I'm whitelisted on airswap but i don't even have enough ether to buy to the max, what do i do?

i'm whitelisted on airswap but i don't even have enough ether to buy to the max, what do i do?


there's no minimum. just buy what you can. it's a solid 3x investment either way.

did anyone else's transaction go through twice? i got 6600 AST...
what a piece of shit platform

1: You invest on Request
2: Give it to me
Preferably the option 2, please. Write me to [email protected]

no you didnt, larper

i knew someone would say this.

Post your address, not this shit.

Same OP all my other shitcoins are down. I could pull out of LINK, that's green, but I don't wanna. Will probably Airswap with 1.9 ETH I guess.

yeah, i waited 2 hours and it was still pending so i sent another transaction. then both transactions got through at the same time. wtf? and they said this exchange platform is superior to 0x????

Says my order is filled, but can't see my AST anywhere. Advice for ico dummy?

You sent to a smart contract, not an exchange.

dude, we literally just used their platform for the ico. go read their blog.

you have to add a new token to ur metamask to see it.

I'm assuming "token symbol" is AST, but what is the contract address? Tried the address I sent ETH to but didn't work.


sent :)

Thank you, just found it myself as well.

Aaaaand I see I own 0.031 AST after sending 3.2 ETH like 5 hours ago. I am somewhat confused.

I was whitelisted for this and am glad I slept through it.


it's up for 17 more hours

rofl you are basically a noswapper

it really wasn't a problem. people trying to make transactions with 1 gwei and then bitching about pending.

Was effortless for me, took maybe 7 minutes to complete the buy and show up on etherscan. Are you an autist or something??