What did the Slavs mean by this?

What did the Slavs mean by this?

probably the same same thing as calling their emperors caesar for like 1000 years

Wait, so Germanics quite literally taught basically everyone except for Latins and Semites how to be Kings?

We use Tsar/Car or Knyaz. The title King/Kral is used for Catholic rulers and it also means "to steal" in past tense.

Unsourced bullshit. It has nothing to do with Charlemagne.

i thought knyaz is more like prince

Where are your sources tho?

"knez" in Croatian is the equivalent of "dux", "duke".

why the fuck even bother posting if you're not going to bother doing a modicum of research?

Citations on this are abundant, it's a widely-accepted etymology. Can you produce a single citation to the contrary? I honestly doubt you can

Anyway князь/książę are germanic in origin, from kuningaz

In Polish it can be either duke or a prince.
We could also use "wojewoda" for duke, but oh well.

>książę are germanic in origin

wasn't "wojewoda" more like a "marshall"? I mean like mostly leading troops and doing war time governing

Knyaz is equal to King.
Tsar is equal to Emperor.

Why does everything has to be from the Germs? Thracians used the title Kanes, and the Bulgars used Kan.

>turks are slavs

I thought "wojewoda" meant war leader... heh.

yeah, pretty much war leader/war lord
but in modern poland voivodes are basically governors of administrative subdivisions aka provinces or states or whatever you wanna call them

>the mayor of your small town is literally titled WARCHIEF.
Why is poland such a great slav?

>From Proto-Slavic *kъnęžę, from *kъnędzь, from Proto-Germanic *kuningaz.


Of course. Kara Boga means "Wrath of God" in slavic.

>tfw it literally does
fuck me

>It actually does

Dammit man, you broke system.

Inst that because of Charlesmange?
Polish version of Charls is Karol.
Its like Westerners were called Franks in East.

If so it was Germanic who steal it from Slavic.

Wouldn't be the first thing.

Corrected map

They steal clay, they steal people, they steal heritage and history, yeah the words - they steal it too.
Also Slavic derive from slovo which mean word.
Did Slavs were first people that speak?