Hey Veeky Forums...

Hey Veeky Forums, I usually don't come here that often but my school is hosting a regional stock market game and who ever gets the highest amount of money in a 10 week period gets a free lunch. and a day off to go to some stupid conference. I want the free lunch. Can you guys help me with the stock game since I know most of you guys are pros at this? Much love!

bitcoin tracker

You're not allowed to use Cryptocurrencies


We don't do stocks here, sorry.

Short UVXY.

Short sell of UVXY?

Hence why you have to buy bitcoin stock

>Click here
no crypto no lunch sorry


theres an etf that tracks it.
Otherwise pick a pennystock that trades at one penny. if youre lucky it trades at two in ten days then you win

Look into lithium companies.

check news sites in your country about natural gas prices. they normally rise during the winter if youre from a country that gets a decent amount of snow. If youre from america look up companies that make walk thru metal detectors because those stocks will rise as fallout from the vegas shooting increases and more places install them

Already invest in OSIS stock, 100 shares, 10k.

I live in America, would Natural gas affect me as well and should I buy?

GBTC bud

look up historical prices for natural gas during the colder months. Also you should check out the robinhood general as they're basically the only ones who still trade stocks on here. Veeky Forums is essentially a crypto board now. Also if any tragic or big news breaks think about who would benefit from a situation and look into buying stocks with them. i.e what kind of companies would benefit from the California bush fires and what companies would be hurt, invest and short companies where appropriate

In the tech sector:

Shopify. Baozun. Square.

Shop got hammered lately but I believe it should go back up. Short seller claiming it was a scam business hit it kind of hard. Since tech is somewhat overvalued, hints of bad news, although not really justified, can sometimes cause big drops.

It is a stock.
Grows with bitcoin.

Nike has also been hit hard lately because of the retail scare.

Although I am 100% confident it'll regain what it lost and even more, it might take longer than a year.

Is bitcoin supposed to grow in 10 weeks?

read the rules. there is no trading of otc stocks allowed. gbtc is otc.

yes my dude.

it's like they're trying to train normies to lose money. ideally you'd just buy a index fund but over such a short period some lucky loser will probably end up higher when the results are tallied.

How about you show us your butthole and i'll send you some money for lunch?
