ITT: ex stories

ITT: ex stories

>be 28
>get introduced to 8/10 girl
>super sexy
>super cool
>like her a lot, she likes me too
>start dating
>she's the best sex of my life
>she's like my best friend
>move in together
>think she's the one
>she acts shady
>discover she has an addiction to heroin (snorts it)
>break up with her
>start dating other girls
>i can't connect with any of them as well as i could with her
>two months later she calls me saying she's clean
>meet up
>she gets shitfaced at the bar, busts out coke lines at my house
>she just switched her addiction out for another one
>have sex with her
>delete her number and try to forget that i fell in love with a junkie
>2 months later.jpg
>i know that it's her but i want her to think that i am over her
>i still love her

ur a FAG. go crawlin back and suck her penis and learn ur fuckin lesson u fuckin FAG

its over just like the sex wit ur mum

>Funny story ha ha ha
She's about to tell you she has the herp anyway.

lmao she's gonna tell you she has AIDs or something

top fucking kek op

maybe she wanted to tell you she won the lottery and wanted to share the oney with you

Not all that bad comrade, hear me out for a second. I know this sucks all kinds of floppy donkey dick for you even without the shitty posts my dear fit is about to give you.

I made it out of h. It is incredibly hard. If you make good money, sell, or traffic, it's monumentally fucked. She is somewhere on that scale.

Give it a shot, be patient, and relax. You're looking at the same problem in different forms with most other girls anyways. Food. Laziness. Alcohol. Cheating. Insecurity Etc except those things don't kill you so fast. Her life is on fast forward now. All manner of therapists are going to shove vile ideologies down her throat. They have no idea, and will do more harm than good.

The thing is you honestly don't know how much longer she's gonna be around... so if you love her, spend time with her. Be with her. Love her like you've never loved. It's just drugs. That doesn't mean you have to enable her. There's a narrow path but when you find it it'll be ok. I'm sure she wants someone like everyone else, she is a human and heroin takes you down dark dark roads. It's hard to be a heroin addict as a female if you're flying solo. Think about it. But regardless, the chips are stacked towards her imminent death, so if she's not going to get clean, just be there. I'm sure you hate me on the same level that pol hates black people or r9k hates everyone, or a dad hates there daughters fuckup boyfriend, for being a link in the chains. That's not important and I don't blame you. What you do from now on is.

Love isn't impossible in these fucked places. I promise. The rest of the world isn't as great as it sees itself.

Good thing that the sexual transmission of HIV or AIDS from female to male via normal sexual activity is slim to none.

"or something" , also theyve had sex multiple times so its not "slim to nothing"

Heroin and coke cost lots of money. Unless she has an amazing job or one hell of a trust fund, she is trading sexual favors for a discount at least. Not saying she's turning tricks on a corner but you know she's hih risk for STIs of every sort.


maybe it'll help if you know it's just your brain fucking with you for the sake of your potential children

acetaminophen will reduce social pain. to the point of possibly making you a sociopath. srs.

Don't get back with her OP

Once a junkie always a junkie

She will bring you down with you

>Date girlfriend for 3 years
>Madly in love, wanted to marry her
>One day, notice her texting some guy
>Think nothing of it
>She then hangs out with him on a friday, saturday, and sunday
>She then breaks up with me on monday
>Before we had even been broken up for a week she had already hung out with him multiple times
She's probably out having great times and I'm still a miserable broken piece of shit

>sexual transmission of AIDS

Listen to

I know this feel user
My gf started turning towards me when texting so i couldnt tell what she was writing and one weekend she wanted to see some band perform. When she came home the first thing she said was that she wanted to break up and that i should move out.
The day after she changed her status on FB to in a relationship with a new guy

Over a year ago and i still havent been able to move on
how long ago was it user?

It's scary how fast they get over the relationship, or rather, how long they've been out of love but stayed anyways. Stay strong user. Keep liftan, and one day you'll find a new qt3.14 we're all gonna make it brah.

why arent you helping her overcome her addiction if you love her so much?

>not being able to move on from an obvious slut

You're never going to leave humanity behind if you do stupid shit like this.

Here's one that happened on Saturday.

>be me wearing regular v neck shirt
>fits perfectly
>just got a good haircut
>go to the mall, need to buy some things
>see familiar chick with a group of chick friends i've never seen before on the escalator
>oh shit it's my ex
>sort of acknowledge each other but still ignore
>as i pass them hear 'that guy is pretty cute'
>tfw her friends don't know im her ex
>tfw i dated her pre-lifting
>tfw i still think about her
>tfw i still probably care about her

Fuck you A. I treated you good. Why'd you break up with me?

