Much better than ED, the future of DEC exchanges is looking bright

Much better than ED, the future of DEC exchanges is looking bright.

0.4% ahahahaha

>0.45% fee
Suck my fucking dick.

higher fees than ED doesn't make it better lul

.45% fee

.4 is for maker

.7 is for taker.


b-b-b-but...D E C E N T R A L I Z E D exchange!!

Anons why would any be better than Openledger?

0.01$ fees.

hmm, do i sell my 0x now? this can't be the future

Fees are high to keep volume low for the beta. They'll be slashed on the proper launch.

Also all these brainlets are missing the fact that there are no withdrawal fees either, and the guarantee of no goxing occuring.

Still early days for DEXs but this is a promising start.

Airswap will blow this shit out the water

binance costs .1% or .05% if you use BNB

and no difference between maker and taker

enjoy getting raped by 0x

This very much
>5 DECENTRALIZED exchanges about to come out using 0x's protocol and token (ZRX)
>Centralized exchanges getting banned
>He can't add 2+2 and realize 0x price will go to saturn

yall deserve to be poor


Fuck that, the dark color scheme makes etherdelta the best.

radarrelay has a dark color scheme if you just click the button.

>> 0.45% Fee

Stop shilling your kike exchange OP

be quiet dumb fuck I haven't bought enough yet

Yeah the RR beta has high fees. I think that's by design and obviously as more relayers are on the market the fees will be negligible.

Fees are set to be reduced as the beta continues.

RR has stated they are intentionally high to keep traffic relatively low as the develop.

tfw holding 50k 0x, 100k LINK, 80k COSS, 5000 QTUM that you bought at pretty much all bought at the lowest price

this is gonna be a good fucking year boyz