Alcoholic here. please convince me not to drink tonight Veeky Forums

alcoholic here. please convince me not to drink tonight Veeky Forums

We're not your mommy and daddy. Go to a fucking AA meeting and stop being a faggot.
Also APOLOGIZE to us for wasting our time with this shit thread.

drink hard alcohol

ok i'm sorry

I'm drunk right now lol

There's nothing wrong with drinking every night. It just means you're hardcore and a total bro. I'm jelly tbqh

>tfw drunk everyday for the past 2 years

Just have one user, you earned it by not drinking all day. If the first ice cold drink tastes good, have another. As a Veeky Forumsizen I'm sure you could self-monitor yourself. Just get a good buzz going and then stop, I'm sure you don't have to work until late tomorrow anyway! :)

Look at your chest. If you don't have boobs already, you will have them if you keep drinking.

This is true all the alcoholics I know are cool as fuck and always down to do crazy shit even if it's a Wednesday at noon


I can confirm this

>tfw alcoholic and currently trying to lose weight
>tfw gut and literal boobs after drinking for 8 years

True, I caught mine just in time as my nipples started getting puffy last year. Stop while you can user, best decision I ever made in life and in gains.

Go to the bar and drink a Sprite and realize how easy it is to take advantage of drunk sluts.

Two weeks ago I went to the bar sober and went home with an 8/10 that was so hammered she tossed my salad for nearly 20 minutes before I fucked her and she passed out. I just hopped in my car and drove home since I was sober, haven't seen her since.

That's only if he drinks a lot of beer. I've noticed the hard liquor drinking alcoholics don't have the tits and they're not fat like the beer guzzlers

I got dat gyno from everyday heavy drinking for 4 years and eating complete garbage

> implying beer isn't the ultimate preworkout

Jelly. Still can't drink at 20 years old, in America.

Yeah hard drinkers get that emanciated/sickly look, honestly should be easier to recover from than beer gut and titties. I was about 15 pounds over weight after drinking for a year and those titties are tough to lose


why wait until night? start at 1 that way you're drunk by 5pm and can start partying

If you're not used to heavy drinking don't follow my advice because you'll be drunk as fuck if you drink from 1 until 5, you need a tolerance to really enjoy alcohol

Yeah my parents are vodka and whiskey drinkers and aren't fat at all but all there beer drinking alcoholic friends are fat and the guys have gyno

Wasn't there just some news recently about a study in NZ directly linking alcohol to seven different types of cancer ? I mean we're all gonna die at some point, and life without some vice isn't much life at all, but that was news enough to keep me from drinking for a bit. Parents are ally's and I struggle with the drink as well, but going cold turkey 0 booze suits me best until I fail. Sometimes it's in a month, once it was nearly 3 years, but your much better off without it user.

I can't go more than 2 days without getting wasted since I was 19 and I'm 27 now

>That feel when you crack the first beer at 12:30 pm, go to the bar, black out by 11:00 pm, some sluts tits, knockout her boyfriend for standing up for her, at home pissing the bed by 1:00am
>12:30 next day wake up and start again

Fuck I almost miss it some days lads

Am I an alcoholic if I don't enjoy go out with friends unless I'm slightly drunk?

>almost never drink alcohol
>meet up with some friends at a bar nearby
>decide to have a beer
>head to gym after
>throw up tremendously after first exercise (pull ups)

Same story lad, 28 last month and been sober for a year.

It's fucking miserable at first, but now feel disgusted looking back on how I was living. Give 30 days a shot and see how you feel user.

As soon as you stop drinking you're going to have to face all the issues you've been putting off though, which is the hard part.

This is me. I REFUSE to hang out with any of those idiots unless alcohol is involved. They know it. I know it. It is nice to be honest with ourselves about the extent of our friendship.

i don't give a shit if you drink
i don't give a shit if you live or die



lol go to reddit if you want a hugbox you alcoholic faggot

>be me, never drink
>go out with friends and have a pint
>tingling in my chest
>go to gym and superset every chest workout I can think of
>full blown gyno
>Veeky Forums was right
>put on my little sisters sexiest bra and slap myself until I fall asleep as punishment

Nice! What else is in your cache of insults? Are you going to call me a cuck? Perhaps you can comment "Sure is summer in here"
Maybe you can tell me to kill myself but expedite the process by type KYS.

Try to be more original you mental-midget

>goes on Veeky Forums
>tries to sound intelligent
>misuse of hyphen


Nice hyphen summer fag, I'm surprised you don't have summer school for failing freshman English.

Daddy just lookin for some (you)s

lads is alcohol caused gyno reversible?

I been drinking quite often since I turned 18 (20 now) and while I always had a tiny bit of gyno it got quite worse since I started boozing.


Don't do it.

Don't drink the thing, user.


Feel better now, faggot?

Sounds like you already had the gyno gene and have accelerated it, lay off the booze and hit the bench stat
