Can somebody explain to me the concept of Nirvana to me?

Can somebody explain to me the concept of Nirvana to me?

I was talking to a friend who explained to me that he's afraid of non-existence, which really surprised me, since he describes himself as bhuddist. When confronted he meant that Nirvana isn't about non-existence or nothingness, but i didn't quite get the concept.

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Why is it layman think they can easily understand theological concepts? Spend years reading about it.

>it takes years to know what a word means
what a strange world you must live in

You asked for the concept of Nirvana. Not the definition, brainlet.

>im OP
im starting to understand the king of dumbshit you spout

>Spend years reading about it.
What if i don't want to spend years reading about a theological concept?

I'm the OP not that user

My understanding of nirvana is based upon Tibetan Buddhism. Basically a natural state of awareness(skylike and blissful) recognizing emptiness.

Ok samefag
Let me introduce you to a website that I think would be more your speed.

Are you trying to set some kind of fucking record for pretension? Nirvana as a concept is simple and elegant and not at all hard to understand. We are not exactly talking about string theory here, and that's not to put down the theology. Not all worthwhile ideas are complex.

In an elegantly and simple matter conceptualize nirvana for OP then.

i somewhat understand that it's a state of mind, rather than an afterlife (like a "heaven" for bhuddists as it is portrayed sometimes in the west), but doesn't that state lead to the bhudda breaking out of the reincarnation cycle, meaning that they themselves cease to exist after their death (which is supposedly fine with them, since they realized all existence is Void anyway)?

It's a desire to never have existed.


>i somewhat understand that it's a state of mind, rather than an afterlife

This thread just started and already lacks a big portion of bhuddist calmness.

bhuddist calmness.
Tell that to the Burmese.

So i shouldn't understand the concept of reincarnation literally? Bhuddists don't actually think, they'll be reborn again (and depending on their karma "move up or down" the ladder)?


All of percpetion is a state of mind/state of being. Including what you consciously perceive right now. What you experience right now is not any more less a state of mind than living in a heaven or hell.

That seems bleak. I get that "life is suffering" is a thing in bhuddism, but it seems that reaching enligthenment/Nirwana is connected with a state of bliss. I don't think that bhuddism is that nihilistic

They do. It's just those reincarnation are states of mind as well. It's literal but literal is perceptions.

So basically all of reality/and being is just an illusion and they strive towards enligthenment to break out of the matrix? Is there anything beyond that? Do they cease to exist (literally or just in terms of Ego-death) or not?

>So basically all of reality/and being is just an illusion
No. More like our understanding is inherently limited. I wouldn't call it an illusion though. In certain sense it's all very real.