I cant move on because i need to either:
1. Fuck several girls and get it out of my system or
2. get a new gf for somewhat steady access to pussy

Its crazy hard to achieve either of these things, i knew being single was going to be hard but not this fucking hard

>her friends think you're cute

You win user, you fucking win

This happened around 2 months ago
>date for a year and a half
>she told me wanted to marry me
>things stopped working
>next day find out she cheated
>over next few weeks find out she cheated on me with 3 other guys too
>she cheated on her last bf too
>feels fucking awful

good thing is that at the time of this I had lost about 60 pounds for her, and because of her I've now lost 85 pounds (down to 185) and have never looked this good before

Thanks, whore

This. Social exclusion only worsens the problem

>I treated you good
>Why'd you break up with me?
That's why.

Nice. You learned something and made physical gains.

It was 6 months ago or so
Yeah it is, after 3 years together she was so easily willing to throw it away, I don't think I'd ever be capable of doing something like that
I guess men just become more attached and loyal, I still can hardly even find other girls attractive, romance is so dead to me right now, as is my ability to trust people anymore

A thousand times this.

What the fuck
This will honestly give me nightmares

How the fuck can you be so cold

Id love to say it gets better with time but it wont, you will still think about her occationally no matter how much time passes

Girls are able to throw things away because they have much better ability to preform mental gymnastics
If she is bored with you and wants to leave she will make sure to annihilate EVERY thing she finds attractive about you and repeat it like a mantra until it becomes true
Scary part is they do this while still in a relationship with you and while they are getting ready to meet a new guy and mentally prepare for this you dont have a clue whats going on

Even more fun, the guy she left me for beat his last girlfriend, don't believe she knows this, I think one of her friends is going to tell her actually

Yep, some of the mental gymnastics and excuses she threw at me while she was using as her "reasons" to break up with me were ridiculous, hypocritical and very unfair, her being with that guy wasn't brought up while we were breaking up but I did confront her about it a few days later

>all this advice around staying with the druggy

kek, you guys are retards. You dont stay with druggies, you dont sleep with them, you dont interact with them. You stay as far away as possible because they are ticking time bombs, you dont wanna get caught up in the blast radius.

Or maybe she will learn firsthand :^)

> tfw can't feel sorry for bitches who get beaten

Given the kind of vapid sluts that are idolised on this board, why are you even surprised?

>wah i want a qt3.14 sexy af high test Veeky Forums gf
>wah the obviously vain and superficial bitch did not take our relationship seriously

It's possible, after so long together I still have some care for her just because it's incredibly hard for me to throw away all my feelings for a person, I don't want her getting seriously injured or whatever, but I can't say she doesn't deserve it if she ends up getting a slap from him or something

Keep doing what you're doing OP. Junkies will always be junkies. No matter what you say, how many times you say it to them, there's always a demon in their head telling them to go out and get high. They're willing to do almost anything to get it, including fucking other guys for cash/drugs/whatever. It's hard to hear I know, but the other choice is to get with someone who is on a path to hell.

>reading relationship sections on women's forums
>thread about some minor problem with a guy
>50 women telling her "dump" him while OP reluctantly agrees

I hate to break it to you but thats not always the case
My exgf was far from a superficial slutty party going girl and more of a stay at home homemaker type of girl but she still left me for another guy

Girls are girls, if they feel like they can do better relationshipwise they sure as balls will try to get it and in this day and age there are 10/10 guys ready to date that same night with IG/FB/tinder


Fair enough.

But it cannot be denied that there is a correlation.

Of course, some of you guys could just be shitty bfs (the needy lost puppy attitude is rarely attractive).

please tell me you don't think that "fixing" people you have feelings for actually works.

No, my ex - my high school sweetheart and the girl whom I thought I'd grow old and die with - tried her hardest for the sake of our relationship before she simply told me that she no longer loves me. Looking back on it, I know I pushed her away.

There are some real cunts out there. But in my experience it is usually the man who exhibits indifference and/or infidelity to his other half, driving her away.

That's never an excuse to cheat, though. And if they do cheat they should have the common courtesy to tell you rather than turning it into an affair.

Sure, the more superficial the girl the easier she will dump you. thats true

I cant speak for all guys on here but i wasnt a needy puppy, i was quite the opposite and that was a problem
I wanted to study, lift and do stuff while she wanted to stay at home and for me to be with her 24/7, she found a guy to fulfill that need

Im really opposed to whining but its really sad that we´ve only managed to make pussy rarer and dick more easily avaliable with improved technology, since getting out on the single market i feel my worth as a person has dropped to zero since there are very few girls and a metric dickton of guys

>But in my experience it is usually the man who exhibits indifference and/or infidelity to his other half
I cant relate to this, the indifference part...maybe but not the cheating part
Im struggling as fuck to even get a new relationship, how the fuck does one manage to fuck a new girl while having a relationship and logically more limited time to meet a girl?

