Stop denying the Holocaust please

Thanks user-sans ;3

But I don't.

Holocaust threads in general should just be banned at this point, they're invariably shitfests.

when israel stops using it to push whatever shit they want

>germany wont sell us subs

If it works, why stop using it, Wh*tey?

Not him but it's bad for Jews at large to base their state's mythos off of the shoah

It's bad in the eyes of the goyim, shoo shoo now.

You watch your mouth there bub I ain't no goy

When did this actually happen?

Let's stop defining discussion as denial too, then.

And let's not let it go when someone says something as clearly wrong as 'Hitler killed six million Jews with gas in Auschwitz'. Six million Jews died. Hitler was behind it. Auschwitz gassed people. Responding with the truth, that somewhere closer to one million than two million Jews were killed at Auschwitz, less than half of those by gassing, is counted as denial.

>is counted as denial
Not really.

Anything that questions the official narrative is considered to be revisionism/holocaust denial, which as a Jew disgusts me

It has happened almost every time I discuss it on tripfellow forums.

But the official narrative does say that "closer to one million than two million Jews were killed at Auschwitz".
>Gerald Reitlinger's 1953 book The Final Solution estimated the number killed to be 800,000 to 900,000,[174] and Raul Hilberg's 1961 work The Destruction of the European Jews estimated the number killed to be a maximum of 1,000,000 Jewish victims.[175] French chemist and author Jean-Claude Pressac estimates that between 631,000 and 711,000 killed at Auschwitz, of whom 470,000 to 550,000 were gassed.[176]
>In 1983, French scholar George Wellers was one of the first to use German data on deportations to estimate the number killed at Auschwitz, arriving at a figure of 1,471,595 deaths, including 1.35 million Jews and 86,675 Poles.[177] A larger study started by Franciszek Piper used timetables of train arrivals combined with deportation records to calculate at least 960,000 Jewish deaths and at least 1.1 million total deaths,[178] a figure adopted as official by the Auschwitz-Birkenau State Museum in the 1990s.[179][e] Piper stated that a figure of as many as 1.5 million total deaths was possible.[179]
Those are some of the most important holocaust historians and agree with that statement. Needless to say, none of them is considered to be a denier nor anything close to that.

They serve a much needed purpose of showing deniers as the batshit schizos they are, which sort of jolts any reasonable person who is dabbling in holocaust denial out of their stupor

>But the official narrative does say that "closer to one million than two million Jews were killed at Auschwitz".

I know.

But the narrative that you will encounter in real life is that six million Jews were killed by gassing in camps, and that they were the primary or sole victims of the holocaust. Unless you are discussing the matter with someone who has seriously studied the matter, and has not passively gotten their facts from school and the media and the internet, then any deviation from this will result in an argument. This is from experience.

'the Holocaust killed more Christians than Jews' - been called a denier for that one
'more Holocaust victims were starved than gassed' - another one
'the Roma were more reduced than the Jews' - another one
'they did not incinerate six million Jews' - friend got banned from a history forum for that one
'Hitler tried to deport the Jews but the war intervened' - hoo boy that one I wouldn't even say to begin with but it's true

It's more of a problem with ignorant people trying to be more papist than the pope then. It's obviously counterproductive since it's the same retarded shit I hear from actual deniers (aka they think historians claim every jew was gassed). Honestly, if someone told me "they did not incinerate six million Jews" I would also think they are a denier that doesn't even know what he's denying, since it's the sort of statements I see from them here.
But I don't think I've ever seen the shit you describe from non deniers in Veeky Forums anyway.

>aka they think historians claim every jew was gassed

But this is partly because they get this when they try to talk about it with anyone but a historian who has studied it.

>Honestly, if someone told me "they did not incinerate six million Jews" I would also think they are a denier that doesn't even know what he's denying, since it's the sort of statements I see from them here.

You'd think they were a denier even though that statement is not in any way a denial? That's the problem I'm talking about, the thing that makes it impossible to discuss.

You're on a board that uses pregnant Anne Frank flying a Confederate flag as its official mascot, what makes you think we regard Holocaust deniers with anything other than scorn here?

>But this is partly because they get this when they try to talk about it with anyone but a historian who has studied it.
You're probably right, I agreed with it in the previous response ("It's obviously counterproductive").

>You'd think they were a denier even though that statement is not in any way a denial?
I guess it depends on the context. The problem is that most deniers are ignorant and deny what they perceive as official history, not actual official history. As I said, I've seen that kind of statement by people trying to deny the holocaust, even though the statement would be completely uncontroversial among historians. So yes, it's a mess.


There was more then one death camp. people keep treating Auschwitz as the one and only when in truth it's not and the majority of Jews that where killed have died from either the unlivable conditions of the ghettos which caused people to die from disease and malnutrition/starvation.

You also have to consider all the retarded SS prancing around eastern Europe killing Slavs and Jews.

The way in jews talk about it constantly leads one to suspect we arent hearing the truth. Oh and all the "holocaust" survivors existing is total bullfuck. The nazis would have made sure to kill any jew they captured.

Nazis didn't instantly kill them( at least in the camps), they made some work until they couldn't anymore and then gased them. Holocaust survivors are a certainty.

or maybe, and just maybe, youre just really uneducated on the holocaust, and you are letting your hatred of jews make you question it

>I know.
>But the narrative that you will encounter in real life is that six million Jews were killed by gassing in camps, and that they were the primary or sole victims of the holocaust.
You know, it really isn't.

Israel considered the Holocaust an embarassment. Its survivors were ridiculed there until the 1960s and called among other things "soap".

>But the narrative that you will encounter in real life is that six million Jews were killed by gassing in camps
That's utter bullshit and you're either severely misinformed or trolling. Not every Jew was gassed.
Many Holocaust victims died in the East to the Einsatzgruppen (Nazi Ethnic Cleansing Death Squads) which executed around 2.5 million civilians, 1.3 million of these were Jews.
A third of Holocaust victims died in death marches or worked to death as slave labour, slightly over a million people, mostly able bodied men.
About 3.5 million were gassed, mostly the women and children. The disposal and cremation of the bodies was done by Sonderkommandos which were special units made up of forced labour, mostly Jews and Russian PoWs.

What changed? Good PR. I understand that Churchhill, De Gaulle and other figures of the time didn't care about the holocaust too much either.