Your opinion about vikings?

Your opinion about vikings?

unhistorical sjw garbage

Personally, I never liked it.

Veeky Forums goes through phases, at first it was loved cause "badass nordics whoah!".
Then it became trendy and Veeky Forums began to hate it.
Then people return to love it cause "the series works after X season!"
And so on.

I donĀ“t know in which phase Veeky Forums is now.

Top tier murderers/rapists/looters though.

I want Lagertha to step on my balls

The one Norwegian girl I met had the biggest tits I ever saw. I like Vikings

Nothing outside of a trade making sense at the time.

>live in bleak frozen shithole
>decide to find someplace that isn't bleak frozen shithole
>sometimes have to fight for control over such places
>sometimes just take whatever fuck locals have and go home
>be forever remembered as mythic warrior race that literally did nothing but lived off industrial scale banditry
>also fucking horns

They made vikings look like a bunch of pussies.

Take your pic for example.
>looks like a feminine baby-faced retard with pubes instead of facial hair
>talks like a retard
>can't get his dick up for a hot chick
>sounds like a castrated tranny

Another example is pic related. Ubbe. Just compare the two, lmao. That's fucking patethic.

If it wasn't for this Slavic cunt I wouldn't even bother watching that teenage fantasy crap.

I just can't watch it. The costumes make me want to vomit.

>Almost none of them who have accrued so much wealth from their spoils get themselves a mailed tunic
>Still wear their shitty cloth and leather armor

I really want to know why they decided the "Ivar was crippled" meme was what to go with, it's fucking retarded seeing this guy drag himself around and murk people

Because they were a bunch of faggots. It's been noted by contemporary chroniclers how the Swedes were obsessed with their hair and appearances, with combs and reflective items being common prized possessions.

>If it wasn't for this Slavic cunt

wait she is slavic? holy shit. some of the slavic women look like hitlers wet dream

Yes, her name is literally "Winnicka" she claims Ukrainian ancestry but her surname sounds Polish.

People really forget that living in Scandinavia was a fucking nightmare up until modern times. Sweden was Europe's poorest nation at the start of the 20th century.

interesting . I can often tell if a women is slavic/nordic but here i was completely off

i like it especially pagan vs christian stuff when eccbert is mesmerized by lagertha sowing the land

There is not much difference between Northern Slavs and Scandinavians. Both have people with long faces and both have people with potato faces.

She kinda looks like a MILF I've known desu. Too bad I was 12 back then.

>Northern Slavs and Scandinavians.
go figure

>She kinda looks like a MILF I've known desu. Too bad I was 12 back then.
one can only hope friend.

Remove heathen

Good soyim

'''''''''''History''''''''''''' Channel tier garbage, perfect for 54-percenters

>Right: Neanderthal man
>Left: Neanderthal woman

The Templars slaughtered all infidels (that included Jews.)

Don't make fun of Andrew from Neighbours cunt

>They made vikings look like a bunch of pussies.

If anything, they made the Saxons look like pussies. Every single one of them is a retarded, feminine cunt with the exception of the priest.

Show was okay. If you mean real vikings i have no interest. Nordics have the most boring history imaginable.



trash food of history for normies
the only cool shit about them is stuff normies dont appreciate aka their voyages, discoveries and the range of their trading ventures

I meant this little shit

What bothers me most is the christian morality. We know from Ibn Fadlan that they didn't behave like this at all.

Stormniggers BTFO

Did you really fall for the /int/ meme that Slavs look like Mongols?

/int/ meme, america is only 54% white but it's always burgers calling other people shitskins.

If they weren't white they'd be remembered as civilization wrecking savages.

>one arab writes about some Rus vikings having SOME tattoos
>everyone in this show is tattooed like a crazy biker

The Costume's and Armor are just horrible. Ivar has one little patch of Mail on the left shoulder only. They have this stupid black leather on everyone. The saxon's all have uniform's and train like idiot's.

Meh, it's just a good time. It's just historical fiction with a touch of "muh GoT" edge to it to keep casual viewers engaged. Honestly at this point I just turn it on in the background unless they're speaking in old norse or old english, or if Floki is having another one of his fever dreams. Cause that's kinda fun to watch.

Beyond that, maybe it leads someone to get curious about norse studies, maybe they go on to study the field, maybe someday they make an amazing archeological find that reinvents the field. Or something like that. I dunno man, I just really enjoy watching Lagertha kill people.

how were they behaving?

Its funny how history portrays them. European super heroes. As history goes religion and superpower goes tied with the creation of steel. They did the best they could to keep the recipes. The king's own. Most pagan world lived on iron or recovered booty, wood or stone. Their cultures were not as civilized in indian, middle eastern or east Africa. The latter is another disaster in history because west africans were called the guineas because of their dwarf stature and lived in thick jungle. Another confusion in history.

>Saxon armour
Lol, id rather be wearing the biker shit.

Same here.

>unhistorical sjw garbage

But it still fun to watch as a pure drama.

I thought the first two seasons were brilliant as long as you didnt expect historical accuracy and just wanted a drama with some form of historical basis.
Feel like it went downhill recently. Really getting sick of Ivar. I feel like half of the last season was just him either screaming autistically or just staring angerily at the camera

I also loved the first couple seasons despite how it depicted the anglo-saxons as incompetent weaklings and not as the sort of people that had spent their entire history fighting each other.

t. saxonboo

Historically inaccurate normie garbage