I had a good friend who used to sleep with hookers every once in a while
>last year he fucks a hooker again
>he offers him free coke and he snorts it with her all night
>he thinks she likes him.because she wants to meet him again
>they meet,fuck and snort coke a couple times
>he eventually gets addicted
>the prostitute calls her pimp and he pays my friend a visit
>pimp says stay away from girl,she really likes you and i but i cant let this happen
>friend is scared as fuck and agrees
>pimp tells him that if he ever need something weed coke heroin to come to him
>friend thinks the pimp thinks he's cool
>friend never sees prostitue again and eventually buys coke with all his money every month

Fast forward about half a year

>hanging out with another friend
>heroin addict is there
>he brought coke as always and is doing lines every now and then throughout the day
>offers me some
>I refuse multiple times
>the other friend is older than me and tried to look out for me all my life as best as he could
>he tells me that its ok if i want to try and that 1 line isnt going to kill me or make me an addict
>do one line
>throat feels like shit had to drink 1 litre of water
>no real effect

>an hour later older friend tells me not to do another line and that he just wanted me to try it once in my life so i know not to do coke if someone asks me when drunk at a party or something
>He tells me that our addict friend is giving me free coke to make me addicted and re-sell his drugs to me so he can buy more coke
>he tried and succeded with his own brother
>He tried doing it with everyone he knew
>me and older friend agree to never meet up with him again until he's clean

Havent seen him since

On phone, no greentext.

I used to "see" this girl that was pretty high test, but she had a boyfriend that she was scared to leave, because he was kinda abusive(old school Mexican). Her and I posed as bestfriends, and he never questioned it. I was really beta, even though I could've Batista-Bombed this guy into next year, fucking beaner. She has a little brother, him and I were pretty cool, and looked up to me. Little brother didn't like Beaner. On to the Story.
Little Bro, GF, Beaner, and user are sitting down at GF's house, eating Pizza. Out of nowhere, Beaner starts insulting little Bro, and little Bro is starting to tear up. Little Bro asks Beaner to stop, and Beaner says "Shut the hell up", I'm frustrated, but still beta, so I mumble "C'mon, don't talk to him like that." Beaner then tells me "Why don't you shut the hell up too". GF chimes in "Beaner, please", Beaner responds "You too, bitch." I don't know what happened, but the next thing I knew, I had him pinned against the porch pillar outside, his feet off the ground. I set him down, and he gets embarrassed and leaves. I go back inside, thinking I'd be a hero, but no. GF upper cuts me in the gut, and tells me I had no right to do that. Little Bro though I was god though. GF doesn't talk to me for a couple of weeks, find out Beaner went by after I left and hit her or something. I finally hear from her and she tells me what happened, and I'm still on my powertrip from standing up for myself, and her ig, so I decide to confront him. When I finally find him, GF is next to him, cussing at me, telling me to stay out of their relationship. I lose it, and tell Beaner that I'm more than just her bestie, and he starts yelling at me and her, while she's yelling at me, and I'm just there regretting telling the truth. It's been 4 years now, she told everyone that I was insane and that I have a small penis, but I'm clearly not insane. She "forgave me" a couple of days ago, even sent me a friends request.

cheating isn't nearly as hard as getting into a relationship though. you just need to be degenerate, get drunk and fuck a slut. done.

This just happened. Buckle up, lads. Pt. 1

>Begin as fwb a year ago.
>Company and sex goes well.
>She develops feelings for me.
>Eventually give her the impression that we were in some kind of relationship.
>I break things up because I was too apathetic to deal with emotions.
>A few days after the feelings come rushing in and I realize that I do in fact love her.
>Come back and patch it up.
>Decide to cut off all my hoes for her.
>Months progress and she becomes distant.
>It becomes apparent that our personalities do not mix and probably never did.
>I end it and when she asks why I give her the whole thing.
>She understands and we end things on good terms.
>A month or so passes and I hear that she is taking a trip to California.
>I hit her up and tell her that I hope it goes well.
>She becomes all emotional and tells me how much she misses me.
>Ever fiber of my being is telling me to leave her on seen.
>I reply, thus making another mistake.
>While she's at Cali all I hear is how much she loves and misses me, how she cannot wait to see me.
>Think that things are getting better and maybe she'll quit being all distant.
>She returns from the trip.
>Less "I love you" coming from her.
>No more talk about wanting to hangout.
>Back to being distant, moreso then before.
>Literally bipolar-tier.
>Call her out on this and all the little things that have stacked up.
>Constant arguing and bickering from here on out.
>We talked again tonight after a slight argument yesterday.
>Everything was fine.
>One minute we're talking about peanut butter cookies and books.
>Then I ask what she is up to, she answers and asks me the same.
>I respond and end it with "no homo" (I was watching the Olympics).
>She's literally triggered and responds with paragraphs going on about how I use that term to hide my homosexual tendencies or some shit that has to do with masculinity, etc.
>I was joking the entire time.
>Call her out and tell her to chill.

