally doesn't end well for their type when people do resist

There's a 99% chance you justify the shooting of the Romanov children in other threads.

I support throwing (adult) Communists from helicopters and jack off to pregnant Anastasia fantasies. Nice try though.