>one of my exes
>she was a pshycho, clingy and manipulative as fuck
>sex was absolutely mindblowingly good
>she was even into anal
>dump her after 2 months because I'm sick of dealing with her shit and didn't see any way of it improving

>still think about the sex sometimes

>hear from my friend she hooked up with a 8/10 guy studying to become a doctor

>she cheated on him and was now getting railed by dozens of guys on tindr

>she also got fat

Feelsgood to have dodged that bullet

Am i the only one having problems with this?
I mean fucking sluts seems simple but fuck me in the ass its hard, i havent been able to do this yet despite a year in search

I think it would make me feel better

I honestly hope you are ignoring that dumb cunt.

Branch swinging is the worst the first time because you would never expect them to do something like that. You kind of assume women are like you are except they have vaginas instead of penises.

I mean how can they just move on to a new dude in a matter of days like that when you're still torn up over her? Didn't your relationship matter at all? She's just going to break up with you and start fucking a new dude literally a day later and isn't even sad about the break up at all?

Don't worry though, you'll learn.

Pt. 2
>She switches it around like she does in every argument.
>Tries to make me look like I'm the one who is triggered and needs to chill.
>Tries to make it seem like I started the whole thing despite her being the one who blew up over a simple joke.
>Enough is enough.
>Leave her on seen.

I pretty much don't plan on talking to her anymore. She may not decide to hit me up come morning because she most likely assumes that she is in the right and doesn't want to "admit defeat" or some crazy shit. Either way I really wish I had a time machine to prevent myself from hitting her up before the trip. American women are literally the worst. I don't know how you lads do it.

:( sorry bro. Let her go bro she'll just hurt you.

1Rep max bro push past the pain.

>She's just going to break up with you and start fucking a new dude literally a day later and isn't even sad about the break up at all?
In her defence fucking a new girl would make me feel better about my break up too but the difference is there is alot more ready and avaliable dick than there is pussy so being a guy means you need to deal with break ups alone

best way to get over someone is to find someone else, its just way easier for girls to do so

there's something better for you user she was just practice.

this is a 18+ website friend

I wish I was a kid again, m8.

>have 10/10 gf (won prettiest girl in school and prom queen, was athletic)
>funny and goofy as fuck
>break up after a 4 year relationship
>10 years later
>still not over her

anyone know this feeling or am I a fucking loser? Thankfully she started getting fat so its helping. kek

one person once told me "they're all cunts, user, including my mother and the virgin mary"

I had to block her. Didn't even want to think of what drama she had going on.


Out of all the reasons to be angry at modern women, jumping on dick AFTER a breakup is hardly the most egregious sin.
If men were as highly chased after, we'd do it too.

The whole being depressed for months and crying and eating ice cream is a romcom meme. When my gf broke up with me, all I wanted was to slay every pissy in sight, even though I would've traded it all just for another chance with her.


when you get a hot ass girl with a great personality you almost never get over them. dont fall in love with super hot girls unless you're confident you can get more.

>dont fall in love with girls unless you're confident you can get more

fucked for life familia

Better hope she keeps getting fat and doesnt suddenly get all fit and looks better than ever or you'll probably KYS

This thread is depressing, Women are the devil


Have you been actively working on getting over her famalam? With some chicks time isn't enough, you gotta make some mental gains to get over them.


Don't fall for the confirmation bias user. Most marriage and relationship statistics put men far ahead in the cheating category.

I think the statistics are like, 17-20% of women have cheated with a partner. You'll still have good chance of getting a decent, loyal waifu.

Yea I have. Even been with some other pretty hot girls but they never have the personality with the looks like my ex had. I dated a chick with an even better personality than my ex....but she just wasnt as attractive and it would bother me from time to time even if i tried to ignore it.. I know its fucked up but my ex was just the total package.

Sadly I fell in love and getting with all of her friends didn't do shit for me to get over her. It helped a little but only as far as sexual release. She fucked me up good, I still think about her.

It sounds messed up but can't lie to your feelings famalan

>on phone
>no greetext

Wanna know how I know you can't greentext?
I ain't reading all that shit nigger

That's just another drug, a strong one and highly addictive at that. Bios3traning made a video about addiction to it.
Anyway, if I were OP, I would try to help her, but without any romantic involvement whatsoever, because it would destroy all the effort. Of course that would require superior will and patience, but life is all about testing yourself. I believe you could do it, OP.

Tell her without "no homo", this would be your life, user.

>Or maybe she will learn firsthand :^)
or backhand

The sith lord would approve

>I mean how can they just move on to a new dude in a matter of days
I'm just guessing but I imagine in most cases they were fucking around way before you knew, so it was actually months, not days. She probably got more distant way before OP even noticed

>tfw your ex got fat after you dumped her SJW ass